Why Should I Remember to Put the Toilet Seat Down??? Males & Females chime in plz

Sep 20, 2006
Last night I had a conversation with my wife and her parents regarding the reasons I should let the seat down. We argued for over an hour as to why men aresupposed to let the seat down after they urinate. WHat difference does it make? Their main argument was that it's rude to leave the seat up, butcouldn't explain why it was rude. Help me here...

- I come from a family of 3 men, and 1 woman
- Her family has 4 women, 1 man
They can LOOK, BEFORE they SIT. Thats my theory
or we could just put the seat down. I have perfect aim anyway
I see it as just doing something to get along with people. If I'm doing something that I know bothers someone else, I'm not going to keep doing it,regardless of how I may personally feel about it. Common courtesy.
Well to be honest we shouldn't "have" to because they act like it's so hard to check it... We check it before we take a dump right?
But sometimes you gotta cater to women being they're the lesser species and all. And it's not really that hard to do... I've gotten used to doingit
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

I see it as just doing something to get along with people. If I'm doing something that I know bothers someone else, I'm not going to keep doing it, regardless of how I may personally feel about it. Common courtesy.

I see your point, but if I dont understant something or believe in it then its hard for me to do. They argued that its manners like eating dinner with yourelbow on the table, covering your mouth when you sneeze/cough, etc. Things like that you do in front of other people...hence manners. You use the bathroom solo(well most times) so that is my private time. I just dont see it.
Seriously tho, why is it a big deal? I feel they should leave it up for me since i'm the man of the house.
I keep my elbows on the table on purpose wishing somebody will say something. They never do though
I grew up in a house with 2 sisters in a mother so I was raised to put the toilet seat down after using.

My roomate was a only child growing up and had his own bathroom so he's used to leaving the seat up.

My girl also lives with us and they go back and forth all the time about him leaving the seat up and not putting it down after using it.
Call me narotic, but i hate anything that is left "open" even the toilet seat (top) cover, i really don't care if its up, i do look before isit---cause there was one time i fell in LMAO... I just don't want the dog going in and drinking the water and then comnig to me after (eeewwww!!) and Ialso hate cabinet doors being left open, closet doors open...it just bothers me, I have to close everything! ! !
Common courtesy is men putting it down when they are done and women putting it UP when they are done. No reason dudes should have to show that respect whenwomen don't.

Again females just need to LOOK before hand, it SHOULDN'T be that hard to LOOK before hand. If I have a daughter I will make sure she doesn't complainabout petty things like this to her man
Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Call me narotic, but i hate anything that is left "open" even the toilet seat (top) cover, i really don't care if its up, i do look before i sit---cause there was one time i fell in LMAO... I just don't want the dog going in and drinking the water and then comnig to me after (eeewwww!!) and I also hate cabinet doors being left open, closet doors open...it just bothers me, I have to close everything! ! !

so essentially you dont care because you look regardless, but have a "things open" fixation. how many males females in your household??
Huh ...

Girls are like dogs mang .. you have to trained them .. I used to leave the seat up and she started complaining so I left it down and started pissin all overthe seat and she was screw that .. put the seat up and she hasnt bother me ever since ..
Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Call me narotic, but i hate anything that is left "open" even the toilet seat (top) cover, i really don't care if its up, i do look before i sit---cause there was one time i fell in LMAO... I just don't want the dog going in and drinking the water and then comnig to me after (eeewwww!!) and I also hate cabinet doors being left open, closet doors open...it just bothers me, I have to close everything! ! !

so essentially you dont care because you look regardless, but have a "things open" fixation. how many males females in your household??

Its myself (female obviously) my husband…our 2 yr old son…hehas his own potty, and our pit and a cat…I used to live with my mom and my sister before…but the whole toilet seat thing is whatever to me …I just don'tlike things being left open…too many accidents occur…I've hit my head too many times on open cabinets lol and the closet thing…is just sloppy!
I agree with HER. I would prefer that the toilet is completely CLOSED after it has been used. Lid DOWN COMPLETELY. Plus yall have a cat and animals drink outof toilets
I don't care if its left up, open, etc but for the most part both of us remember to keep the lid down. Especially once we get a dog, I don't want itslurping out of the toilet lol
im just used to putting it down since i have a sister and a mom in the house. when women pee/crap the seat needs to be down, when you crap the seat needs to bedown. so theres only one time when the seat should be up, so doesnt it make more sense to keep it down?
Originally Posted by mdresident

Its just a considerate thing to do...I mean its not a hard task to do.

I get that, but WHY is it the considerate thing to do? Where is this said or taught except in homes with multiple women living there? that's what theywere saying last night, but could not articulate why it was appropriate. Im lost. I see nothing wrong, dirty, rude, gross, etc with the seat up.
Because it sucks stumbling into the bathroom at 3am and having your %@* fall in the toilet because the seat is up.

You put the lid down after you're done because when you flush the toilet do you really want all of your piss particles flying everywhere and landing onyour tooth brush? Mmmm your urine is pretty tasty mixed in with your fluoride isn't it? NOT
^^In 27yrs I have not once had a problem checking (seems basic to me...really) to see if the toilet seat was up/down.

Also, my bathroom is a size that such problems like particles miraculously landing on my brush wont happen

...both are huge reaches to me.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You put the lid down after you're done because when you flush the toilet do you really want all of your piss particles flying everywhere and landing on your tooth brush? Mmmm your urine is pretty tasty mixed in with your fluoride isn't it? NOT

I thought I was the only one who did this. My sis put me on to it, there was a study and they noted feces particles float up in the air when you flush andcould potentially land on your toothbrush. Maybe it happens to all lids but if I leave it down for too long water will collect on it.
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