Why Most Minority Kids Can't Swim....

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Sixfoot nathan

black people scared of everything
I hate to make generalizations, but there may be a little bit of truth to this.

Anyhow I grew up with a pool in my backyard. I just got back from taking a dip in the shallow end. My body just doesn't float....I'm denser than most people trust me I've tried.

I tie a rope around a pole to dive in the shallow end with a snorkel.


Anybody with lungs, breast, a big but, or any sort of body weight CAN float. Spread your weight out... keep your lungs above your knees. Your knees are the densest part of your body and they'll pull you down at first. Just don't ball your legs up. flail em if anything. Lord know my leg kick is $%+..
. But yeah,  eventually, you will do the dead man float though. Just relax.. hold your breath and let your back rise out of the water on it's own. The rest is just finding your buoyancy equilibrium and pulling yourself through the water while pushing the water down that's under you. I find it odd that people have to be taught how to swim. All you gotta do is let yourself learn.. use the shallow end. It's MUCH harder to swim in shallow water because less water is actually supporting your weight.. but you won't be afraid to drown unless you're a pansy
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Sixfoot nathan

black people scared of everything
I hate to make generalizations, but there may be a little bit of truth to this.

Anyhow I grew up with a pool in my backyard. I just got back from taking a dip in the shallow end. My body just doesn't float....I'm denser than most people trust me I've tried.

I tie a rope around a pole to dive in the shallow end with a snorkel.


Anybody with lungs, breast, a big but, or any sort of body weight CAN float. Spread your weight out... keep your lungs above your knees. Your knees are the densest part of your body and they'll pull you down at first. Just don't ball your legs up. flail em if anything. Lord know my leg kick is $%+..
. But yeah,  eventually, you will do the dead man float though. Just relax.. hold your breath and let your back rise out of the water on it's own. The rest is just finding your buoyancy equilibrium and pulling yourself through the water while pushing the water down that's under you. I find it odd that people have to be taught how to swim. All you gotta do is let yourself learn.. use the shallow end. It's MUCH harder to swim in shallow water because less water is actually supporting your weight.. but you won't be afraid to drown unless you're a pansy
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

Originally Posted by J23S

I'm black and can't swim

My two little sisters can though. I'm not afraid but I had a bad experience my first time trying to swim. I'm going to try my luck this summer though.
Its like when i try my body just sinks like a ton of bricks

I've heard there is some truth to this.  I had a teacher in HS who was an olympic level swimmer and taught adult swimming lessons on the side.  He told me that he had the most difficulty with african american students, not because of technique but due to their body type.  (flame away for the racial generalization) african american men tend to have more muscular builds, and muscle sinks like a rock, whereas fat floats.

lucky for me, i always had a pool growing up so i learned at a very young age how to swim.  i find it pretty sad when i meet full grown adults today who are afraid to go in the water because they dont know how to swim.  not only is it a survival skill, but its damn fun to jump in the water at the pool, river, beach, etc...  my wife and i have already discussed teaching our future children to swim at a very young age.  i fully intend to teach my kids to swim the same way i learned.

take off them floaties
toss em in the deep end
let fear and instinct take over

if for some reason they start to drowned, then of course i will jump in and fish em out.  if 1 try fails, we can try again tomorrow. 
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

Originally Posted by J23S

I'm black and can't swim

My two little sisters can though. I'm not afraid but I had a bad experience my first time trying to swim. I'm going to try my luck this summer though.
Its like when i try my body just sinks like a ton of bricks

I've heard there is some truth to this.  I had a teacher in HS who was an olympic level swimmer and taught adult swimming lessons on the side.  He told me that he had the most difficulty with african american students, not because of technique but due to their body type.  (flame away for the racial generalization) african american men tend to have more muscular builds, and muscle sinks like a rock, whereas fat floats.

lucky for me, i always had a pool growing up so i learned at a very young age how to swim.  i find it pretty sad when i meet full grown adults today who are afraid to go in the water because they dont know how to swim.  not only is it a survival skill, but its damn fun to jump in the water at the pool, river, beach, etc...  my wife and i have already discussed teaching our future children to swim at a very young age.  i fully intend to teach my kids to swim the same way i learned.

take off them floaties
toss em in the deep end
let fear and instinct take over

if for some reason they start to drowned, then of course i will jump in and fish em out.  if 1 try fails, we can try again tomorrow. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Sixfoot nathan

black people scared of everything
I hate to make generalizations

No you don't

swimming has more to do with your environment I've lived in FL for my whole life so of course I know how to swim
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Sixfoot nathan

black people scared of everything
I hate to make generalizations

No you don't

swimming has more to do with your environment I've lived in FL for my whole life so of course I know how to swim
Why would skin color affect swimming ability? I work at a pool in Portland and it is, for the most part, the difference in ability to afford the lessons. Predominately white kids fill the swimming lesson spots, however black, white and hispanic kids come with groups like the YMCA all the time which does not teach them how to swim, just how to jump in and get saved.
Why would skin color affect swimming ability? I work at a pool in Portland and it is, for the most part, the difference in ability to afford the lessons. Predominately white kids fill the swimming lesson spots, however black, white and hispanic kids come with groups like the YMCA all the time which does not teach them how to swim, just how to jump in and get saved.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by davidisgodly


most minority kids can't swim is because they don't have pools in the hood.

false, they got pools all over NYC>>>>>

nothing but mass in the highbridge park pool in washington heights
Im saying though..Pools in NYC dudes just be standing in nothing higher than 4ft admiring the mass..only time they go under water is to look at more mass

I only know how to swim because im West Indian and was forced to learn how to swim
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by davidisgodly


most minority kids can't swim is because they don't have pools in the hood.

false, they got pools all over NYC>>>>>

nothing but mass in the highbridge park pool in washington heights
Im saying though..Pools in NYC dudes just be standing in nothing higher than 4ft admiring the mass..only time they go under water is to look at more mass

I only know how to swim because im West Indian and was forced to learn how to swim
I grow up with a huge pool less then a block away and it was in the middle of the projects thing that made me want to learn was watching the older folks diving into the deep end off the lifeguard high chair
My grandma who couldn't swim showed me what to do
and I learned that way.
She knew the different strokes and rules, but just never attempted it herself.
Most of my family loves to swim. We're black.
I grow up with a huge pool less then a block away and it was in the middle of the projects thing that made me want to learn was watching the older folks diving into the deep end off the lifeguard high chair
My grandma who couldn't swim showed me what to do
and I learned that way.
She knew the different strokes and rules, but just never attempted it herself.
Most of my family loves to swim. We're black.
I worked up at a Summer Camp for Lower Income kids in Spanish Harlem a few years back.  End of the summer we went on a trip outside the city upstate somewhere.  I was one of a handful people out of the counselors and a couple hundred campers that could swim
.  I don't buy that fear %%%% to be honest.  While it prolly has a little cultural aspect to it, I find it hard to believe that this is not mostly a financial issue.

Joe Delaney, a former player for the Chiefs (African-American), died himself trying to save two kids from drowning even though he couldn't swim himself.  It's said that so many kids don't get to enjoy the pleasure of the water.
I worked up at a Summer Camp for Lower Income kids in Spanish Harlem a few years back.  End of the summer we went on a trip outside the city upstate somewhere.  I was one of a handful people out of the counselors and a couple hundred campers that could swim
.  I don't buy that fear %%%% to be honest.  While it prolly has a little cultural aspect to it, I find it hard to believe that this is not mostly a financial issue.

Joe Delaney, a former player for the Chiefs (African-American), died himself trying to save two kids from drowning even though he couldn't swim himself.  It's said that so many kids don't get to enjoy the pleasure of the water.
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Anybody with lungs, breast, a big but, or any sort of body weight CAN float. Spread your weight out... keep your lungs above your knees. Your knees are the densest part of your body and they'll pull you down at first. Just don't ball your legs up. flail em if anything. Lord know my leg kick is $%+..
. But yeah,  eventually, you will do the dead man float though. Just relax.. hold your breath and let your back rise out of the water on it's own. The rest is just finding your buoyancy equilibrium and pulling yourself through the water while pushing the water down that's under you. I find it odd that people have to be taught how to swim. All you gotta do is let yourself learn.. use the shallow end. It's MUCH harder to swim in shallow water because less water is actually supporting your weight.. but you won't be afraid to drown unless you're a pansy
Dude is giving swimming lessons on NT. I've seen it all now.
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