Your Thoughts On Child Immunization/With It or Against It?

Feb 9, 2008
Personally, Im against it. But, at the same time, I'm afraid I may put my children at risk if I don't have them vaccinated. The idea of injecting a germ, or "watered down version of the disease" as a doctor told me, just baffles me. I believe your immune system is built to automatically fight off infections and disease. Im not sold on injecting your body with some mess so your immune system can know how to fight it off later if you contact it.

Your thoughts NT...........
i thought they don't let you stay in school unless you're up to date with immunizations?
is there any link to immunization shots and autism? i recall hearing something about that..
im pretty much against it

unfortunately my parents had me get all my shots
im probably screwed for life because of it

i thought they don't let you stay in school unless you're up to date with immunizations?

thats what i was told. i may have to home school my kids.
Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

im pretty much against it

unfortunately my parents had me get all my shots
im probably screwed for life because of it

i thought they don't let you stay in school unless you're up to date with immunizations?

thats what i was told. i may have to home school my kids.

you're going to home school your kids because you don't want them getting shots? no shots fired, it just sounds weird to me. why is it that you're so against immunizations?
If Jesus didn't need a Hepatitis B shot, I don't need one either
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

What are you basing this on?
Clearly not science.

Just the idea of injecting a germ into your system doesnt make sense to me. My daughter received her first set of vaccination shots. One of the doses is for chicken pox. A couple months afterwards she caught the chicken pox. One of the possible side effects of the vaccination is ringworm. My daughter had a ringworm on the side of her face for almost a year. I think these shots are dangerous.
Originally Posted by sonofsam

is there any link to immunization shots and autism? i recall hearing something about that..
The study was false with doctored data, which scared parents and Jenny McCarthy.
Now we got kids with whooping cough
Listen to science, not fear.
Would you rather your children face a "Watered down version of the disease" or the full blown real thing?

Without vaccines, we'd still have polio, small pox, etc. in this country and I don't need that %#$!
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

What are you basing this on?
Clearly not science.

Just the idea of injecting a germ into your system doesnt make sense to me. My daughter received her first set of vaccination shots. One of the doses is for chicken pox. A couple months afterwards she caught the chicken pox. One of the possible side effects of the vaccination is ringworm. My daughter had a ringworm on the side of her face for almost a year. I think these shots are dangerous.

isn't the point of getting the shot to introduce the germ to the body so your body can build a defense to it, and if you catch it your body can handle it? or am i just totally off base here

2,000th post
Originally Posted by M4rioL

If Jesus didn't need a Hepatitis B shot, I don't need one either

diseases couldn't travel nearly as fast as they did then compared to now. 
i wouldn't risk the chance of my child dying early for something i could of prevented 
Some are worth the potential risks and some are not.
You can't have a blanket policy when it comes to vaccines.
They've saved hundreds of millions from horrible ailments. On the other hand, there's no such thing as a free lunch.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Just the idea of injecting a germ into your system doesnt make sense to me.

Umm...there's a huge scientific, globally accepted, and common knowledge  reason for this

I swear people are doing way too much to prove how anti status quo/government/etc they are these days (ie "My children are going to be hood" foolishness)
Never gotten a flu shot in my life, also I've never had the flu.

I know way more people who do get the flu shot and still get the flu.

Being smart > relying on vaccines.
Originally Posted by do work son

isn't the point of getting the shot to introduce the germ to the body so your body can build a defense to it, and if you catch it your body can handle it? or am i just totally off base here
Basically. Doesn't mean you won't catch it, but you'll be better equipped to rid your body of it. I'm for it.
Personally I think this is OD to take place in the first year and a half of life. I'm no physician, but I'd imagine an adult wouldn't do to well getting all of this done in a short span. But what do I know?

Originally Posted by viiheaven

Never gotten a flu shot in my life, also I've never had the flu.

I know way more people who do get the flu shot and still get the flu.

Being smart > relying on vaccines.

Pre-flu vaccines the flu was a major cause of death, especially amongst the really young and the really old. I have gotten flu shots and have gotten the flu, there is a scientific reason for it the flu vaccine doesn't cover every strain of the virus just the major ones. Furthermore, as a young healthy male with a healthy immune system living in the year 2011 I can get away with not getting a flu shot.

Influenza may go all the way back to the dawn of medicine; a similar illness was first described by Hippocrates, in Greece in 412 B.C. In 1485, a flulike "sweating sickness" swept across Britain, leaving many dead--and treatments of the time, including the bleeding of patients, didn't help.
The latest pandemics, in 1957 and 1968, were mild, with global death tolls of about 2 million and 1 million, respectively. But doctors live in fear of a killer like the 1918 Spanish flu, which caused up to 100 million deaths. Undertakers were so overwhelmed that corpses were left inside homes for days.

From 1917 to 1918, average life expectancy in the U.S. dropped an amazing 12 years. Cruelly, the 1918 virus was particularly lethal in young and healthy people, who are usually more resistant to flu.

Read more:,9171,1894950,00.html#ixzz1U1lmH5E3

Like I said, people take a lot of advances in modern medicine for granted. You have no idea what kinda Ls our grandparents and great grandparents were taking because of measures taken by biomedical and public health scientists. In our society diseases like the flu are considered pedestrian unless you're old, an infant or immunocompromised
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Personally, Im against it. But, at the same time, I'm afraid I may put my children at risk if I don't have them vaccinated. The idea of injecting a germ, or "watered down version of the disease" as a doctor told me, just baffles me. I believe your immune system is built to automatically fight off infections and disease. Im not sold on injecting your body with some mess so your immune system can know how to fight it off later if you contact it.

Your thoughts NT...........
Do you happen to have any scientific evidence to support your stance on the issue or do you stand against vaccines purely because of your own beliefs?
I spoke with a doctor not too long ago that's against immunization. She has two kids, one in college and the other on the way, both have never been vaccinated. She stated her reasoning was based off her religious beliefs and her studies. She believes vaccinations lead to health problems that become evident later in life when your immune system has grown weaker.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

I spoke with a doctor not too long ago that's against immunization. She has two kids, one in college and the other on the way, both have never been vaccinated. She stated her reasoning was based off her religious beliefs and her studies. She believes vaccinations lead to health problems that become evident later in life when your immune system has grown weaker.

Elaborate on these health problems that are directly caused by vaccinations-

Clearly she already has a bias based on her religious beliefs but I'm curious to see what he scientific reasons are
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Personally, Im against it. But, at the same time, I'm afraid I may put my children at risk if I don't have them vaccinated. The idea of injecting a germ, or "watered down version of the disease" as a doctor told me, just baffles me. I believe your immune system is built to automatically fight off infections and disease. Im not sold on injecting your body with some mess so your immune system can know how to fight it off later if you contact it.

Your thoughts NT...........
Do you happen to have any scientific evidence to support your stance on the issue or do you stand against vaccines purely because of your own beliefs?

Purely because of my own beliefs. Only evidence I can provide is the autism controversy which was said to be false. Also the fact that there are people that have lived long healthy lives and have never been vaccinated.
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