Would you smash a drunk chick if your sober?

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Feb 5, 2011
Topic came up while talking with my homies. So let's say your out stone cold sober and a girl that is cleary drunk (not wasted tho) is making moves do you do it?. This was brought up at my boys house and we all had different opinions. What would yall do?
If I just met her, nah. If she was someone I've known or sort of know for awhile then its game on. Some women need liquid courage to drop hints too, but if they are straight sloppy drunk I'll just keep it moving.
So she can regret it later and cry rape no thanks banks, but do you sometimes fools have to learn the hard way
Nope. That sounds like bringing on unnecessary problems into your life. Whichever one of your friends that said yes is an idiot.
If she was really fine I'd honestly want to, but I have a really loud conscious. So my morals would never let me to do something like that.

Anyone ever see the movie Kids (1995) ? This scenario reminds me of that.
Are some of you guys crazy? One night of sex isn't worth potentially the rest of your life.
If it's my girl at the time or I've hit a few times then it's all good. But nah not for a first time. That's creepy.
If she was just buzzed or so I would consider, but anything more than that nah
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