What ONE public figure has been the most influential to you/your life???

UNCFATfan I know and have interacted with P personally and I can honestly say he is one of the most humble SUPER down to earth dudes I've ever met. (Check out the Oscars on Sunday and show support, he is scoring them with Hans Zimmer.) I'm going to have to go with Steven Spielberg for the way he ROCKED my imagination and made so many films that had MAJOR effect on me growing up. If you're a 80's baby there is no way this dude didn't impact you. "The Goonies", "Empire of the Sun", JAWS, Close Encounters, E.T., ,Jurassic *!%%!$% Park"! "The Color Purple", "The Indiana Jones trilogy", "Back to the future" , "Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker" and literally hundreds of other projects. This dude is the main reason I wanted to be a film maker growing up. I still remember waking up one morning and seeing the cover of "Time" magazine on the kitchen counter and seeing that T rex from J.P. on the cover and just being captivated. The images, the sounds, the scores, man its because of him I realized the impact of film on the psyche.

And there's not a damn thing wrong with anyone saying obama
^ I like that post. Especially where you say the "I realized the impact of film on the psyche". I realized that a lot growing up. Film (any art) is a medium that connects to you and you live all your emotions through it. It becomes your best friend, your teacher, your lover, and your greatest enemy all in one shot.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

The ones idolizing rappers who made millions off of drugs and gun talk, need no acknowledgement, that's just smh style.

I am not a republican, an anti-democrat, any BS like that. I am anti our flawed gov't and it's evil powerzszsz.

I mean, I was realistic about my "hate" towards him. In all actuality I think Obama is an awesome dude. Any president who can ball and be as cool as him is good in my book.

But, still no president really deserves acclaim they are just puppets...and he is even kind of a republican.

but republican is probably just a BIG WORD you know, but do not know the meaning of
I would presume that you have no idea what Republican is based on your post history in this thread.  You haven't put out a coherent reason for your "hate" for Obama. 

Anyways carry on, because I really can't figure out what you are trying to say based on the bolded statements. 
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Originally Posted by M4rioL

Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Kept it real ... your example: the MTV awards, this guy got upset about an award in which he wasn't nominated for (female contenders) and steals the microphone to say who he thinks should of won. Sounds like a whiney baby to me, but if thats the one person that influences you then that speaks volumes about your character.


people like others who keep it real others don't, there's times when you should speak and times when you shouldn't. like shoefreak said not every feeling needs to be expressed, Kanye chose his various 'moments' and he's known for what he is today. Is it better to know how someone really feels then never or real late? in an kinda same example is Would everybody still liked Jordan if him being a-hole was known to be 100% fact during his prime instead of retired and years after touching the court? only to be found out with Chamillionaire and past teammates stories etc

I don't really know what you were trying to say ... But for what it is, yes I respect people that speak their mind when doing so for a cause. I can only think of two events w/ Kanye, feel free to correct me if there are more. When he said Beyonce should have won & that George Bush does not care about black people, I'm sure many people think the same way but they have blogs. I mean people take it like Kanye was talking about genocide or something, sure at any point I can tell you who I think should win best music video and I have heard comedians & entertainers say George Bush doesn't care about black people well before Kanye.
Kanye has more spotlight on him which makes his words more powerful than majority of bloggers or comedians at best guess. whether you call it smart or just plain stupid Kanye said his things when the spotlight was the biggest giving him the biggest reaction, whether good or bad, many famous people throughout history speak on the biggest stage for greater effect, I'm saying Kanye is dope to me because when on the biggest stage he doesn't sugarcoat it like most politicians/famouses, yes some of the actions give the symptoms of a d-bag, but hey to him it had to be told.

another event is when he went to the MTV European awards, didn't win best video (the only one he cared for) got up when Justice took the acceptance speech and said "your show loses credibility if I don't win" or something really along those lines. be it he apologized later because he never saw the winning music video before and once he saw it he openly said they deserved to win and its better. Later both would collab on Kanye's next video which was Good Life. video is Justice- DANCE

in no way I'm insulting/hating you fam btw
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