young thug... Barter 6 out.

Thug signed so many unfortunate deals, if he just woulda waited for Epic/Apple he woulda been fine.

Dude is only signed to 300 & Atlantic anyway

I def see Lyor having less of a say in alot of things. Definitely think MigosThuggin can drop if Migos work something out wit 300
Thug & future was in he studio ago last night on snap. Played a foolish zay beat. I know they got some heat in the stash smh
Future Thuggin or Metro Thuggin would change lives.

Anything Migos related can stay shelved their involvement on that kind of scale could only take away from Thug greatness.
You guys were right after letting the tape settle SS3>Jeffery 

SS3 criminally slept on all thanks to Lyor. Which is why I'd hope Thug doesn't listen to a word that fossil says regarding his craft as it's clear Lyor isn't in tune with the hip-hop climate of 2016.
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[quote name="HS" url="[URL=""][/URL]"]
The studio, however, is one place Thug seems to feel very comfortable talking. We trail him in, hoping to catch another glimpse of what he’s like in the company of friends and family. I’m also curious to see his notoriously chaotic creative process in real time. He had already told me he never writes down song lyrics, but rather occasionally draws pictures that somehow turn into songs. The process sounds almost like the equivalent of a picture-rhythm synesthesia.

“I might draw a head with, like, Goku hair, and then I might start with the left side of his ear and go to the right side of his ear and the way I do his hair, those are my rhythms,” he explains. “So, if I draw his hair and it’s like porcupines going all up and down then when I started rapping I’m going to rap with that melody. That’s only sometimes though, not the majority of the time. Mostly I just hear a good beat and it turns me on and I’m just like, ‘****, let’s go.’”

Thug’s “****, let’s go” moments are so prolific that he often has to relearn the lyrics to songs he’s recorded years and months in advance before releasing them to the public. On this evening, he is joined by several Atlanta-based producers, Quavo of Migos and numerous other local rappers. Thug, with a pistol slipped neatly between his waistband and boxers, is perfecting a liltingly melodic track that is a catchy ode to the wonders of a well-lubricated vagina. His signature ad libs are front and center; this time it’s a mellifluous “whoa whoa.” After the track plays a few times, there is some debate about whether the ad libs should be expanded past the hook into the entirety of the song. “My girl told me that was the best part,” Thug says, referring to his fiance Jerrika Karlae. “But we can’t have it everywhere; it’s too much.”

Ultimately it’s the arrival of Birdman, who is accompanied by his older brother, Slim — the less-seen co- founder of Cash Money Records — that shifts the raucous tone of the evening. While Birdman disappears into a back room, Slim makes his way into Thug’s session. As he enters, the room falls into such a hush that even the persistent haze of smoke clouds seems suspended in stillness. Thug solemnly pulls out a chair and seats Slim with all the reverence due to any respected elder. They shake hands in a ceremonial manner and then, with a rapt audience around him, Thug plays his new music. Slim says little in front of the crowd, but when he departs Thug seems satisfied by his reaction. Around 2:30 a.m., we finally head outside to find Thug and his sister chatting in the parking lot. Consummate night owls, it seems they will continue the session well into daylight. Now fully awake and reigning as king of the castle, Thug bids us a goodnight and tells us to get home safe before meandering back towards the studio.

That Famous demo is wonderfully chaotic :lol:

Like it better than the final version, but I see why Ye switched it up.
Doubt Amber would be cool wit Ye sayin that but it was cool seeing Ye and Thug go bak n forth
Feel like Thug would've rapped better if he heard the final beat
Last 90 seconds [emoji]128567[/emoji][emoji]128567[/emoji]

Thug, Travis, and Quavo need to drop a tape over Kanye and Travis collaboration beats.
Thug/Travis project would be amazing and I don't know how it hasn't happened considering the Lyor factor in both of their careers.

Every song they have is fire, Mamacits, Skyfall, Nothint But Net, Pick Up The Phone etc.

Quavo doesn't miss with Travis either, Dis Side, Sloppy Toppy...
What factor does Lyor play in Travis career?

Travis stole Pick Up The Phone my guess is Lyor was making sure credit got due
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