Why do people keep saying bad guys finish first nice guys last?

Aug 30, 2016
Whoever came up with this saying is it totally true or totally false?  It's like nowadays a man has to have a little dirt on him to be successful....being a super nice guy will get you nowhere. Why do a majority of women prefer the bad guy mentality? What's the real answer? I did read somewhere that nice guys are boring that's why they can't get any girls.
A nice guy is a guy who thinks being nice is enough to attract women.

There are other attributes besides being "nice" that women find attractive. Figure those traits out and you will flourish whether you are nice or not.
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Once they get this thug passion, they treat this thang like a buffet.
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Those are just beta excuses.

A man's gotta accept who he is and roll with the punches. Chalking up L's to external factors is beta.

"Damn I'm broke, I hate my job. Why does that guy get paid so much to do such and such... that's not fair."

"Damn I can't get a girl. Why does that slimeball have a good looking girl."

Accomplishes nothing. You can't control what women want. The reason James Dean and his bad boy persona was such a sex symbol was because that's who he was. You can't fake that. Women aren't into bad boys... they're into men who are true to themselves, and if that means bad boy then so be it.

I hope you aren't confusing nice with shy and quiet because those attributes will hold you back. Get out, be social, and be the nice guy you are if that's who you are. It's all a numbers game at the end of the day. The bad boy posted up on the wall might attract women but he still has to put in the work. A reserved, nice guy gotta get off his *** and spit his game too. Women just want to be engaged in meaningful conversation and they feed off a man's pheromones. Read up on PHEROMONES. It's the reason an 8/9 chick will sleep with a 6/7 dude if the timing is right!
For nice guys finishing last, I think of it more like "guys who are too nice finish last". You can be a good person, but if you let people walk all over you and take advantage of you, you'll never get what you want or get ahead in life. This applies to coworkers, women, family, etc.

For example, I consider myself to be a generally nice guy, but I had a coworker that completely screw us over on a client we were working with, and my client tried blaming the both of us equally for messing up. I basically said @$%@ all that, threw my coworker under the bus and told my client that I was the one working day and night for them while my incompetent coworker wasn't doing @$%@ (which is the truth) , and got hired by my client with a 30K raise and stock options a week later, while my coworker got fired by my previous firm. I know so many people that I've worked with that would just stay quiet and not do anything about it though, which to me is being too nice. If my coworker was actually trying his best and made a mistake, I would've taken my client's criticism, but I felt that my hard work was being taken advantage of, so I decided to make a move.
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From what I've seen, men that think they are "nice guys that finish last" typically have far more issues than they realize. 

Edit: It also depends on what you define as "nice".
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Because bad guys only care about themselves and their own well being. Their wants and needs come first so they look out for themselves primarily.

Nice guys are often very soft hearted, tend to put others first.
Good guys don't WIO it's a charatistic trait of a bad guy.
And yes it does work :pimp:
Whoever came up with this saying is it totally true or totally false?  It's like nowadays a man has to have a little dirt on him to be successful....being a super nice guy will get you nowhere. Why do a majority of women prefer the bad guy mentality? What's the real answer? I did read somewhere that nice guys are boring that's why they can't get any girls.

It's another way people get on their moral high ground tbh
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July 22, 2016

Now, an article in the British Journal of Psychology has followed through on this logic to find out whether more altruistic people aren’t just more attractive, but actually have more sex. This is an important test because as Steven Arnocky and his colleagues explain, “… it is actual mating outcomes which ultimately contribute to the evolution of particular phenotypes”. Stated differently, if the more altruistic of our forebears were not only perceived as more attractive, but also had more sex, this would help explain why many modern humans have inherited the inclination to be altruistic.

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You can be a nice dude and not be a simp

Most nice dudes are simps

Simps finish last
Pretty much what everyone else has been saying.

I actually made a thread about this awhile ago

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