what's the most points you ever dropped in a basketball game? (playground or school team)

some where in the 40s. can't remember exactly... All I know is I was fed up as hell a bunch of times after dropping 20+ in the first half and then basiclynot getting any touches in the 2nd half...
18 in middle school (I wasn't very good)
The rest of my team only had 9 points combined if that means anything.
used to avg 25 in a rec league

I dont keep score during the game....I would need to carry a calculator
lol in 7th or 8th grade rec league our team scored 46 and i scored 42 of the points

it was all of cherry pickers, i was fast so i was just designated to stay at half court and then they'd chuck it down the court to me, and the other teamwas too ******ed to stop it

I scored about 90 points in a 2 on 2 game going to 115 points.

And I scored 10 points in a full court 5 on 5 game to 15. All of my points came from 5 2-pointers.
25 points in a rec league too, but the rec league was pretty bad, i was like one of the older kids and girls played

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