WTF is this...cops shoot man 13 times

It makes no sense to you because you have a very particular worldview, one in which authority figures are trusted and respected not on their merits as a person but based on their title alone.
I hope you realize that a cops life is only more valuable than a criminals in your twisted mind because of the simple fact that you are more likely to superficially identify with a cop rather than a criminal. This cop could be a child molester for all you know but you deemed his life more valuable simply because he has an associates degrees in criminal justice and did 6 months at the academy.
Is the cop a child molester? Probably not. Was the guy in fact armed and dangerous? Maybe. Would it make one bit a difference in the way you apply your logic to the situation. Very unlikely.

In this whole thread did I say anything in regards to how well the cop did? Did I compliment him and promote his actions as being a blessing onto this world?

And then you have the audacity, the tenacity, to tell me that my logic is twisted because I would entrust my safety with this police officer.

None of my questions were answered in my previous post because you have no answer.

Based off this video alone I hold the officer to a higher standard than the crook. Why? Because the dude wouldve cooperated if he wasn't guilty. Clearly he would rather risk his life than get cuffed. The choice was his.

Have you ever seen me post about how perfect cops were? Have I ever said they were always right? You think I would trust a random stranger by default because of his occupation?

You're naive and spew ******** with your baseless assumptions. Child molester talk are you serious?

"Was the guy in fact armed and dangerous?" even you said maybe! What's the cop supposed to do, you dolt?
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Why the hell is dude even sitting down the street from dudes pad?

If the man is that wanted isn't there a special task force for that???? Not just one bozo who thinks he's robocop rolling over there to close the deal??

Why the hell is the cop in front of his vehicle ???
If suspect is so armed and dangerous why wouldn't he be taking cover behind his door/vehicle like he was trained to do/what common sense would tell you .????

There were no tinted windows on the vehicle so he clearly saw that there was more than one person in the vehicle when he rolled up... He simply bit off more than he could chew.... Cop put himself in danger if you ask me.

Guarantees he's been doing nothing but cutting traffic tickets for the last 10 years this was his first "Real Incident" and he got trigger happy.
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You dudes in here talkin bout how could he do that but he told dude to put his hands up multiple times but he still hopped out and looked like he was reaching for something.
Looked like the cop was waiting for him on that side street and pulled out as soon as the truck turned onto its block. He was a convicted felon with warrants and did act sketchy but...13 shots? I mean, I know the adrenaline argument and I think there was justification in shooting but how about 4 or 5? 8 even?
if you out playing halo or cod its kill or be killed

not justifying what he did but put your self in his position

hes not freezing and is reaching for something

you aint ganna sit back and let his shields recharge you gotta do what you have to do

i doubt any of you show mercy on xboxlive :rolleyes
I agree with most people in here. What the officer did was lawful. He said, "Put your hands up! Do not move, Ernie, I will shoot you!" Did that guy think the cop was playing around? Not only did he not do any of what he was told, he rushed to grab something in the vehicle. 13 shots may be OD, but it all happened so fast. The cop had no idea was the suspect was reaching for. If he's reaching for something while the cops have their guns drawn on him, chances are that he's not reaching for a Gameboy DS or other non-threatening object to show them.
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I can honestly kinda see that. Even still, it seems like he rushed out of the vehicle, although it could be because they told him to. I thought movements around cops with their guns drawn should be slow. Also, he never put his hands up or gave the impression that he was surrendering. It all happened so fast, though. It's really hard to say.
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 seat belts save lives right...
The "cultural divide" on NT is strong these days my block button been gettin mad run with these types of threads a lot of guys showing their true colors no pun intended
Too many movies and too many video games and you young kids have absolutely no frame of reference for the value of human life. Sitting behind your computer screens deciding which murders are just or unjust like this is some fiction movie to be critiqued. Try to realize when a persons loved one is killed your narrow minded, shallow and unsympathetic opinions are of little relevance.
He's a parolee he know the deal; stay frozen like a piece of a meat in the very back back of the freezer.  All that moving he was doing; he didn't want to live.  If you've ever been with a parolee during a routine traffic stop the second they say, "yea I'm on parolee" is the very second they become a 3rd and 4th class citizen.  Them Po's go on terror alert red the second they admit to being on parole, and the cop called out his name so he know who he was.  But I'm sure his ethnic back round played a part in him getting all those shots; no doubt.
He's a parolee he know the deal; stay frozen like a piece of a meat in the very back back of the freezer.  All that moving he was doing; he didn't want to live.  If you've ever been with a parolee during a routine traffic stop the second they say, "yea I'm on parolee" is the very second they become a 3rd and 4th class citizen.  Them Po's go on terror alert red the second they admit to being on parole, and the cop called out his name so he know who he was.  But I'm sure his ethnic back round played a part in him getting all those shots; no doubt.
13 shots is excessive .... i hope the family sues and the cop gets hard labor. :smh:
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Cop seemed to get way too close for comfort. It was either the perp dieing, or the cop.

Other questions. Is a one officer "raid" safe? Why not have two of them there in either separate units or two in a car. If his foot wasn't stuck, do officers have a right to shoot someone in the back as they run away? Dude could have likely ran inside for weapons and a 'shootout'.
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There was a whole thread full of NTers with felony charges.....what are you saying?
exactly..... and to the person who said police are trained to NO. lol we arent in a time where law authorities practice wanted "dead or alive" My only question is how in the same breath can ppl say his murder is warranted and the woman in the walmart incident is warranted. Are ppl realy suggesting that ultimately a crime is a crime, and relatively all offenses should be looked at the same.

I do think dude kinda went od with the shooting. And his initial intentions were to perhaps apprehend the criminal. But being in a dicey situation, the type of criminal he was, and the nature of the situation. Nervousness, and adreneline played a HUGE part in why he went video game all on dude.

I value life as much as the next man. And everyone deserves to be judge by a jury of their peers etc..and due process. Moreso then likely dude was gonna at some point get a life sentence...So basically the options left is he is killed or he rots in jail for life. So I see it as if he had not killed him, it basically would be delaying death.

I agree he had every right to shoot the man, but 13 times, the man is dead and you pretty much read him his rights and cuff him while dead, is more of an insult to injury
The "cultural divide" on NT is strong these days my block button been gettin mad run with these types of threads a lot of guys showing their true colors no pun intended
:D im white, but seriously, i think if this man who was shot 13 times was white, it would have gone down different, different as in he wouldnt of been shot 13 times but ehh who knows, just saying...
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