Wiping the butt vol. do you stand or sit?

I think its time for some poop stories...

I remember a few years back, I was constipated BAD. Like for weeks.

I was living with my aunt and uncle and it was about 3 in the morning. I tried to go but nothing came out. I then made up my mind that I was going to poop and I was going to poop tonight! Im pushing and pushing and pushing, but nothing. Im sweating, taking 5 mintues breaks in between 20 minute attempts. I would feel the tip breaking but never had enough to get it all out. Finally, like an hour in. I break. The tip his the bottom of the toilet like it was stone and made a loud *CLINK* noise. Im sigh in relief because its finally over.......but its not. It just keeps coming and coming...my mind was done, but my angus gave no dambs. Its was like it was my angus on auto pilot. My brain was done pooping but it was still coming...effortlessly. I stood up, turned around and looked...I promise it was a log the length on my entire lower intestine.......with NO BREAK :wow:.

I tried to flush that thing. The toilet clogged up and flooded the bathroom. Had to wake my uncle to get the plunger, which did nothing. Ended up waking up the entire house trying to get my super log down the commode.
Bravo, bravo....I haven't laughed that hard in years. Doubled over laughing with tears - my wife looking at me like I lost my mind.
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Do y'all keep your bottoms on the thigh when sitting or down to the ankles?
That's what you get for using 0.5 ply toilet paper.
Bruh I thought family dollar was clutch. Lesson learned tho. U know how bad it is getting a hemorrhoid thanksgiving week? Smashed all this food and it had to come out. Had me patting instead of wiping.
IDK how folks still use toilet paper, when baby wipes been out.

i mean, there's clean, and then there's Huggies clean.

have me Diddy boppin' out the restroom..
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ya'll need to drink more water & get more fiber into your diet.

dudes walking around with a belly full of **** like that's what's poppin' in these streets.
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Flushable wipes are costing sewage companies millions of dollars due to clogging the pipes.

Anyways I'm ...

Team Standup.
Team Fold The TP.
Team Look at TP After Each Wipe.
Flushable wipes are costing sewage companies millions of dollars due to clogging the pipes.

Anyways I'm ...

Team Standup.
Team Fold The TP.
Team Look at TP After Each Wipe.

there are biodegradable flushable wipes on the market.
Remember that site ratemypix.com back in the day,

They had one where you "rate my poo"

Lulz for days. On the names

Lord of the rings
Toilet bowl cobra
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