Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

They really didn't put much thought into any of the buildup to this PPV other than this final match...
I regret puttin trips as NOT physically getting interfered in this match. I truly believe he will
And look at the incredible match that HHH and Bryan gave us.

Punk couldn't have put on a match of that caliber.
only because the build up and store behind the match and what would after the match. Without him leaving that wouldn't have even happened most likely
I really do Feel like Sting can't save this PPV. Only thing that can cancel the BS is if the unthinkable with John Cena happens 
This dude Kane wrestling in dress pants 
vince live after this horrid ppv now that could be gold 

maybe then sting appears 
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