What year will religion finally be extinct?

Yea, he doesn't believe in the same imaginary being I do....let me react with violence. Typical.
So, you dooooo believe in an imaginary being after all......hmmmm

Sounds like....
So, you dooooo believe in an imaginary being after all......hmmmm
Sounds like....

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Obviously Anton was being sarcastic.

I always come back to the same question when talking to some of my religious friends, some who I love dearly. Why do you want there to be a god? It's a good question. I mean if believing in god is having faith, it means you have purposely chosen to seek him. Good on you and that. But when someone questions the existence of god, it seems that those with faith can't fathom the nonexistence of god. Like it is out of the question...which in a way is sort of admirable. I've always been of the 'if you are going to believe, believe it to your heart's content.'

But surely the absence of god would be the more ideal situation. It would mean that most things would be in your control. It would mean that the catastrophic events that occur happen due to natural occurrences rather than them being the work of god. If you got a raise or promotion, that would be because you worked hard and deserved it, not because of some divine intervention. If you survived cancer it would be because you were assisted by amazing doctors that were put in place to help you. If you had a baby after trying for years, it would mean that you found a way for it to happen.

I think maybe the absence of god would do wonders for self esteem. If you accept that god isn't real, you are more prone to making things happen for yourself. You didn't get the promotion due to god wanting you to have the job more than someone else who prayed to the same god.

The fear of god would be eliminated and you'd be left to your own devices. People would live as if their rewards are here, not some ethereal afterlife. I have friends of all sorts of religious persuasions, none of which I clown on. One thing I always notice though is that they see their reward for good behavior as being one that is awarded after they leave this life. I like to think that my reward is always present. It always shows itself in the faces of those I help, my successes, and my ability to sleep knowing that it only gets as good as I make it.
people believe in different things,whether its aliens the easter bunny jesus satan or joseph smith 

no need to bash anyones beliefs but when those beliefs cross into our government and our politicians are saying that god wouldnt want certain types to get married and blah blah blah

then its time for those people to be removed from power, it sucks that the conservative right always uses christianity to push their anti-gay anti abortion agenda..that makes all christians seem like hateful bigots i am not christian, i was born catholic but never got into church ..i was turned off from religion at an early age, then in middle school i met this dude that was such a nice guy and a christian but as we got older his relationship with the church just became unhealthy he would invite us over then we'd get there and it would be a trap to try and convert us...he'd ask us if we were living our life for god and this and that..
 i never told him that it was ridiculous but i just told him that i live my life for me and if whoever is in charge of this crazy world doesnt like it then ok it can tell me later on in the after life or w/e...

some people just believe in different ish no need to call em crazy or stupid, yes some of it is insane but thats what they choose..

religion and race are the 2 main things that will lead to our destruction..
interesting vid for those interested in biblical history.
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Most people need something to believe in. They do not have faith in themselves alone. They need to look to something greater than their mind, body and soul to explain things.
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