Would You Rather Lose It Forever or Never Have Had it?

Never Have It or Lose It Forever?

  • Never Have It.

  • Lose It Forever

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Nov 16, 2018
This thread was inspired by someone who was in a power position for the better part of a year only to lose it, and said person doesn’t seem to be taking it to well. In short, said person was the boss and now they’ve been demoted to being just a regular ole employee.

I will admit that the fight the person is putting up to put themself back into their former position of power is on one half extremely commendable, but on the other half you’re looking wild p-a-t-h-e-t-ic. Like my guy, you don’t got the juice anymore. You’re looking like the 2018 Undertaker out here. I don’t want to remember you like that. You were the man in 08, but that was then and this is now. Every prime has its time doggy. You did good. Just be gracious, walk away, and have a treat.

Personally, I have always said that I would rather not have it than to loss it all. It’s a different type of disappointment when you’ve been thinking about eating your leftovers from Friday’s all day only to open the fridge and it not be there anymore.

Place note that my stance could be repositioned down the line fore I evolve and change.
Lol at everyone afraid of life and choosing "Never had it."

Sounds like the mindset of "Pink Hair" Sasha Banks fan. Get your mind right and get on the "Blue Hair" train.

At least dude at your job made it to the top, while you sit in mediocrity forever clingin to "security." Pathetic.

His drive to get back to the top will probably get him somewhere better in life in the end, then someone with the "never had it" mindset anyways.
I had a coworker that was always the interim manager whenever a manager left. He was never fully promoted because he had terrible people skills.

Once they promoted someone he had trained above him full time, he quit.

Dude got his *** beat once and was saved a second time. Dude shoulda never been put in charge in the first place.

I say never have it.
Why did they demote him? Reorg?
When you haven’t knowingly had a threat in quite sometime you get extremely comfortable and in that comfort someone swoops in and takes your position.
Lol at everyone afraid of life and choosing "Never had it."

Sounds like the mindset of "Pink Hair" Sasha Banks fan. Get your mind right and get on the "Blue Hair" train.

At least dude at your job made it to the top, while you sit in mediocrity forever clingin to "security." Pathetic.

His drive to get back to the top will probably get him somewhere better in life in the end, then someone with the "never had it" mindset anyways.
When you haven’t knowingly had a threat in quite sometime you get extremely comfortable and in that comfort someone swoops in and takes your position.


Don't be looking at me sideways cause I am telling you the truth about your Sasha banks fanship and obvious jealousy of this dude who had a better spot then you. Be honest, you're just happy he's on your level now.

You know who that sounds like to me? "The Boss Sasha Banks", not "The Blueprint Sasha Banks." Who doesn't have THAT mindset.

So once again get on the "Blue Hair" Sasha train, bus, wagon, etc... and get your mind right.
Depends on what it is. But you can't really miss what you never had. And missing something can be torturous.
I should’ve mentioned that something you hold in great value, but sometimes you don't know how much you value it until you no longer have it. I’m sure most of us has experienced this.
marikomorose marikomorose so it was performance based? Should have just fired him -is his previously role an open head count?
i guess you can say it was performance based. If you’re familiar with Star Wars then I’d compare it to the rule of two. And I wouldn’t necessarily say “open headcount,” but the sooner the position is filled the better.
Either quit the company and smash a planter on the way out or be thankful you still have a job (the same job you were once happy to have). Waste of energy complaining about scenarios that aren't based in reality. He got demoted and that's that. Be happy with what you're holding on to.
“Play to win, but don’t be scared to lose.” - Me

Losing it is rarely that bad. Same thing the OP is describing happened to 2 of my supervisors a call center gig. One is my homey. He took it like a G! He said he got up there and it was a bunch of bs. They have a load of work to do, but spend the day in meetings circle jerking. When he started skipping the meeting or trying to teleconference from the office, they got attitudes and started talking about “not a team” player. Took his original position back on the phone, killed it and took a completely different position, off the floor, down the road.

The other just laid low. You didn’t even know it happened if you wasn’t in the know.
Don't be looking at me sideways cause I am telling you the truth about your Sasha banks fanship and obvious jealousy of this dude who had a better spot then you. Be honest, you're just happy he's on your level now.

You know who that sounds like to me? "The Boss Sasha Banks", not "The Blueprint Sasha Banks." Who doesn't have THAT mindset.

So once again get on the "Blue Hair" Sasha train, bus, wagon, etc... and get your mind right.
Eh, despite being fully capable and filling in when I deem necessary. Leadership positions aren’t what I stride for. It’s a drag and I’m a loner. I’d rather read a book or something.
Eh, despite being fully capable and filling in when I deem necessary. Leadership positions aren’t what I stride for. It’s a drag and I’m a loner. I’d rather read a book or something.

I am too, I'm self-employed. But I am not a lazy loner though.
Either quit the company and smash a planter on the way out or be thankful you still have a job (the same job you were once happy to have). Waste of energy complaining about scenarios that aren't based in reality. He got demoted and that's that. Be happy with what you're holding on to.
I personally can’t agree with this sentiment. I want what I want or I don’t want it. I’m not a settler and am willing to wait while I seek.
I am too, I'm self-employed. But I am not a lazy loner though.
I’m not lazy. Subject to distracts though.
Whos sasha banks?

If its a wrassling thing, nvm. I dont care
If its material items, who cares. If its life situations , I would rather lose it than never have had it. Experiences and memories shape your life. Even if it comes with a bunch of Ls.
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