Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

I know a lot of guys love Sting but don't you feel like he kinda robbed us by not coming to the WWE sooner? I have no interest in seeing two out of shape 50 year olds swinging at each other, if he does eventually fight Taker. Just my opinion.
You have a good point BUT this is a match that needs to happen to close a chapter in that era and begin a new one. This is a match Pro wrestling/ sports entertainment needs. 
i dont buy this story. brock knew what his monetary situation would be. it's something else most likely. he's not gonna leave in a hissy fit because his wrestle mania payday is gonna be less. he had to already know what to expect there.
i dont buy this story. brock knew what his monetary situation would be. it's something else most likely. he's not gonna leave in a hissy fit because his wrestle mania payday is gonna be less. he had to already know what to expect there.

Who knows the amount though? instead of making say 1 million (example not specific number) but instead now with the network he only receives 400k. anyone would be pissed about that i dont care what kind of money you have or how rich you are. especially when you are main eventing.
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for sure but i just feel like he had to have had something concrete in his contract. like i can't see his payday fluctuating.
i get what youre saying. Like he had a percent in his contract so whether the number is x or y his percent is his percent
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