Wrestling Thread July 27-Aug 16: 8/16 Hiroshi Tanahashi Wins the 2015 NJPW G-1 Climax

But yeah that Tanahashi spoiler kinda sucked. I've been busy helping a good friend with his wedding, which was yesterday (and i was the best looking groomsman :pimp:) and was looking forward to catching up one G1 my next off day. :frown:
But yeah that Tanahashi spoiler kinda sucked. I've been busy helping a good friend with his wedding, which was yesterday (and i was the best looking groomsman
) and was looking forward to catching up one G1 my next off day.
Yea I purposely stayed OFF of the Twitter just so I wouldn't see it.

Hashi with his weak Swanton
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Still watching. I am channeling my inner @Peep Game  right now.

Trying to wash clothes, eat, and watch the match at the same time. Not listening to any UGK though
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