Why is Carmelo so chubby?

Mar 17, 2008
I mean dude plays and practices so much. Is he just eating too good (bad)? It's weird that him and Lebron had the same build coming into the league andlook like day and night now. I'm not trying to disrespect dudes game, just wondering why he looks like Big Baby, so Carmelo Stans hop off.
I have never really remembered him being all that small. Always was a little big if you ask me.
Originally Posted by MegaMayhemNY

You seen his calves ...... and the way the sweat drips off them though!

say word?
LMAO at that Ne-Yo pic

I read that Melo stays eating crab cakes when he goes to Baltimore, so thats probably why.
ima say AYO because the OP stay saying questionable things on here......and he's prob worried about this in a questionable way
Originally Posted by M Gooseworth

He's not
rookie photo, anyways melo is not chubby or fat. He in good shape but he has no definition and he has a chubby face which makes you think hes alil big.
Yeha he's been packing on a few pounds this year. Definitely gets his grub on. His weight always fluctuated since HS.
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