Wrestling Thread Jul 16-22 | 7/22 NT Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted p19!

Weddings never turn out well but always entertain.  Someone usually gets their butt kicked.
For the DX reunion, are they only going to have HBK and hhh?  Why not bring the other members out?  I just saw in another thread that Chyna is playing She Hulk in a porno.  
Originally Posted by shogun

Weddings never turn out well but always entertain.  Someone usually gets their butt kicked.
For the DX reunion, are they only going to have HBK and hhh?  Why not bring the other members out?  I just saw in another thread that Chyna is playing She Hulk in a porno.  

I think Road Dogg and Waltman are pretty safe bets to be there.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by shogun

Weddings never turn out well but always entertain.  Someone usually gets their butt kicked.
For the DX reunion, are they only going to have HBK and hhh?  Why not bring the other members out?  I just saw in another thread that Chyna is playing She Hulk in a porno.  

I think Road Dogg and Waltman are pretty safe bets to be there.

I really wish Billy Gunn was among them as well. Fingers crossed.  Nice to see you're confident with Waltman (X-Pac) being present after all that's happened with him recently.
Originally Posted by oinker34

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by shogun

Weddings never turn out well but always entertain.  Someone usually gets their butt kicked.
For the DX reunion, are they only going to have HBK and hhh?  Why not bring the other members out?  I just saw in another thread that Chyna is playing She Hulk in a porno.  

I think Road Dogg and Waltman are pretty safe bets to be there.

I really wish Billy Gunn was among them as well. Fingers crossed.  Nice to see you're confident with Waltman (X-Pac) being present after all that's happened with him recently.
Gunn is not a fan of HHH.  Spoke very negatively about him many times.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by oinker34

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I think Road Dogg and Waltman are pretty safe bets to be there.

I really wish Billy Gunn was among them as well. Fingers crossed.  Nice to see you're confident with Waltman (X-Pac) being present after all that's happened with him recently.
Gunn is not a fan of HHH.  Spoke very negatively about him many times.
I know this, which is unfortunate - just had high hopes because at least Vince is putting personal woes aside for this special show. I've listened to a lot of his recent "Gunn Show" interviews as well. I got the chance to meet him before Wrestlemania - really nice guy too. 
I def want to see Monty Sopp...Like 4W said he has been extremely negative of Trips in the pass but recently he has let up on the issue.
D. Bry/AJ wedding is going to be a Macho/Elizabeth type, imo.

This week’s WWE Raw Supershow scored a 3.44 rating, which was up 8.5 percent compared to last week’s 3.17 rating for the MITB lead-in.

The 3.44 rating topped Raw after WrestleMania, which scored a 3.43 rating, and topped Raw after No Way Out last month, which scored a 3.42 rating. Monday’s Raw Supershow ranked #2 for the year, trailing Raw after the Royal Rumble, which scored a 3.55 rating.
Originally Posted by lilpennymagicfan1

I think Aj will stop when its here turn to do here vowels during the wedding and say she loves punk, which will further the feud.

I think Punk keeps the title with the Rock interfering to set up the rematch with cena.

With them being strapped for time I wont be surprised if Brock comes out during the Dx reunion and gives both of them an f5 and accepts the challenge for summerslam..

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]wow....[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]just wow...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I think BD is trollin.[/color]
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Damn. What'd I miss in the past 3 weeks?
I just got back to the US.

In a nutshell...

AJ, Random face turns, Cena In The Bank, and Tout. 
Apparently this week on Superstars, SIn Cara has a very good non-botching match with Drew McIntyre.
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Damn. What'd I miss in the past 3 weeks?
I just got back to the US.

In a nutshell...

AJ, Random face turns, Cena In The Bank, and Tout. 
whats good folks....

lol what's up bro

@ Peep's spoiler

@ D.Bry dancing and Sheamus creepin in the background.

Layla looking good as usual
Last edited:
This dude Otunga

*dead* @ Sheamus lurking in the background and Bryan towards the end

Smackdown and Superstars Spoilers from San Diego

Spoiler [+]
Brodus Clay d ????? (looked like a SoCal Indy guy)
Cody Rhodes d Tyson Kidd in a fun little match. Cody over as a babyface. Virtually no reaction for Kidd.
The Uso's d Johnny Curtis/Derrick Bateman
Uso's very over. Won with Superfly splash.
Sin Cara d Drew McIntyre
Sin Cara not as over as I'd thought being 20 mins from TJ. Drew has a badass entrance. Too bad. Long match and Drew got a ton of offense. Sin Cara over with a botched tornado DDT (perhaps a failed La Mistica attempt)
Santino/Layla d Aksana/Antonio Cesaro
Nothing match and waste of Cesaro. Layla pinned Aksana with a high kick after Santino cleared Cesaro w/ the Cobra.
Showed finish and aftermath of Sheamus/Del Rio at MITB
Mysterio promo. These people like this little fella here in SD.  Announced he's back. Talking about Raw run in on ADR.  Here comes ADR sans car but with pimp scarf.  Says he deserves a title shot.  Ziggler out.  Ziggler promo on ADR. Sheamus out.  ADR bails.  Assuming main event tag.
8 Man Tag
Primetime Players & Hunico/Camacho d Primo/Epico & Kofi/Truth
AW mic'd up. Not saying much. "Aw man" "Come on man" "Tag in the Primetime Players".  Titus fairly impressive. Titus knocked Primo off top leading to finish.  Big Show out. He's prob gonna kill the tag division. Yep. PTP's snuck out. WMD punches and chokeslams all around.  He said "And What?" then left.
Jeremy Piven made it on best of Raw promo. No SummerFest drop.
Damien Sandow d Zack Ryder
Ryder super over. So of course he jobs in 2 mins with virtually no offense. Sandow with his finish. I like Sandow's brawling.
Peep Show w/ Daniel Bryan and AJ
Wedding planning clips shown. Words cannot describe how amazing this was.   Must see TV. Christian asking hard hitting questions. Christian announces AJ's ""psychotic ex boyfriend" Kane. Sets up...
Daniel Bryan d Kane
Nice battle. Better than you'd think.  AJ jumps on Kane for DQ. In a ccol spot, Kane chokeslammed Bryan with AJ on his back. AJ ends up grinding on Kane and staring lovingly at him.  She looked pretty effin hot here. Bryan breaks up the party and makes out with her in front of a blue balled red monster.
Recap of Heath Slater deal
Road Warrior Animal d Heath Slater
Squash with power slam. Animal looked good and wore his LOD gear.
Backstage promo with Ricardo and Vicki arguing.
Slater back out. Triple H out to kill him. Yep.
Raw 1000 plugs in order:
Alberto Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler Sheamus/Rey Mysterio
Rey wearing a sleeveless vest. Wellness?   Del Rio a fine chicken %$%@ heel indeed.  I bet Ziggles eats a Brogue Kick.  Or a 619 into a Brogue kick. Or a Brogue Kick then a Mysterio splash.  Mysterio playing a terrific baby in peril. I was wrong.  Lame DQ finish as Ricardo grabs Sheamus' leg before a Brogue kick to ADR.  900 refs out to remove ADR.  He is great.  Ziggler pondering MITB cash in.  Rey interrupts then gives him a *+%$##@ 619 INTO A BROGUE KICK.  Told ya.  Well, at least he didn't get pinned after.  Sheamus not as over as he should be.
Dark Match Main Event
Handicap Match
John Cena d Cody Rhodes/Big Show
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