Wrestling Thread Jul 16-22 | 7/22 NT Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted p19!

I'm not a fan of that engagement.

She just asked CM Punk to marry her...stupid.

Now there is a celebration next week...maybe Bryan pulls a HHH and embarrasses the hell out of AJ and continues his full heel binge.
There's never been a wedding in WWE that hasn't been trolled. I don't expect that to change next week.

Either AJ, Bryan or someone else...
World Heavyweight Champion to Ryback jobber. Damn.
And Ryback selling is NO BUYS.  It's one thing if it were against someone like Big Show or something.  But selling to Tyler Rex and Jack Swagger is just stupid.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

damn Ryback is getting pop now...I never thought I'd see this
I am legitimately shocked

I was also pretty shocked about that can of whoopass Swagger put on Ryback beforehand, like I really thought for a second it was gonna be a real match.
Just tossing it out there, but could the AJ push possibly be John Cena related. Is he getting the booty back stage and she's reaping the benefits on camera. Maybe he used to and now this push is maybe to keep her quiet with all the Cena divorce nonsense going on.

As well with this whole wedding suppose to jump off next week maybe (I hope) the Bellas return to ruin it. Its WWE and a wedding you know this wedding aint going down without some type of nonsense...
I honestly could not care less about seeing D-X next week.

The only way I'd be pumped is if the brought back The New Age Outlaws and X-pac.
Rayback with that pop.... Crowd has been pretty decent tonight.And also, what are the chances we see Stone Cold at the 1000th episode?
Originally Posted by kalikid23

Rayback with that pop.... Crowd has been pretty decent tonight.And also, what are the chances we see Stone Cold at the 1000th episode?

Pretty Good I'd say.
I think The Miz will crash the wedding. When AJ and Miz caught each others' eyes, it seem like they had a connection. I'm most likely over thinking this entire angle.
At least they aren't feeding him Stansky's anymore. I like that he's going through the roster till he reaches a champion just like Mark Henry did before he got to Orton.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

I honestly could not care less about seeing D-X next week.

The only way I'd be pumped is if the brought back The New Age Outlaws and X-pac.
This. DX after 2000 was corny as hell. Even the McMahon-Hemsley Regime DX was better than that 2006-2010 DX garbage.
I'm sick of TOUT already.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

I honestly could not care less about seeing D-X next week.

The only way I'd be pumped is if the brought back The New Age Outlaws and X-pac.

Really they only are having another DX reunion is so Brock possibly can "break" HBK arm and accept his burial from HHH at Summerfest...
Does the WWE have SERIOUS plans for Goldberg Van Ryback?

An actual match and no more 2 min squash sessions.
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