When is it ok to chase a ring? or say you cant be the man to carry a team?

I don't think it's ever okay to chase a ring. Of course non star players, role players, and 2nd options get that pass.

I can't say what KG and Malone did was the same thing. To me Karl chased. KG did the 2nd part of that question. To me if you tried and failed it's up to you to say when it's okay that you can't carry a team by yourself, be humbled, ask for help or go help a help peer in a similar situation. Now if you still in your prime I won't be mad if you simply not about that life and choose to team up with somebody like Bosh and LeBron did. At times, from a basketball standpoint, I feel that's better than doing what JJ did by taking all that money and then not even play close to your full potential.

Dudes who chase kinda get forgotten and I chuckle when they bring up their ring. I barely remember that Zo and Gary have rings (not saying Zo chased but risking that health just to keep playing
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

that rich bastard nash... how dare him..
Huh? That made zero sense with what I said. Might make sense to a couple of assumptions you may have regarding what I said, but your response makes no sense to what I actually said.
Zero sympathy for me. I'm not saying he gets no sympathy from me because he's a jerk; no, not saying that at all. I'm just saying that in the end, if I go lose every game I play at the park here in a little bit, I go home sore... the end. If the Suns lose every game they play for the next week, he goes home sore… and rich as hell.

it was just a playing off what you said... im not saying anything against it...
Man you can chase a damn ring whenever the hell you want. What gets me is people use the whole, "Don't take the easy way out." Man it will never be easy to do. I don't care how stacked your squad is. It will not be easy. Who the hell are we to say that only a TRUE competitor takes the hardest path. Why? We don't do it. Look at us, when we are at work we are on NT. Most of us don't do a damn thing at work.

But since they are playing basketball we should hold them to a different standard. None of that matters. Get a ring how you get it. Point blank. Cut out all of this conditional winning nonsense.
Ok, I'll play along.

Why the 'rich bastard' label? Because that certainly isn't playing off anything I said. Sure, the word 'rich' is playing off of what I said, but the negative implication that comes from calling someone a 'rich bastard' is certainly not playing off of what I said.

And 'How dare he'? How dare he what? I didn't say he was doing anything outlandish or undeserving.
your looking too much into it... bastard is just a word a throw out... and how dare him is him being sore AND RICH
^^^ but shouldnt you want to contribute to a winning team instead of coming off the bench or put in garbage minutes just to get a ring??
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I don't think it's ever okay to chase a ring. Of course non star players, role players, and 2nd options get that pass.

Trollin. Has to be

So then what's the point of playing if you can't chase a ring. Because at the end of the day, that's what everyone is doing, and is the OBVIOUS point of the game
Originally Posted by Freeze

i have no problem saying the pressure is too much for you and you need help. i get that. i wouldn't necessarily do it, but i understand the mindframe. but just dont be mad or pissy later on when it affects your legacy. cant have it both ways.

Share in leading the team, share the ring.
I think if you are a top 3 player in the league and a every 10 years type of player then you should at least try to be the man for the majority of your prime. 

Thats why I can't rock with LeBron signing with the Heat.  He's been to the Finals with a good team around him.  With better pieces he probably could've won a ring.  Also I understand Wade is older and already has a ring but I'd rather see him play against LeBron and be a rival. 

When a PG, SF, C join forces its one thing because the flow of the game is the same.  Its team more team concept.  But 2 All-World wing players on the same team actually limits them.  Think about it. When Miami plays we either see Wade go off or Bron go off or both of them play good.  They are too good of players to defer to another player. They should be going off every night and trying to lead their teams not standing in the corner while the other goes 1 on 1.
I would agree with DC and Ska but the only issue I have is someone like a Mitch Richmond where you knew his career was over. You Knew he was not going to get meaningful playing time on that Lakers Roster ( 11 minutes per game in the regular season averaging 4 ppg and 4 minutes TOTAL in the post season.) And you knew that if he was not on that team, they would most likely make it to the finals and win.

Malone and Payton were key parts for the Lakers to get back to the finals vs detroit. Mourning helped the heat get to the finals.

I am ok with it. Just Richmond comes to mind as the only one I had an issue with.
I'm just glad Dirk didn't have to do it. Glad he got his ring. However, it seems as though the man spent it all last season and just is not the same and can't find the rhythm this season.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

I'm just glad Dirk didn't have to do it. Glad he got his ring. However, it seems as though the man spent it all last season and just is not the same and can't find the rhythm this season.
Dirk stated it himself.... he lost his drive and motivation during the Summer....

C'MON.... shooting 18% from the 3?? Worst than his rookie season
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Man you can chase a damn ring whenever the hell you want. What gets me is people use the whole, "Don't take the easy way out." Man it will never be easy to do. I don't care how stacked your squad is. It will not be easy. Who the hell are we to say that only a TRUE competitor takes the hardest path. Why? We don't do it. Look at us, when we are at work we are on NT. Most of us don't do a damn thing at work.

But since they are playing basketball we should hold them to a different standard. None of that matters. Get a ring how you get it. Point blank. Cut out all of this conditional winning nonsense.


Please show me one time that had an easy route. Even if Miami won last year yall act like they were undefeated. Stop it. You guys care about the simplest things. ESPN makes millions off yall with their topics in the sidebar keeping yall entertained
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