What do you do for a living?

^^^^For Muni?

what other license do you need other than CPCU to do this, if any?

Actually nothing really but it'd help if you got that license. The hardest part in insurance is just getting in but once you get in and do your 2 years, you can get any insurance job after that. I know so many people with different stories so there is no real way to do it right. I myself was a graphic design major, got a temp job at a company just answering phones and got hired by a manager doing tech stuff cause he liked me. But I would say a combination of being smart and just being a social person is your best bet in. Most managers that hire know they can teach these things on the job because who learns insurance in school anyways. By the end of it, they just want to hire the right person that won't make their job any harder. The license and degrees will get you the interview and social and confident personality will win you the job. Then there is even making sure you ask for the right salary because someone could get that job because they were cheaper. So alot of new comers get salaries based in the $40k-50k just to get their foot in but afterwards if you go to a competitor, you can make almost double that and in only 3-4 years time.
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Project Manger
I make good money but my wife is currently making double.

Kanye Shrug
I work in the marketing department for one of the largest manufacturers of fire engines worldwide. I do alot of photography of the different stages of production and design marketing materials, shirts, and designed our company's calendar this year.

What's ur degree in?
^^^^For Muni?

what other license do you need other than CPCU to do this, if any?

Actually nothing really but it'd help if you got that license. The hardest part in insurance is just getting in but once you get in and do your 2 years, you can get any insurance job after that. I know so many people with different stories so there is no real way to do it right. I myself was a graphic design major, got a temp job at a company just answering phones and got hired by a manager doing tech stuff cause he liked me. But I would say a combination of being smart and just being a social person is your best bet in. Most managers that hire know they can teach these things on the job because who learns insurance in school anyways. By the end of it, they just want to hire the right person that won't make their job any harder. The license and degrees will get you the interview and social and confident personality will win you the job. Then there is even making sure you ask for the right salary because someone could get that job because they were cheaper. So alot of new comers get salaries based in the $40k-50k just to get their foot in but afterwards if you go to a competitor, you can make almost double that and in only 3-4 years time.
What kind of insurance do you write? I'm on the opposite side of you, working at an insurance agency and sending underwriters our customers. Currently working in commercial P&C. Kind of over it tbh; the pay sucks and the clients are ****.
physical therapist assistant.

i LOVE my job but ****** part time hours with a dr who doesnt know how to manage her office.Im not a school guy so im just getting experience as of now..:rolleyes
Welcome to the club Experience is good. Once u feel comfortable....branch out and it'll be better. I work at a snf and home health
Site manager for a security firm, 40k. Cake job but no more advancement. Looking to switch careers and jump into IT. Working on my BA right now and hope to get my A+ Cert in the next 6 months to hopefully land an entry level help desk job while finishing school

Good luck bro, make sure you learn your printers, the command line, and some other simulation stuff. If you've been working with computers for a while it shouldn't be too hard.

25, visual marketing at a tech company. Around 50k with overtime/bonus, hopefully higher with a raise in a few months . Getting IT certifications on the job too hoping it will take me further.

Also currently planning to go to grad school, doing whatever it takes to get in and taking some prereqs at the moment
Definitely IT/IS or business. 

I'm 22 and stuck between doing something I'm passionate about and doing something with a good job market in the future.

Right now I'm doing supply chain. The prospects for the future are looking bright, but then again I like to help people out whether that be the lower class who are struggling or people with mental health. I hate corporate America, as corporations get off with subsidies and all this BS...I'ma need some time to reflect.
Architectural design assist
At the moment i am helping design hospitals pretty much around the nation. Finished up 2 major projects in Wisconsin and currently doing some stuff in Michigan.
IT Support Specialist
Work for an advertising agency
Money is pretty solid, but I need to stop procastinating and get my CCNA.
What kind of insurance do you write? I'm on the opposite side of you, working at an insurance agency and sending underwriters our customers. Currently working in commercial P&C. Kind of over it tbh; the pay sucks and the clients are ****.

I write Crisis Management which consists of Product Recall, Product Contamination and Kidnap and Ransom. I work at Liberty but it's a subsidiary called LIU (Liberty Insurance Underwriters). I think the Liberty Mutual side does P&C where as my office is more specialized lines. I can only imagine how it is on the broker side. I always hear it is only for specific type of people. I know I can't broker all those relationships.

Kind of cool to know NTers are in this field. I wish I knew some in SF cause I'd buy them a drink just cause.
I'm 22 and stuck between doing something I'm passionate about and doing something with a good job market in the future.

Right now I'm doing supply chain. The prospects for the future are looking bright, but then again I like to help people out whether that be the lower class who are struggling or people with mental health. I hate corporate America, as corporations get off with subsidies and all this BS...I'ma need some time to reflect.

Remember, if you major in something you love, you'll never work a day in your life—most likely because there's no job market for it.
^^^^^Sounds like all 22 year olds. Then when they hit my age, they wonder where their life is. Haha.

The whole corporate vs non corporate is a tough battle. I've been there and hate it to this day. I always wondered how my life would be if I did the art thing that I loved so much and honestly, I doubt I'd be anywhere with that if I pursued that instead of corporate life. At least if any, corporate life gives you a little piece of mind. Pay might not be as great from the start but knowing you have things like medical and dental and 401k is big thing. As a young person, no one really figures to think about things like that but honestly, everyone gets there at one point or another.

But my advice, do the passionate thing still as long as you have a back up plan if that fails. Then at least you can say you didn't try for it.
What's ur degree in?

Graphic design

I got the job through a temp agency after relocating from Illinois. I have excellent benefits and i often manage myself. I just started helping the engineering department with their truck blueprints by coloring them in and applying graphics. With any luck, I should see another raise really soon.
But my advice, do the passionate thing still as long as you have a back up plan if that fails. Then at least you can say you didn't try for it.

Wholeheartedly agree. My hobby is tech and music, lately I've been brainstorming a website and recently put it into motion because it gives me an outlet for my passion for tech aside from work. Also I like doing music on the side but I will not give up my job trying to "make it".

A lot of my friends are doing that, more power to them, but I want to have the means to take care of myself and eventually a family before I start blowing money on all that. My career and education are way more important in securing my future than my hobby.

It also helps that I do creative (video) work at a tech company, and every day I learn something new, in addition to my role of education the masses about our software. I got a lot of battles and I feel like I'm fighting the right one.
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