Wish me luck. Breast surgery 6/17. Update V2. Pg 1

Jan 19, 2007

So it happens.� I'll have pics afterwards.� I'll be on injured�reserve for 6 weeks, but�I'ma pull a John Cena, and come back quick.�

So it's over.� My mouse is actin' up, so here's the meat of things.��

This was me before..............

No this is me two days later in my surgeons office,� Those two Capri Sun lookin' bottles is the blood that's draining from my chest.� Omega Red lookin' boy.

Now this is me on the table about to get the tubes removed....

Now this is me right now.

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I'm a dude. I have gynecomastia, and I'm getting my boobies removed. I used to weigh 260 lbs, and I'm down to 175 lbs.


 what I wore on the way to my surgeon.
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Originally Posted by KingJay718

I'm a dude. I have gynecomastia, and I'm getting my boobies removed. I used to weigh 260 lbs, and I'm down to 175 lbs.
impressive. congrats on that. and good luck on the surgery.
Whattttttttttttt King!..........good luck fam i remember when you made a thread about the boobs. You nervous?
OP knew damn well the confusion he was going to cause.

Good luch though bruh.
Originally Posted by Calypso Chanta

Whattttttttttttt King!..........good luck fam i remember when you made a thread about the boobs. You nervous?

Nah, I'm good.

Thank you for your well wishes in advance.
I'm almost certain I have gynecomastia, never been diagnosed and I don't really want to go through the embarrassment of surgery or whatever. It'snot really noticeable, I just have big nipples (except when cold). There is definitely extra tissue underneath though.
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