will I be too old to go back to school?

Thanks for all the positive insight bros. I'm gonna go to my university tomorrow and find out my options for applying to a second degree.

I know it's common knowledge that you're never too old to get educated, but I figured that by the time I complete a second degree and then an mba, I'll be 28-29 and most of my peers at that age will have well established careers by then while I'll just be a fresh grad.

We all pay attention to what our peers are doing but try not to get caught up in that.

Personal success is more important than relative success. Everyone matures and goes through different things at their own pace. Just be true to yourself.

Sounds like you're taking the right steps going to your university and talking to someone there. The university employees get paid to advise on that kind of stuff so I'm sure they can help you more than NT. Like someone mentioned earlier, try to recycle as many credits as possible towards your second degree.
im not sayin this to be a ****...........

i know 3 ppl with journalism degrees, cousins on both side an a female i know

all very smart ppl with big dreams

all struggling


its not too late, my female cousin with the degree is now going back to school she is in her 30s......shes been doing 2-3 year stints at various jobs, ATT, Hertz etc

Lol you're not being a ****, you're being real and I knew that journalism was extremely hard to get into before I chose it but it was my passion since I was in grade school and I always heard people say you should study what you love instead of the norm (I.e business, engineering, etc). The thing is, I don't wanna waste valuable years tying to become a journalist when the competition is way too high.
Lmao at 24 too old to go back to school. I remember being an 18 yr old freshman in my engineering courses dudes were 28+.
you do know the average age of MBA applicants is 28.... Right?

Really? That def makes me feel better about this decision then.

Dont be hasty. Think about debt long and hard. In this economy, pursuing another degree and incurring more debt can put you in a situation worse than you were before when its all said and done. Be thorough in your research and make sure this is something that will make you happy.

Student loans seem like fake money until you're out in the real world and getting exploited by never-ending interest rates.

Yea in Canada tuition is cheaper than the states so grads here usually graduate in the 15000-25000 student loan debt range. My plan is to work a part time job and pay off tutition on my own this time.

We all pay attention to what our peers are doing but try not to get caught up in that.

Personal success is more important than relative success. Everyone matures and goes through different things at their own pace. Just be true to yourself.

Sounds like you're taking the right steps going to your university and talking to someone there. The university employees get paid to advise on that kind of stuff so I'm sure they can help you more than NT. Like someone mentioned earlier, try to recycle as many credits as possible towards your second degree.

You're right man. I think everybody has that remorse when they feel like they're not at the same stage as their peers though.
Lol you're not being a ****, you're being real and I knew that journalism was extremely hard to get into before I chose it but it was my passion since I was in grade school and I always heard people say you should study what you love instead of the norm (I.e business, engineering, etc). The thing is, I don't wanna waste valuable years tying to become a journalist when the competition is way too high.

same with the female i knew, real passion for it since grade school

HS she was on the school paper, she went to uconn, she was involved with the UCtv, after degree she kept going for other lil things, o yea she also interned with Fox News....crazy man, great credentials an still no luck

she is a bank teller man, makin like 30k at age 27 TD bank, i actually havnt talked to her in a minute i think she been going through a life reevaulation

my male cousin went to Berkeley............hes worked for vibe, mtv, done lil things here an there nothing stuck. A lot of music industry related stuff, a few editor gigs, last i check he worked for American Express though.

funny story...................he worked with Sway before..............anyways he doesnt like that guy an my cousin chill as hell
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Some people are just scared of uprooting their life and make that jump into what they really should be doing. That transition to success seems like a pipe dream and it scares them. Gotta make that leap of faith though.
School literally can only help you but is also not the underlying thing in the long run. Just make sure it all makes sense and for your case, I believe it does. I know people that still go to school at age 30 whether it be a specialized school for a specific industry or just classes to better your knowledge at work. 24 really is not old at all. I would highly suggest it and also when you are at school, practice even more in networking and seeing if those leads can get you jobs in the long run. I believe everything is a combination of things and who you know is definitely up there when getting a job.
I got my associate's last March, quit my job to focus on getting a job, failed, started school again in August being 23. You'd be surprised how high the average age is and how many older people you see.
I got my associate's last March, quit my job to focus on getting a job, failed, started school again in August being 23. You'd be surprised how high the average age is and how many older people you see.

it really is common

my girl takes a saturday class

everyone in there besides like her an another girl are 30+
your never too old to go back to school just hope your mind is in it though... and it is a good idea to get an mba since those jobs pay well but the problem is once you do graduate you will have to go back on interviews again which is a challenge you have to face regardless...all i have to say is practice interviewing for 2-3 days before the actual interview like actually rehearse what you will say and keep it consistent in every interview... this way you will have confidence and ace the interview...
If anything, I really wish I would've did this earlier as I feel like I wasted my 19-25 years just coasting with no goals and I too, thought being mid 20's was "too old" to be in school. Ever since going back though, there's nothing like having older (30+) people in your classes because those are the really motivated types.

I feel the exact same way. If I done it differently, I would've busted my *** in schools in my 20's instead of ************ around but it is what it is. I'll back in school in for this coming semester or summer semester the latest and get my bachelors. Also, I still remember this one dude old enough to be my grandpa still taking classes in my freshman year. If he can do it, so can you.
I think you should start a content site geared towards sports news and related content. You should find business partners who specialize in media production, website design, SEO and IT administration.

I think you should work hard to make that successful, and not just for the money but, because it will give you experience in your career, and more importantly a portfolio of your work and a growing network of connections. And then when you are making a good income off of that (shouldn't be hard with the right business partners) you should take your real life business experience, and hard earned money, and then go back to school while you make supplemental or residual income while you study.

If you choose to get your MBA, you will be well ahead of the curve since you have already attempted starting your own business.
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I can't wait to go back to school in my 30's when I have multiple businesses up and running while smashing 20 y/o college girls looking for some success and liberation. [/realtalk]
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Wait...you already have a BA and you want to go back to go to grad school?

Take some accounting/advanced business classes part time, like 12 credit hours should do you.

Work a job, gain some real life experience.

Study your *** off, Take the GRE

And go to grad school when your like 25-26.

Ain't that serious.
Is your current employer paying for you to finish school now? That's the only way I'm going back.

All I'm doing now is getting certifications that my job pays for. I am starting to think about going back for my MBA though. I am lucky I was hired in a position where I get a $10K raise every year but that stops after 2016 so I'd like to be equipped with a MBA by then to assist in finding another job.

I don't see going back to school full time as an option so I will have to do the part time thing as well. Most likely will end up taking night classes. The biggest thing for me now is figuring out where I want to go when I do go back, and, of course, getting my employer to pay for it. I think these two things will be related to eachother. Gotta see what my options are.
yeah... They have tuition reimbursement, but I'm just saving all of the money they give back to me in case I jump companies or head to get an MBA...

They'll ask for it back of you dip within a certain timeframe.

Some jobs give bonuses and raises.

And my job, you get a 10% raise when you finish graduate school, and a $10k bonus if you complete the CFA...

Plus they reimburse all fees, exam costs, and materials needed to pass.
Only problem I would see is if you have kids, and/or live on your own. Hard to manage school and a full time job plus average adult responsibilities.

If you don't have any of those problems knock this thing out and definitely go to school Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer sessions. Should erase some time off.
I went back to school at twenty and I will get my masters in May 

I am currently 24

Its never too late to go back to school 
OP must be lying about his age because 24 years old is still young for school. Actually 24 is still a kid in term of mental approach imo.

OP just admit that you're approaching 30 lol. It's alright lol.

Anyway. I graduated at 27 years old last spring with a BA in business information. 28 now and working at a investment firm. I never felt old while i was in school. There are 30+ years old in almost all of my classes. It's never late to do something productive that will benefit your life.

Just think of it like this. You're going to be old later on anyway. Would you rather be old with a degree or be old without a degree?
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