Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

and back to my question. I don't think Benoit deserved a title run IMO. did he put
on great matches? yes. did he pay his dues? yes. but other than that he didn't deserve the world title. same with mysterio

I think Ron, Krispenwah, and Eddie all deserved their title runs, but to be honest I don't think any of the 3 were any more than filler champions..I know I'm going to get major NTWT heat for this but Eddie was the least entertaining of the 3 and Rey and Chris deserved their runs more than him.
this question has been asked already but why the hell is Dbry wrestling Kane? once again hhh has to be at the top of the talks with this evolution reunion. it should be hhh Kane and either Batista or Orton. with the odd one out fighting brian. Kane has history with the shield so it would fit.

and does anyone else wish they could be a top writer for raw ? I swear I could reinvent the show if I had a year. I'd be drawing 6.0s weekly
i think 3 -5 dudes from this thread alone could be a solid writing team for the e

dbry vs kane? smh just goes to show you how weak the main event picture is currently they gotta build some guys up to face dbry quick

please no cena(unless hes heel)and ortons my dude and all but he needs something new i like the evolution thing but thats not doing anything for dbrys title run

lets throw brock in there although him just ending the streak and then jobbing to dbry wouldnt be good at all
Rude was supposed to face Vader, but couldn't cause he got hurt pretty bad..Sting beat Vader to win the Inter. belt, but lost to Flair in a unification bout..So Ric Flair was the one who merged them..That's when WCW quit using their ugly *** world title belt and switched to the Big Gold as their world belt..

And to add to the Ron Simmons discussion, I wish he would have got more singles shine in WWE..I remember watching his match vs. Vader for the world title when it aired on TBS..I was so geeked cause I was a fan of his from when he was in Doom with Butch Reed..Very under rated tag team IMHO.
That WCW belt was just a ripoff of the winged eagle belt.

I think Ron, Krispenwah, and Eddie all deserved their title runs, but to be honest I don't think any of the 3 were any more than filler champions..I know I'm going to get major NTWT heat for this but Eddie was the least entertaining of the 3 and Rey and Chris deserved their runs more than him.

I totally agree with Latino heat. he deserved a late 80s early 90s ic title run at the most.
That's why I was always more of a NWA/WCW guy growing up..They had heels hold their belts quite often..Peep the list..

Flair-Best heel ever and multiple world title runs
Vader-Arguably the best super heavy weight of all time, great heel, and multiple title runs
Rude-Very very good heel and had a couple International title runs
Anderson-One of the best talkers ever, great 80's heel, and had several world tag title/US title runs
Tully Blanchar-Severely under rated wrestler, very good heel, and had several tag team and TV title runs
Hansen, Koloff, Piper, and Austin all had US title runs as heels..And all were really good heels
Midnight Express, Koloffs, Varsity Club, Freebirds, and Doom all had memorable title runs with the Tag belts and were great heels..

Gotdamnit I miss 80's/90's WCW..Such a superior WRESTLING product compared to WWF/E..
yea wcw actually gave guys a chance as to where vince wanted the big money guys

wcw made a lot of guys into wrestling stars,i feel like wwe made them more entertainer type stars.

they shouldve never went belly up imagine if they were still around? my dude kofi would be at least a 2 time world champion lol 

anywayi always liked benoits wrestling although besides that he gave you nothing.like i said earlier eddie wasnt entertaining until his wwe run

i feel like they just threw mysterio a bone,great high flying legend though 
You're right Robpzee..Total rip off and out of all the World belts I can remember, and that's a hell of a lot, it is the ugliest..

And I'm completely over Cena and Orton being world champ..It drives me insane that both of those idiots have held the world title almost as many times as Flair..Especially Orton..I feel like he was given the belt multiple times in a desperate attempt to get him over with the fans and set him up to be the face of the company..But it's never really worked..I doubt any wrestling fan has ever thought "Man, that Randy Orton is the best WWE has to offer"..
Case Case I agree with the nwa utilizing the heels on the roster way better than wwf. they were built up for hogan to squash and that was all.
You're right Robpzee..Total rip off and out of all the World belts I can remember, and that's a hell of a lot, it is the ugliest..

And I'm completely over Cena and Orton being world champ..It drives me insane that both of those idiots have held the world title almost as many times as Flair..Especially Orton..I feel like he was given the belt multiple times in a desperate attempt to get him over with the fans and set him up to be the face of the company..But it's never really worked..I doubt any wrestling fan has ever thought "Man, that Randy Orton is the best WWE has to offer"..

I wonder why they jam this dude down our throats. I never saw the big deal with Orton ever. obv his legend killer gimmick was good, but besides that he bores me to no end. not to mention he's been suspended twice for I'm guessing roids?
.like i said earlier eddie wasnt entertaining until his wwe run

See I'm the total opposite..I feel like Eddie did his best wrestling and had his most entertaining matches while with ECW and WCW..I think WWE watered him down in the ring, but yet elevated him on the mic..So I guess it comes down to which do you like better, a guy that's not great on the mic but gives awesome matches or a guy who's really good on the mic but his matches are less entertaining..I personally liked Eddie before the WWE got their hands on him and feel his best work was done in the early years..
I wonder why they jam this dude down our throats. I never saw the big deal with Orton ever. obv his legend killer gimmick was good, but besides that he bores me to no end. not to mention he's been suspended twice for I'm guessing roids?

I don't get it either..I mean he definitely has the look Vince loves, and I admit he has had some really good matches here and there..But for the most part his promos are forgettable and his title runs are pretty much the same..I mean his entire last run with the belts was pretty much thought of as a tool to get the fans heated that DBry didn't have them instead of Randy's the champ and he's the man..
See I'm the total opposite..I feel like Eddie did his best wrestling and had his most entertaining matches while with ECW and WCW..I think WWE watered him down in the ring, but yet elevated him on the mic..So I guess it comes down to which do you like better, a guy that's not great on the mic but gives awesome matches or a guy who's really good on the mic but his matches are less entertaining..I personally liked Eddie before the WWE got their hands on him and feel his best work was done in the early years..
true which is why i said he wasnt entertaining until the wwe.but i guess his mic work took away from his ring work.thats why i said the e makes people better entertainers.he never got the propershine in wcw tho.

orton was my dude for a little while but yea him and cena need to not be in themain event scene for at least 2 years,wouldnt bother me if they never won again actually

i never said my top 5 so here it goes-,bret,kurt angle,lance storm,benoit,steamboat

entertainers- hogan stone cold warrior rock undertaker

total package-hbk ric flair savage perfect jericho

 no order in either 
true which is why i said he wasnt entertaining until the wwe.but i guess his mic work took away from his ring work.thats why i said the e makes people better entertainers.he never got the propershine in wcw tho.

orton was my dude for a little while but yea him and cena need to not be in themain event scene for at least 2 years,wouldnt bother me if they never won again actually

i never said my top 5 so here it goes-,bret,kurt angle,lance storm,benoit,steamboat

entertainers- hogan stone cold warrior rock undertaker

total package-hbk ric flair savage perfect jericho
 no order in either 

Good lists for sure..I think most people's lists will have a lot of the same 5-7 guys on them..That's kinda why I asked people's opinion on under rated guys..
I wonder why they jam this dude down our throats. I never saw the big deal with Orton ever. obv his legend killer gimmick was good, but besides that he bores me to no end. not to mention he's been suspended twice for I'm guessing roids?
I always felt like Finlay was underrated...not sure if anyone would agree.

I definitely agree. Became a fan of him in WCW. Always loved his no nonsense hard hitting style, and was glad he was able to make a comeback. He was having some of the better matches during that period on Smackdown.

Some underrated people from me:

Al Snow
D'Lo Brown

Cena is never turning heel unless it's on a video game, so stop mentioning it folks.


No Randall Keith Slander Allowed. :smh:

You can't fault for the guy for bad booking. At the end of the day he's delivering what was instructed and given to him. I'm sure he didn't think to himself Triple H was going to be booked as OMEGA H to steal the shine once again. That's a recurring theme in a good number of Randall's title reigns.

Randy's too smooth in the ring.... mannerisms.... moves.... everything has a purpose and looks so crisp. Especially when he is motivated.
Guess I'll join in on the discussion:

  1. I really feel like Eddie got the runs he was supposed to get. I loved him in WCW and his WWF/WWE runs were great. He brought a great array of entertainment to his later matches (Re: Angle Vs. Guerrero and the wrestling boot)
  2. I could've dealt with Rey being a one time champ. There are some people who aren't meant to be multi-time world champs and Rey, along with Ziggler (who I wish had a LONGER run) and Del Rio fit into that category.
  3. As someone who grew up watching WWF more the WCW, I didn't see a lot of the cruiserweight matches (I started watching SLIGHTLY before LWO) but I knew who the guys are. As I gotten older and learned about match pacing and psychology, I realized that WCW had the superior WRESTLING product but WWF had ENTERTAINMENT on lock. Nowadays, through the network I tend to watch more WCW because of my atraction to pure wrestling and great matches.
  4. Mike Awesome was the most underrated wrestler on the planet to me at one point. Had he came to WWF and they let him really work against Taker and Kane in the late 90s, my god the possibilities.

/random list
:smh: Damn, these last 4 pages have been beautiful. :frown:

I want to talk about Main Event from last night but I don't want to kill the vibe.

Few random thoughts based on what I have been reading.

1. Eddie Guerrero's heel run in WCW was amazing. From an in ring standpoint, you can make the argument that nobody had been better at any point in their careers. He gave you mat work, he gave you the flying, he gave you the power moves for a little dude.

2. How could I forget about Fit Finley and Lance Storm when naming underrated dudes. The funny thing about Finley is by time he got to WWF he was already over the hill. You dudes need to check out his work from Japan. He competed in the Best of the Super Jr before. Had a nice little match with Liger in 93/94? But also, you can check out his WCW work, "Belfast Bruiser." Lance Storm, you dudes already how technically sound he was. I enjoy what he is doing with the Storm Wrestling Academy. Tyler Breeze/Emma are two of his students. Both great in the ring but have been given DUMB gimmicks that take away from their in ring work. Check out Tyler Breeze's work from FCW. It is on YouTube. He hardly wrestles are Tyler Breeze.

3. Lord Steven Regal. He probably gives the best podcast interviews about his time in Germany/UK. He has some stories man. He has some good interviews with Stone Cold and also Colt Cabana. He could wrestle with anyone. Very appreciated. Also, he is great as a color commentator but that is because they allow him to talk about wrestling on the mic when he is in NXT.

4. This Warrior stuff is starting to hit me more as the days go on. Been watching some of his stuff on the Network and man, we had some characters back in the 90s. Go watch Warriors Greatest Matches on the Network. Some good stuff there. Nice match between him and Ted Dibiase from Tokyo.

5. Yall talk about Naomi's backside, but Naomi has some ultimate ******* man.

Thoughts from Main Event

6. Tamina should be pushed more as the unstoppable heel of the Diva's division. She could do some damage. I want to see her in a setting where she can display her femininity. I kinda have a thing for her. Anyone know the racial history, like HISTORY of people from Tonga and/or Fiji? I swear many of them look like they have some African in their \blood .

7. El Torito vs. Hornswaggle needs to happen. They need to let them wrestle man in a non-comedic type of way. But my god, why do those writers have to put people getting hit in the nuts as a form of comedy? That is so damn corny. If you saw Main Event you would know what I am talking about.

8. Low-Ki, The Divas seem like they are getting a little more shine from a wrestling standpoint on these non-NXT B-Shows.

9. I kinda miss Shotgun Saturday Night and Sunday Night Heat. Would be nice if we got those shows on the Network.

10. Layla had a funny botch on an attempted crossbody block. And i didn't know her ******* her so big either.
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[*] I could've dealt with Rey being a one time champ. There are some people who aren't meant to be multi-time world champs and Rey, along with Ziggler (who I wish had a LONGER run) and Del Rio fit into that category.

I love Rey. I do. I just don't think he should have ever held that title. I can't suspend disbelief enough to take a high flyer serious when it comes to beating dudes two times his size. Now if he was built like Low-Ki and had that vicious style that incorporates MMA, yea I can see that. Or hell, even if he was a traditional Greco-Roman style wrestler (think Rick Steiner), but I can't take a 5'3 175 high flyer seriously when it comes to being a world champ.

I love Rey.
See, there is just so much content being pumped out already that folks have a hard time finding time to watch things together.

But I would love for us to have viewing sessions where we pick an event from the #WWENetwork and we can discuss it. Maybe give everyone 2 weeks to watch it? I think that would be more beneficial. I don't know, I don't want to start anything and don't finish it
See, there is just so much content being pumped out already that folks have a hard time finding time to watch things together.

But I would love for us to have viewing sessions where we pick an event from the #WWENetwork and we can discuss it. Maybe give everyone 2 weeks to watch it? I think that would be more beneficial. I don't know, I don't want to start anything and don't finish it

That would def be better. A PPV and give everyone about two weeks and people can having an ongoing discussion. That way, for those who haven't watched it yet can read through the thread and look for certain things that have been discussed
I definitely agree. Became a fan of him in WCW. Always loved his no nonsense hard hitting style, and was glad he was able to make a comeback. He was having some of the better matches during that period on Smackdown.

Some underrated people from me:

Al Snow
D'Lo Brown
Cena is never turning heel unless it's on a video game, so stop mentioning it folks.

Exactly! It will never happen esp, since he is big in the eyes of kids and The Make-A-Wish for example.
See, there is just so much content being pumped out already that folks have a hard time finding time to watch things together.

But I would love for us to have viewing sessions where we pick an event from the #WWENetwork and we can discuss it. Maybe give everyone 2 weeks to watch it? I think that would be more beneficial. I don't know, I don't want to start anything and don't finish it

you are so right with there being too much to watch. but in my head I keep telling myself I am going to watch every single ppv and program the network has to offer. now whether I accomplish that or not is another story
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And another thing, yall HYPED the hell out of the Shield/Wyatt match from Main Event 2 weeks ago. That match was nowhere near the PPV or the rematch. Crowd was barely into the match man.
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