Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Wait.... DC really is..

And who says NXT still can't be it's own thing? Hunter ain't letting that become WWECW 2.0
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And who says NXT still can't be it's own thing? Hunter ain't letting that become WWECW 2.0
If NXT athletes are touring with RAW and/or SD, then they aren't exclusive to the NXT Brand. Why dabble like that?

What are the Benefits of a Brand Split for those in favor of it when there isn't a LARGE number of TALENTED dudes on the roster?

There are like 80 folks on the main roster and 65 of them are mid-carders or jobbers. How can that work out?
I think you guys are underestimating the amount of talent on the roster. Just because they are booked like trash doesn't mean the quality isn't there. A guy like Big Sev could reap the benefits of a brand split. You have a guy like Damien Sandow not even on TV who could flourish. Give Johnny Curtis a serious gimmick and there's another guy. Throw in competition between the creative teams, it could work.

The majority of those WCW dudes were trash anyway. The guys that flourished were underutilized guys. The Smackdown 6 :pimp:
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I think you guys are underestimating the amount of talent on the roster. Just because they are booked like trash doesn't mean the quality isn't there. A guy like Big Sev could reap the benefits of a brand split. Throw in competition between the creative teams, it could work.

The majority of those WCW dudes were trash any. The guys that flourished were underutilized guys. The Smackdown 6
If they have been booked for trash, FOR YEARS, why would we think anything will change?

Rusev isn't long gone. He can be rehabbed.

But there are SO many dudes on the roster that the fans will never get behind or give a damn about.

I don't see why a brand split will change anything when it comes to WWE Booking Logic. They will still have HollyWood writers making storylines. They will still do the 50/50 booking, so really, what is the upside?
But wouldn't a brand split that the entire roster has to work less days?..Which means more time to rest..Which means less injuries/guys breaking down..And maybe if there's a brand split then some of these dudes that are mediocre would get a chance to shine a little bit and turn into something worth while..A split right now wouldn't be good, but if they could build a proper storyline for it and let it happen in a couple months when the roster is healthy and several of these Indy/Japan guys can come up, then the roster will be in much better shape..They could easily call up Finn, Sami, Joe, Shinsuke, Anderson, Gallows, Bailey, Enzo, Cass, Vaudvillians, and Kenta in the next 2-3 months and have all those guys succeed..

And NXT should stay just the way it is..Or should I say go back to what it was and develop talent instead of just being the biggest Indy fed. in the country..
The booking has to change because Smackdown couldn't be a Raw recap anymore. So philosophies have to change.

The fans got behind Ryback after he was Skip Sheffield. It is all in how they are presented.
So did they bring back Shane because they are desperate or did he come back willingly?
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Passed one certification test, failed the other, waiting on results from the third on March 9th. Wanted to go 2/3 on the first shot and I think I did that. Passed the hardest one so I'm happy about that at least.
So did they bring back Shane because they are desperate or did he come back willingly?
He left WWE to run his own businesses and be somewhat successful.

He'll succeed Vince as CEO because investors will not accept Honner or Steph being CEO.
Actually Case, more people will be wrestling more important matches than before, so is that REALLY more rest?

Everyone but the Top Stars would essentially be elevated one higher level, so that means match intensity increases, which means they will be trying harder, which h will lead to more stress on the body.

So I don't agree that a brand split would give more folks rest
I'm not necessarily for or against a split, but there is definitely some legit talent on the main roster that is being underutilized, and there are definitely 7-8 guys down in NXT that could easily be ready to be on the main roster. NXT should be meant solely for developmental. These dudes like Finn/Joe that have been wrestling for years and years should not be spending extended time in NXT...
Actually Case, more people will be wrestling more important matches than before, so is that REALLY more rest?

Everyone but the Top Stars would essentially be elevated one higher level, so that means match intensity increases, which means they will be trying harder, which h will lead to more stress on the body.

So I don't agree that a brand split would give more folks rest

So you're saying that guys who aren't top stars don't try hard when the wrestle?..I don't see your point DC..But let's say that a brand split causes these guys to work the exact same amount of time as they currently do..Wouldn't it be better for some of the lower card/mid card guys to get more tv time or legit angles to be put in so they have the utmost chance to succeed?..Cause if they get more time to get over all that means is more money for them and more money for the company..But like I said, it can't happen now..There has to be a clear plan put in place and a gradual build done to make it work right..
So you're saying that guys who aren't top stars don't try hard when the wrestle?..I don't see your point DC..But let's say that a brand split causes these guys to work the exact same amount of time as they currently do..Wouldn't it be better for some of the lower card/mid card guys to get more tv time or legit angles to be put in so they have the utmost chance to succeed?..Cause if they get more time to get over all that means is more money for them and more money for the company..But like I said, it can't happen now..There has to be a clear plan put in place and a gradual build done to make it work right..
1. No I am not saying that AT ALL.

This is my point Case.

The CURRENT top dudes, work HARD matches. The level of intensity during their matches up high.

The mid and jobbers don't have to put up, "Main Event Milage" on their bodies because they aren't wrestling in those high stakes matches.

If there is a brand split, everyone that is a jobber and mid-carder, will have to be in more featured roles. More featured roles means the intensity of their matches will increase as well as the general time length of the average match.

The MAIN dudes will remain MAIN dudes. But everyone else will be elevated, meaning more stress will be placed on THEIR bodies.

So as I was saying, people won't really be getting more rest because their bodies will have higher stress levels placed upon them
Dudes like Cesaro and Neville don't deserve a chance dude. C'mon now. Everyone out there not named Reigns or Cena doesn't even put in 50% effort. Learn u wrestlinz b

"Main Event Mileage" like being booked to go last on a card puts extra stress on your body or something

Is a 30 min match at the end of Raw more difficult than a 30 min match at the start of Main Event or Superstars?

You realize about 90% of these guys are incredibly in shape. They are athletes, after all. The majority of them, I'm sure, could last 30 mins in a match. Especially in a WWE match with rest holds and commercial slowdowns.  Half of these newer guys would have been on an NXT show where they wrestled for 30 mins anyways.
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You are seriously downplaying the amount of SERIOUS bumpage that goes on in Main Event matches vs. Normal Undercard matches.

You notice that most folks that are currently injured in WWE are on the high-mid to main event portion of the card? That isn't by coincidence

It isn't about being in SHAPE. I am not speaking of their wind (conditioning), I am talking about the risky moves that are attempted at a higher percentage on the top of the card vs. the bottom of the card.
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"Main Event Mileage" like being booked to go last on a card puts extra stress on your body or something

Is a 30 min match at the end of Raw more difficult than a 30 min match at the start of Main Event or Superstars?
Sure it is. The RAW match will be more stressful on the body due to the level of high stakes that are on the line. Sure, WWE acts like wins and losses don't matter, but the talent doesn't treat main event opportunities in that fashion. They know not many people will see ME and SUPERSTARS, so they won't use the, "At All Costs" approach when it comes to how they approach the match? I am not sure why you believe such a thing.

If professional athletes in other sports understand that certain stages are bigger than others and performance/effort levels rise for the occasion, why is it so hard to believe Pro Wrestlers don't do the same?
Sure it is. The RAW match will be more stressful on the body due to the level of high sta kes that are on the line. Sure, WWE acts like wins and losses don't matter, but the talent doesn't treat main event opportunities in that fashion. They know not many people will see ME and SUPERSTARS, so they won't use the, "At All Costs" approach when it comes to how they approach the match? I am not sure why you believe such a thing.

If professional athletes in other sports understand that certain stages are bigger than others and performance/effort levels rise for the occasion, why is it so hard to believe Pro Wrestlers don't do the same?
Because it's a fixed sport man

And not all of the injured wrestlers are injured because they are upper midcarders. They're all just really effing old.

Tyson Kidd - 35 - Injured by Samoa Joe on SUPERSTARS

Sting - FIFTY EFFIN SIX. No more needed.

Seth Rollins - 29 - Only outlier, injury caused by lifting a 7'0 325 pound dude at a HOUSE SHOW

Randy Orton - 35 - Injured by taking out the trash

John Cena - 38 - Possibly the only one that fits your narrative (although he's pushing 40.)

Cesaro - 35 - Injured in a non-main event match vs Del Rio(?)

Rusev has been injured multiple times but they've all been minor and he's returned pretty fast.
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So what if it is a fixed sports. Let's pretend that it isn't event a sport and just call it a performance.

You don't Lion King on Broadway will give more effort on Christmas Night as opposed to a normal Sunday Night performance? Of course the performers will up things on the bigger stage.

And I said the MAJORITY of people that are injured are in the upper mid card OR the Main Event. You posting what you just posted agreed with that point.

And I don't even count damn Sting, he isn't part of the roster forreal
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Because it's a fixed sport man

And not all of the injured wrestlers are injured because they are upper midcarders. They're all just really effing old.

Tyson Kidd - 35 - Injured by Samoa Joe on SUPERSTARS

Sting - FIFTY EFFIN SIX. No more needed.

Seth Rollins - 29 - Only outlier, injury caused by lifting a 7'0 325 pound dude at a HOUSE SHOW

Randy Orton - 35 - Injured by taking out the trash

John Cena - 38 - Possibly the only one that fits your narrative (although he's pushing 40.)

Cesaro - 35 - Injured in a non-main event match vs Del Rio(?)

Rusev has been injured multiple times but they've all been minor and he's returned pretty fast.
I am seeing you don't understand how sports work. Nobody gets hurt off of ONE thing happening. It is a progression of events that lead up to an injury.Seth getting hurt at a HOUSE SHOW sure but THAT isn't what lead up to that injury.

It means you aren't considering the amount of main event competition that Seth has performed in over the last 3 years. The level of stress that he has been through is being thrown out by you because he didn't get injured WHILE wrestling in a high stakes match. That isn't how injuries work.Same with the others.

Being in the Main Event picture is more stressful to the body than not. 

What exactly is the argument against that?
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