What's the most ridiculous thing someone has asked you at work?

Jan 10, 2010
Years ago when i worked at geek squad, i got a call from a guy who was beyond irrate

Client: “I just bought this computer on Saturday. I come in today to use it and it won’t turn on. I can’t believe you guys sell such pieces of %$%$ that they stop working in one day.
I work at the creative department at an ad agency. Yesterday, I had to pitch a co-workers idea to a client because he was too wasted.

This dumb girl called and asked if her shipment came in when she ordered it the same day and has the tracking number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She thought it teleported from Florida to California in a matter hours when she ordered ground. 
Client: "You mean I have to pay to use your gym?"
Me: "Yes ma'am your two week pass has expired."
Client: "Well can I sleep on it?"
Me: "Sure"
Client: "Okay, well I'm just going to use the treadmill for 15mins."
Me: "You have to be a member here."
Client: "Really?"
Me: "Yes."
Client: "Really?" *seductive voice*
 "Yes.." *nodding up and down*

Edit: New one....

Me: "Thank you for calling the Fremont/Newark Y, how can I help you?"

Person: "Yes, Hi is this the? ....I don't know how to pronounce this..'' *states tech business name*

I was working at Mcdonalds (It was inside a Wal-mart) and once in a while I would have to go on a garbage run but to do it I would have to walk through the Wal-mart store to get to the warehouse , atleast once everytime I went people would ask me where items are like I worked at wal mart and I would explain to them that I worked at McDonald's and not wal mart (The uniforms looked nothing alike) but this one time this lady thought I was rude because I didn't know where anything was and she wanted to talk to my manager so I just pointed her to some random employee
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

do you work here?

no, i just like putting %#%% on the shelves, wearing this %#@*+$! uniform and name tag cause i have nothing else to do.

of course i work here %!%#@.

7 years of retail over here
This Asian dude asked me if I rapped.  True story.  He was a co-worker too.  Fired within the next week.
Her: where is the time machine?

Me: o_0 you serious?

Her: I mean ATM

Me: down the hall...
Asked me if i wanted to take all the money out the cash register with him....

I was like c'mon man what would i look like robbing from my job????

Long story short i said, YES.  
Had a new kid start work like 3 weeks ago. We start at 8am, by 9am this dude was dead asleep in the chair next to me while I'm trying to train him. I was like whattt, but I gave him a 2nd chance, next day one of our sales managers dropped by my location, I go to dude, "I'm going to security to get somebody I'll be right back" I come back w/ the sales guy and dude is knocked out cold, I was gone maybe 3 mins.

So after the sales guy leaves, I was like homie you gotta go, you can't be asleep at work. He goes "Why not? It's not like we were doing anything" I just gave him a stone face.

The most wild thing ever asked to me in a store was, "Do you where such and such product is?" Problem w/ that though, I was at Sephora with my gf, and if you've ever been in there, they wear all black. I was wearing a navy blue and gray striped sweater. And I am a 6'1 285lb black guy. So I was like "no", and girl gave me the nastiest look and went over to a manager and pointed at me. I was just like lol, what is wrong w/ people.
here's 2 i got quite often when i worked at lids

customer  "do you guys sell hats"
me (struggling to hold in my laughter)  take a look in the store and see for yourself sir.

customer  "can i get a discount on these hats im buying"
me  "sure but go to chick fil a and get me a 8 pack of nuggets and some lemonade
customer  "why would i do that, i'm trying to save money?"
me  "why would i give some random stanger a discount?"
customer  "
your customer service sucks"
me  "thank you
  have a wonderful day"
"do you work here?" followed up by "you sure you work here?" then hit me with the "you must be gay then, huh?"  

closed-minded female clients don't ask for no help, but the DTE girls are chill and already know males give the best advice for lingerie.

"what do you think would look good on me? *spins*" "can you find me something really slutty?" "how many girls have you $#%^ so far working here?"

also euro clients don't care. they will walk out the fitting room with v-string lingerie babydolls and ask for your opinion if they sexy or not. 

other customers in store always got that 
 face when foreigners do that, while I'm just posted giving them the 
Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

Had a new kid start work like 3 weeks ago. We start at 8am, by 9am this dude was dead asleep in the chair next to me while I'm trying to train him. I was like whattt, but I gave him a 2nd chance, next day one of our sales managers dropped by my location, I go to dude, "I'm going to security to get somebody I'll be right back" I come back w/ the sales guy and dude is knocked out cold, I was gone maybe 3 mins.

So after the sales guy leaves, I was like homie you gotta go, you can't be asleep at work. He goes "Why not? It's not like we were doing anything" I just gave him a stone face.

The most wild thing ever asked to me in a store was, "Do you where such and such product is?" Problem w/ that though, was I was at Sephora with my gf, and if you've ever been in there, they were all black. I was wearing a navy blue and gray striped sweater. And I am a 6'1 285lb black guy. So I was like "no", and girl gave me the nastiest look and went over to a manager and pointed at me. I was just like lol, what is wrong w/ people.
Originally Posted by akaValentino

"do you work here?" followed up by "you sure you work here?" then hit me with the "you must be gay then, huh?"  

closed-minded female clients don't ask for no help, but the DTE girls are chill and already know males give the best advice for lingerie.

"what do you think would look good on me? *spins*" "can you find me something really slutty?" "how many girls have you $#%^ so far working here?"

also euro clients don't care. they will walk out the fitting room with v-string lingerie babydolls and ask for your opinion if they sexy or not. 

other customers in store always got that 
 face when foreigners do that, while I'm just posted giving them the 
I want your job.
Originally Posted by akaValentino

"do you work here?" followed up by "you sure you work here?" then hit me with the "you must be gay then, huh?"  

closed-minded female clients don't ask for no help, but the DTE girls are chill and already know males give the best advice for lingerie.

"what do you think would look good on me? *spins*" "can you find me something really slutty?" "how many girls have you $#%^ so far working here?"

also euro clients don't care. they will walk out the fitting room with v-string lingerie babydolls and ask for your opinion if they sexy or not. 

other customers in store always got that 
 face when foreigners do that, while I'm just posted giving them the 


you work at victoria secret?
I was the only cashier that day and there was a long line building up because of her

Her: Yo check this out, check this out...You ever tried these M&Ms?
Me: Nah, I haven't.
Her: You wanna be my boyfriend?
Me: Um...(Trying to think of an excuse) I just got out of a relationship, no thanks
Her: You should visit me sometime, my aunt's market is across the street
Me: That's cool, but I don't live near here, pretty busy
Her: Oh, try to come by anyway
Me: So would you like these M&Ms?
Her: Nah *leaves*

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by akaValentino

"do you work here?" followed up by "you sure you work here?" then hit me with the "you must be gay then, huh?"  

closed-minded female clients don't ask for no help, but the DTE girls are chill and already know males give the best advice for lingerie.

"what do you think would look good on me? *spins*" "can you find me something really slutty?" "how many girls have you $#%^ so far working here?"

also euro clients don't care. they will walk out the fitting room with v-string lingerie babydolls and ask for your opinion if they sexy or not. 

other customers in store always got that 
 face when foreigners do that, while I'm just posted giving them the 
I want your job.
I HATED fast food. 

me: Hi thank you for choosing Arby's may I take your order?

idiot: Are you guys still open?

me: ...yeah

customer: iight lemme get x then

me: Sorry duke we're fresh outta that. The car in front just bought the last one. 
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by akaValentino

"do you work here?" followed up by "you sure you work here?" then hit me with the "you must be gay then, huh?"  

closed-minded female clients don't ask for no help, but the DTE girls are chill and already know males give the best advice for lingerie.

"what do you think would look good on me? *spins*" "can you find me something really slutty?" "how many girls have you $#%^ so far working here?"

also euro clients don't care. they will walk out the fitting room with v-string lingerie babydolls and ask for your opinion if they sexy or not. 

other customers in store always got that 
 face when foreigners do that, while I'm just posted giving them the 
I want your job.
eh, retail stock/merch flow supervisor gig @ Victoria's Secret. been doing it for 3 years and it's getting pretty tired now to be honest. 
6am shifts on sundays/mons to do floor sets(no sat night fun), dumb female co-workers talkin about drama, and simply mall life is wack. 

3+ more years of school to go. 
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I was the only cashier that day and there was a long line building up because of her

Her: Yo check this out, check this out...You ever tried these M&Ms?
Me: Nah, I haven't.
Her: You wanna be my boyfriend?
Me: Um...(Trying to think of an excuse) I just got out of a relationship, no thanks
Her: You should visit me sometime, my aunt's market is across the street
Me: That's cool, but I don't live near here, pretty busy
Her: Oh, try to come by anyway
Me: So would you like these M&Ms?
Her: Nah *leaves*


she was that ugly?
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