What Makes People Think That Carmelo Anthony Is An "Elite Player" ???

Same thing that makes #6 "elite"
This question has been labeled on Melo for some years now. Sometimes he has his moments and sometimes he doesn't. He gets buckets inside and out and at times is unguardable. Maybe it's his record in the playoffs compared to others. To add, his lack of defense is documented too.
Not to Player A> Player B, but I think a healthy debate could still rage about Melo v Durant

I'm sure the consensus is that Durant is elite, I am one of them, so is Melo really that far behind Durant where we wouldn't call Melo elite either?
How isn't he?

Offensively he's without a doubt the most versatile player in the league.

Have the Nuggets missed the playoffs since he's been there? (didn't feel like googling)

Dude is a winner.
He's definitely an elite scorer. And when you're an elite scorer, that pretty much automatically makes you an elite player to many people.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

How isn't he?

Offensively he's without a doubt the most versatile player in the league.

Have the Nuggets missed the playoffs since he's been there? (didn't feel like googling)

Dude is a winner.
Is he though? 

He's definitely an elite scorer. And when you're an elite scorer, that pretty much automatically makes you an elite player to many people.

Pretty much.  Good player, but I think he's overrated as @@@%.  We'll see what he's made of in his first full season in NY.  I got a feeling that the whole STAT/Melo combo will fall apart due to ego. 
It is obvious. He scores a lot of points.

I don't think he is overrated. How do people overrate him? People say he is a great scorer. Nobody calls him a great PLAYER. He is just popular. He is what he is. Everyone knows what he is.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It is obvious. He scores a lot of points.

I don't think he is overrated. How do people overrate him? People say he is a great scorer. Nobody calls him a great PLAYER. He is just popular. He is what he is. Everyone knows what he is.

The same way people overrate you.  It's a matter of opinion. 
How is he not an elite player? I guess you'd have to define "elite." If you say top 1% of the league, then I could see how he would be counted out. But if you say top 5%, I really don't see how Melo wouldn't be included. In the latter regard, he's statistically elite.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by DubA169

the thing could fall apart but it won't be because of ego.

I'm curious as to your reasoning....

if they were all about ego than why would they be pushing to join forces in the first place? 
Either way neither one would be dumb enough to want to go it alone in this top heavy Eastern Conference. Melo doesn't seem like a leader anyway so I think he would let Amare be the more vocal person in the locker room.

New York is so starved for a good basketball team that both will be getting love and chants from the crowd. Neither one is gonna be off to the side forgotten. 
Originally Posted by bballj228

Melo has the mid range and post up game that Lebron doesn't have

But doesn't have the defense presence that a motivated 'Bron has.

"Melo is overrated. I never wanted him to wear a Knicks' uniform.  The Knicks were better before the trade, and if the Knicks knew about the package the Nets were offering the Jazz, I'm sure Deron Williams would've became a Knick.

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

the new york market is going to make him be false advertised as a superstar.

Too late for that bro.  They did it before the trade here was official.  NYC is so thirsty.  

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Have the Nuggets missed the playoffs since he's been there? (didn't feel like googling)

Dude is a winner.

He's not a winner.  So we gonna forget about all those 1st round flameouts pre- Chauncey Billups'?  'Melo has only gone past the 1st round once and that was moreso due to Chauncey Billups' presence.  

DubA169 wrote:
DoubleJs07 wrote:
Originally Posted by DubA169

the thing could fall apart but it won't be because of ego.

I'm curious as to your reasoning....

if they were all about ego than why would they be pushing to join forces in the first place?
Either way neither one would be dumb enough to want to go it alone in this top heavy Eastern Conference. Melo doesn't seem like a leader anyway so I think he would let Amare be the more vocal person in the locker room.

New York is so starved for a good basketball team that both will be getting love and chants from the crowd. Neither one is gonna be off to the side forgotten.

'Melo wanted to be trade to NYC because of the off-court oppurtunities and he wanted to sign that extension.  People knock 'Bron for having lots off things going on off court, but 'Melo is just as worst. 

I do 'Melo and Amare will butt heads a couple teams, because the Knicks in my opinion is Amare's team, and as we know 'Melo tends to be a black hole on offense
i would say cause he can score at will. also you guys are comparing him to other elite players (recap the names mentioned thus far) Lebron and durant....only other 2 you can add that are "more elite" is Kobe and Dwade...Dirk as well.

I would say he is.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by DubA169

the thing could fall apart but it won't be because of ego.

I'm curious as to your reasoning....

if they were all about ego than why would they be pushing to join forces in the first place? 
Either way neither one would be dumb enough to want to go it alone in this top heavy Eastern Conference. Melo doesn't seem like a leader anyway so I think he would let Amare be the more vocal person in the locker room.

New York is so starved for a good basketball team that both will be getting love and chants from the crowd. Neither one is gonna be off to the side forgotten. 

From my POV, I think that the last 1/4 of the season was nothing but the honeymoon phase.  Everything was fine on the surface (for the most part).  I'm going to be real curious to see how things go from the jump in the 2011-12 season.  Amare has ALWAYS wanted to be the man and I think he was enjoying life in NYC as being "the" guy.  The whole Melo dynamic switched things up.  I could be totally off, but it seems like there was more hoopla surrounding Melo's arrival than Amare.  There were times in phoenix when he was frustrated that he didn't get his shots....on top of it all, I think Melo has a 50 point game on his resume while registering ZERO assists.  Of course these are small examples, but I think that things could get rough down the road due to ego. 
You obviously didnt see Game 2 in the playoffs against Boston. That's one of the best Knicks games I've watched.

Sure his defense could be more efforted, but dude's scooring ability is up there. And he has a killer instinct.

You all saw how Amare wore down to the end of the season. He needs that second player to take the scoring load off of him. They both can eat here. Melo's better on the boards as well so that's another plus. 

Melo will give your favorite small forward buckets. Ask Lebron.  
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