whats the best glue to repair your shoes with?


Apr 19, 2009
my nike the gloves is coming apart in the front part of the shoes. whats the best glue for that problem?
Shoe goo has worked great for me. Even the soles I repaired a couple years ago are still good to go.
IMO its Shoe Goo stuff works good and it does not dry hard, it drys more like rubber. So it will bend and flex with the shoe.
power bond.
it can hold anything together. strongest glue ever
NASA uses it. i personally havent tried it, i dont have any seperating shoes right now but i heard a lot of great stuff about it
Shoe Goo sucks.
Gorilla Glue, at your local hardware tore will do, just make sure you let it completely dry out for 3-4 days before wearing the shoe again.
^^^Shoe Goo worked good for me but Gorilla Glue will work just as good.
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