Why do we refuse to take Child Molestation seriously when the offender is a Female?

double standard.....if it's consensual then men and women should get the same time 

but them slutty broads always get off light

no difference b/t a  grown man or woman having consensual sex with a minor.......both are wrong and they obviously should know better 
if the young lad consented, why are we examining this further?
A child cannot consent.

Good topic OP. I commented on this situation a few weeks ago on Twitter. No one bats an eye when a woman does it and says the boy should be happy and is a snitch for telling, but when a man does it, he's crucified.
This is a huge reach but it could have to do with how sex happens. The man enters the woman so when an older woman is having sex with a boy he still has to enter her. I think outside of the moral (there's a better word i can't think of) factor people don't see it as being as bad because the male has to have an erection and enter the woman.
OR, wait for it, the kid could have been penetrated. Molestation doesn't always mean that there is sexually intercourse.
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But you do know the brain, and the prefrontal cortex, is stimulated by our experiences (what we see, feel, and hear). The quality and quantity of these experiences will impact how and what our brain interprets.

We aren't prefontal cortex's sitting in a jar in a dark room man. We are humans who have all kinds of different experiences, and our brain interprets those experiences for us. Our mind and body are connected.

Yes, and taking that into consideration; what kind of effect do you think a 15 year old being involved in a sexual relationship with an adult authority figure he trusted will have on him in the long term ?
Yes, and taking that into consideration; what kind of effect do you think a 15 year old being involved in a sexual relationship with an adult authority figure he trusted will have on him in the long term ?

What difference t would it have made if the kid was dating someone his own age...or two years older?

If he got hurt, he got hurt. He probably would've handled it the same way...except his peer wouldn't have gotten in trouble.
Yes, and taking that into consideration; what kind of effect do you think a 15 year old being involved in a sexual relationship with an adult authority figure he trusted will have on him in the long term ?

He caught feels for her. I don't see where any real irreparable damage was done though. We've all been through heart break. It just happened to him earlier. He should learn from this experience instead of cry about it IMO. I dunno honestly this is very interesting and I see where you're coming from. It's just so...weird to hear of something like this. The alcohol and drug use involved is also interesting.
He is a child.
If you can pop wood you're not a child any more. We got "child molestation" in the title. This young man is not a child. Sure is acting like one though.
That logic is so faulty I don't know where to begin
Under 18 = Child
According to the law in Virginia. But do you really believe this yourself?
The age of reason is technically met by 7. That's when we know right from wrong. So yeah, a 13, 14, 15 etc. year old knows what he's doing.
In comparison to whom? According to what you said, yeah they might know basic right from wrong, but the skill of reasoning factors into that. Kids that age, still don't fully understand grey area matters. A 7 year old's understanding of right vs. wrong is markedly different. 
The age of reason is technically met by 7. That's when we know right from wrong. So yeah, a 13, 14, 15 etc. year old knows what he's doing.
The kid said in the video he knew what he was getting into.

Everyone develops (both physically and mentally) at different times/paces any way. Mental development and maturity is largely based on life experiences. To set a standard age for such a thing seems ludicrous, but I understand it is in place to give everyone the same rights under an umbrella.

No it is not.

Mental development and decision making processes are largely based on the prefrontal cortex, which is not fully developed until the age of 25.
No it is not.

Mental development and decision making processes are largely based on the prefrontal cortex, which is not fully developed until the age of 25.
I disagree.
Then how can we explain some of the explanations created by NT'ers over the age of 25?
From my understanding you fit in that category. The sword swings both ways.
Really? Earliest I can recall popping wood I was 8 or 9. I wouldn't consider myself a child at the age. But I get it. It's all relative to your definition of a child, kid, young adult, adult, whatever.

Legally, you're still a child. I'll speak strictly in a legal sense in this thread from now on I guess :lol:
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So an eight year old can consent? Can an eight year old boy/girl flirt with their attacker?

In regards to this incident I do not believe this young lad was 'attacked'.
They're saying that a MINOR can not consent. I'm saying under the eyes of the law that's correct.
And I think you're taking a drastic turn here, 8? Really? But yes, an eight-year-old can. They not fully understand the ramifications of their actions, but they can agree to something if it appeals to them in the moment.
Let's stay within the parameters of the debate.
In regards to this incident I do not believe this young lad was 'attacked'.
They're saying that a MINOR can not consent. I'm saying under the eyes of the law that's correct.
And I think you're taking a drastic turn here, 8? Really? But yes, an eight-year-old can. They not fully understand the ramifications of their actions, but they can agree to something if it appeals to them in the moment.
Let's stay within the parameters of the debate.
We're done here.
Is all that you guys do is argue on here? We need the real OG's back
So y'all are OK'ing sex between a 15 year old and a 25 year old as long as the child says ok? lol
I'm not arguing with anyone on the legality. Actually really enjoying this conversation with dankenstien88 dankenstien88 about the developmental aspect though. And I think the law may have gotten it right with the lesser punishment for adults who engage sexually with 15, 16, and 17 year olds opposed to 14 and under (that's just pedophilia and the punishment should be as harsh as it is). Because I think, some "children" are very developed physically and/or mentally at ages 15-17 and could be considered adults outside of the law.

I think the law should apply equally to males and females also. Lock this broad up! :lol:
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Yes, and taking that into consideration; what kind of effect do you think a 15 year old being involved in a sexual relationship with an adult authority figure he trusted will have on him in the long term ?

What difference t would it have made if the kid was dating someone his own age...or two years older?

If he got hurt, he got hurt. He probably would've handled it the same way...except his peer wouldn't have gotten in trouble.

If you don't see a difference between two people the same age dating and a teen dating an adult authority figure, I really don't know what to tell you.

Yes, and taking that into consideration; what kind of effect do you think a 15 year old being involved in a sexual relationship with an adult authority figure he trusted will have on him in the long term ?

He caught feels for her. I don't see where any real irreparable damage was done though. We've all been through heart break. It just happened to him earlier. He should learn from this experience instead of cry about it IMO. I dunno honestly this is very interesting and I see where you're coming from. It's just so...weird to hear of something like this. The alcohol and drug use involved is also interesting.

Again.... the fact she was an adult authority figure means this could have much more serious effects than you average mutual relationship between two teens that were the same age.
That kid definitely wanted it then and I feel like he's just heart-broken now.

P.S.... Would bang the 25 yr old. Any stuff about her telling him about wanting to kill her husband is too much.
Really? Earliest I can recall popping wood I was 8 or 9. I wouldn't consider myself a child at the age. But I get it. It's all relative to your definition of a child, kid, young adult, adult, whatever.

Legally, you're still a child. I'll speak strictly in a legal sense in this thread from now on I guess
So, existentially speaking you were able to hold down a full time job and be self sufficient and were mentally able to have complex cognitive thought.....at age 8?
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