What's Your Oldest Memory?

was about 3, remember walking through my great grandma's house and playing with one of those fake ovens for kids.

told my granny one day, and she bet me to explain the layout of the house. i explained it, she was like
I must've first learned to walk...But for Christmas my dad bought me a Chuck Norris action figure. My dad was showing me how it worked and Chuck chopped me in the nose. I can still feel it.

It was this one:

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Around 2-3 years old, earthquake then volcano eruption in the Philippines.
Very vivid details of being held and carried outside, seeing things fall off the shelves.
I also remember the ride in the car as the ash fell on the windshield, it looked like snow, but grey.

Mt. Pinatubo? Damn, couldn't remember that. I was about 2 or 3 when that happened as well. I was probably asleep around that time.
Christmas of '89...i had just turned 3. I can recall vivid details of what people were doing, what people were saying and even what toys i was playing with and what i was wearing. what sticks  out most is me playing with my cousin's barbie corvette and her getting pissed off so i went upstairs by myself to play with legos. It trips me out exactly how much of that event i can recall all the time. I have a very good long term memory...just wish my short term was just as good 
I remember getting my first bike, but a little toddler bike and i fell into a thorn bush. I didnt remember this, but my uncle had a video recorder and showed me the tape of that christmas, i was probably 2 or 3. After i saw the video, everything came to me about the bike and falling into the thorn bush. it was crazy.
My first memory is of my grandfather's funeral from when I was like 3 years old, unfortunately it means I have no recollection of ever having met him
I remember thinking this one area in NYC was Puerto Rico because of all the flags when I was about 4.
Fell down a sewer while riding my bike when I was little.

For some reason, I remember there was a lot of crayons and chalk in that sewer or I'd probably hit my head too hard that day and my memory is f'ed.
And I also remembered watching my first porno when I was at least five or six. I remember that day like it was yesterday. lmao
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Around 2-3 years old, earthquake then volcano eruption in the Philippines.
Very vivid details of being held and carried outside, seeing things fall off the shelves.
I also remember the ride in the car as the ash fell on the windshield, it looked like snow, but grey.

Mt. Pinatubo? Damn, couldn't remember that. I was about 2 or 3 when that happened as well. I was probably asleep around that time.
Yup. I remember the windshield wipers pushing the ash, it was real thick. I had the back, middle seat view of it.
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