Why is Cam Newton hated so much?

Jan 11, 2013
Thoughts? :nerd:

Seahawks fans create petition to ban Cam Newton from playing in Seattle

By: Luke Kerr-Dineen | January 26, 2016 11:21 am

There’s more than a subtle hint of sour grapes in this recently-launched petition attempting to ban Cam Newton for his team’s game against the Seattle Seahawks next season. It’s true that Newton celebrated quite wildly following his team’s 31-24 playoff victory two weeks ago, but as we’ve written multiple times: Chill out, fans who don’t like it. He’s having fun.

But not in Seattle. Some fans were so angry that they launched a harshly-worded Change.org petition attempting to ban Cam for his “unprofessional” behavior.

According to the petition:

Cam Newton is one of the most unprofessional, unsportsmanlike individual on the face of the planet. So I say for the 2016-2017 when the Panthers come to play in Seattle he should be banned from entering the stadium. This should teach him to put his arrogance in check!!

It continued:

Ban Cam Newton From Century link field. He is one of the most unsportsmanlike quarterbacks in the NFL and deserves to be banned from Century Link Field. He dislikes Washington as a whole anyways, so why not move to make this possible.


Full Context of Cam Newton Comment About Being an African-American Quarterback

By: Ryan Glasspiegel | 3 hours ago

Cam Newton, speaking at Wednesday’s media availability, was asked about being a lightning rod. There will be thinkpieces. Our friend Bill Voth at Black and Blue Review transcribed his full answer:

“I think this is a trick question because if I answer it truthfully, it’s going to be, ‘Oh, he’s this, that.’ But I’m going to say it anyway. I don’t think people have seen what I am or what I’m trying to do, and I said that prior to me being in this situation. But when I said it then — ‘Oh, he’s immature. Oh, he’s young. He’s this, that and the third.’ It’s like I felt a certain type of way then, I feel the same type of way now. Nothing’s pretty much changed. They talk about maturity with me; they talk about skillset with this team. Nobody has changed. It’s been the same Ted Ginn that was drafted by the Miami Dolphins. It’s the same Jericho Cotchery, the same Philly Brown, the same Cam Newton. Nothing’s changed.

The only thing has changed is that we’re winning. I said it since Day One: I’m an African-American quarterback that may scare a lot of people because they haven’t seen nothing that they can compare me to. It’s funny, I get inspired — It makes me go out there and practice even harder because I remember when I was working out for the Draft. I would see the Senior Bowl playing and I see these guys out there busting their tails trying to get drafted, try to have a job to provide for their family or themselves. And it’s like, here I am, I’m doing exactly what I want to do, how I want to do it and when I look in the mirror, it’s me. Nobody changed me. Nobody made me act a certain type of way and I’m true to my roots. It feels great, but yet, people are going to say whatever they want to say. And if I’m in this world living for that person — ‘Oh, this person is going to say this, this person is going to say that’ — then I can’t look at myself and say I’m Cam Newton, or I’m Cameron Newton to most people. Because I’m not because I’m living for you.”

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Young black and fly.

No one writes their congressmen when Rodgers Discount Double Checks.

Brady and Rivers yell at coaches and players and it'd because they are "fiery competitors". Dez Bryant tries to hype his teammates up and he is "arrogant, crybaby, and a sore loser". You already know the narrative.
do people really hate him tho?

or is the media taking the letter that old lady wrote & running with it?
Thread worthy when discussed in two seperate threads and you didn't even post a good starter? No links to videos, stories, comments? C'mon now
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I think there are two things going on. One is that his being black is a mark against him. In sports you can be popular by being two of the following three things: Black, great and arrogant. Woe betide the athlete who dares to be all three of those things.

There is also the fact that sports relies upon a suspension of disbelief, you have to believe that the game is more meaningful than it actually is. That suspension of disbelief is jeopardized when players show any sense of levity or joy. Players must play dispite injury or a birth or death in the family. Coaches decisions must be second guessed days and weeks and months after the fact. Every score, turnover or in or out of bounds call partially has to be reviewed by the Supreme Court. We have flyovers and military honor guards.

All of these things are in service to the collective hallucination that a football game is a solemn, sacramental and paramilitary exercise. Cam Newton and his Panthers teammates threaten to shatter that illusion.
who actually hates him?
he gets scrutinized for his father taking the money but i don't think people hate him.
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Whoever signs that Seattle petition is a Complete and utter Moron. Real talk. Some people need better love making in their lives, then you wouldnt be so stressed out because you let a "sporting event" get you that rattled. Jesus...
But if it works it will set a new precedent to get players banned from stadiums :lol:
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] at anyone saying no one really hates him

Do a google search, then a Twitter search [emoji]128514[/emoji]
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] at anyone saying no one really hates him

Do a google search, then a Twitter search [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Yep. You can go into any "Comments" section of any Cam Newton article and read the most disrespectful, asinine statements about him lol.
Same with Vick

Same with Ben

Same with Tom

Same with Burfict

Same with JFF

Twitter is ugly
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