Why people do this?

Oct 27, 2009
 Why would somebody go to a funeral and have the nerve to take a pic of the person in a casket every time im on myspace, facebook etc I see some bird whit a pic of a dead person on there page has any body else seen such
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

i want to delete it now
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Delete your account while you're at it. I don't understand why you would post that on here. [/color]
A girl I work with went on facebook and told me to look and it was a picture of her brother with his hand on their grandfather in the casket. I was like WTFFFFFF lol. Then she showed me more pictures of everyone dressed up posing, like it was a party. I asked her simply why? And she said because "we looked fly". I walked away. What kind of people act/do that?

Originally Posted by WhIpwReCkEr

A girl I work with went on facebook and told me to look and it was a picture of her brother with his hand on their grandfather in the casket. I was like WTFFFFFF lol. Then she showed me more pictures of everyone dressed up posing, like it was a party. I asked her simply why? And she said because "we looked fly". I walked away. What kind of people act/do that?

I seen some where the person was smiling and posing like it was a club pic and smiling like they just pulled off a big insurance scam
i don't see a problem with it. people think too highly of the dead, it's just a dead body get over it. if i wanted to remember what they looked like before they went in the ground i would take a picture
Originally Posted by Damu

i don't see a problem with it. people think too highly of the dead, it's just a dead body get over it. if i wanted to remember what they looked like before they went in the ground i would take a picture
thats why you should of already have a pic of them alive smiling full of life instead of lifeless and dead
Originally Posted by Damu

i don't see a problem with it. people think too highly of the dead, it's just a dead body get over it. if i wanted to remember what they looked like before they went in the ground i would take a picture

I hate this too. Sme boy did this of a friend and I thought it was very tacky. Like that's not even your family so it's really not his place IMO to be putting up pictures of our friend in a casket. Very tasteless.
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