What's your most memorable moment of 2011?


Nov 13, 2009
Seeing Adele live in DC or finally seeing Eminem at Bonnaroo. Can't choose.

What was your most memorable moment?
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Getting bunz... seriously... I had a %$!$%@ year...
I got to see my grandmother in the Philippines in March.
Haven't seen her since 2002.
Despite having dementia, she recognized me for a split second, a moment of clarity.
She died peacefully in September, and she was 92 years old.
Getting the keys to my new apartment. First moment I moved in.

Felt like achievement unlocked.
-First roadtrip in my first car (RIP 96' Volvo) to Austin for the Bob Marley Festival
-St. Patty's Parade
-Boyfriend's Birthday Camping Extravaganza
Ocean City md over the summer (drank way too much)
Front row WTT at First Mariner in Bmore
Got promoted at work
Erin express in Philly st pattys day weekend
Sarasota Florida for a week to see my mom on her Bday and Christmas

In general it would have to be women though....had some fun times this year.  Single for the first time in a long time all year.
Spending two weeks in Hawaii with military, this was in February and I still don't think I've grasped how much fun it was.
Kicking it in Baton rouge while working there this summer, I love living in new places.
Traveling to NYC. It's been the first time since forever that I've been on a plane and the first time traveling outside of my state.
my sister completing her first college semester back at college, this after she suffered from a brain infection that left her in a coma and almost brain dead a year ago
Originally Posted by luxurious24

my sister completing her first college semester back at college, this after she suffered from a brain infection that left her in a coma and almost brain dead a year ago
That's crazy! Was it of the spinal cord, or of the brain itself?

As for me... Actually I'll change it from the original post to something a little more important. After about 5 years of dispute between my team and my university (I've been here for 3 years of it,) the university officials finally accepted us as a school-sponsored sport. It's a long story and I don't want to bore everyone, but essentially we couldn't attend the National Tournament due to my school not signing a waiver for us to go. Now, those times are over and done with... and we get new jerseys.
seeing 3 of my favorite bands: Deftones and New Found Glory in May and Thrice in October.
the moment I dislocated my knee.
the Jose Reyes signing.
Graduating high school.
and seeing

Fleshgod Apocalypse, Whitechapel, As Blood Runs Black, Dying Fetus, The Faceless, Six Feet Under, Animals as Leaders, Between the Buried and Me, and Obscura.

2011 was a pretty good year for me 
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