Your Thoughts On Child Immunization/With It or Against It?

Most of the vaccine scare is based on studies linking it to autism

[table][tr][td]The Top Ten Unfounded Health Scares of 2004: Pediatric Vaccines and Autism[/td][td]   [/td][td] [table][tr][td][img][/img][/td] [td]Printer Format[/td] [/tr][tr][td][img][/img][/td] [td]E-mail Information[/td] [/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][table][/table]

By Ruth Kava, Ph.D., R.D., Aubrey Noelle Stimola, Rivka Weiser, Lynnea Mills

Posted: Monday, December 13, 2004


Publication Date: December 13, 2004

Pediatric Vaccines and Autism    
PCBs in Salmon and Cancer   
Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors    
Nightlights and Leukemia     
Chemicals in Cosmetics     
Mercury in Seafood Causes Neurological Problems in Humans  
Cheeseburgers and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)  
Antibiotics Cause Breast Cancer    
Teflon Causes Health Problems in Humans   
Soda Causes Esophageal Cancer    
Dishonorable Mention     
Deodorants, Antiperspirants Cause Breast Cancer 
Plastics Cause Cancer

[/td][td] [/td][/tr][/table]The Scare:
Autism is a complex developmental disorder that generally appears in the first three years of life and is estimated to occur in 2/1,000 children. It is broadly characterized by impaired communication skills and social interactions, inappropriate attachments to objects or routines, repetitive actions, and inappropriate or aberrant responses to verbal cues, pain, danger, and change.(5,6)  The condition is poorly understood and its causes largely unknown, though some suspect genetic components and obstetric complications.(7
In the last decade, suspicion arose about a link between pediatric vaccines and autism. More specifically, many individuals have attempted to prove causal links between the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) and autism or, most frequently, between the vaccine preservative thimerosal and autism. This suspicion was prompted by clinical observations that the onset of autistic symptoms correlates temporally with the period during which children receive many vaccines, and was fueled by studies indicating that the rate of autism has increased significantly since the 1980s, a period over which the percentage of children receiving vaccines has also risen.(8,9) It is important to note that MMR vaccines do not now, nor did they ever, contain thimerosal. Thus, there are two separate issues to be addressed.

Where Did the Scare Come From?
Public awareness of the potential link between MMR vaccines and autism began with the 1998 publication in the medical journal Lancet of a study by A.J. Wakefield et al.(10) This study involved a case series of twelve patients at a referral clinic in England, all of whom had inflammatory bowel disease and autism. Dr. Wakefield’s hypothesis was that in some children the MMR vaccine provokes inflammation of the intestines, which then causes toxins to leak into the blood stream. These toxins presumably enter the brain, where they cause the damage that manifests as the clinical symptoms of autism.

Thimerosal, an ethyl-mercury salt, is a vaccine preservative that has been used since the 1930s to prevent bacterial contamination in multidose vaccine vials. Because mercury is a known neurotoxin, concerns about cumulative mercury exposure in children resulted in the 1999 decision to significantly reduce or eliminate thimerosal from pediatric vaccines manufactured for the U.S. market.(11)  It is, however, still found in trace amounts in some pediatric influenza vaccines.(12)  In addition to the temporal correlation described above, the concern over vaccines and autism was brought to the fore as the result of a 2000 study designed to test the hypothesis that autism is a unique form of mercury poisoning. This hypothesis, put forth by the executive director of Safe Minds, an anti-thimerosal autism awareness group, was based on observations that some of the clinical signs of mercury toxicity look similar to particular manifestations of autism.(13

Despite the consensus of the overwhelming majority of scientists to the contrary, public concern persists that vaccines may be causally linked to autism, a situation worsened by the popular press’s failure to let sleeping dogs lie.

The Media Coverage:
Although the possibility of a vaccine/autism link has been soundly and repeatedly debunked by professional analyses of numerous studies, the press continues to capitalize on parents’ fears about the link by ignoring the science, and by presenting mixed messages. Virtually all media outlets continue to run stories about the alleged link, including ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, the Associated Press, Reuters, PR Web, U.S. News and World Report, Newsday, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, L.A. Times, Washington Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago-Sun Times, People, and countless others. And that does not include the vast sea of websites posting articles on the topic.

Coverage has ranged from blatant scaremongering and dismissal of scientific evidence, to fairly unbiased assessments of the data.(14,15) One of the top offenders was CBS, which based one of its anxiety-provoking interpretations on a single study in which mice injected with thimerosal “developed profound problems
You dudes who refuse to vaccinate your children against dangerous diseases should have your children and your parental rights away. It's CHILD ABUSE.

Most of you dudes aren't old enough to remember back in the day where children died DAILY from now preventable diseases. Vaccines saves lives
Get your kids vaccinated ASAP, or you gonna be regretting it when they die from some simple #%^q like Measles or never walk again when they catch Polio.

Makes me sick.
Originally Posted by skylerof209

You dudes who refuse to vaccinate your children against dangerous diseases should have your children and your parental rights away. It's CHILD ABUSE.

Most of you dudes aren't old enough to remember back in the day where children died DAILY from now preventable diseases. Vaccines saves lives
Get your kids vaccinated ASAP, or you gonna be regretting it when they die from some simple #%^q like Measles or never walk again when they catch Polio.

Makes me sick.
That's the bottom line, most of these people are acting like they've never read a history book in their lives. And only if they knew how much ammunition these microbes are carrying with them they would be a little more appreciative. The flu virus changes its phenotypic make up by genetic reassortment so we have to keep up with new strains how body doesn't have immunity to. We have to make a new flu shot every season to keep up with these changes. I'm waiting for an antibiotics scare to hit the media, let's see how many idiots would let their penises rot from syphillis and gonorrhea.

Anyhow for those who care, here's one of the plethora of well documented benefits of vaccines. Read up on cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine (gardasil)|
Interesting topic.
Personally, I'm not against vaccines.  But I'm also not naive enough to think that there aren't potential issues that can arise from them.  It seems that almost every "medicine" has side effects, so are these any different?  

My main issue is with the vaccination schedule and how many vaccines they want to pump into young kids.  After looking into this stuff for months, I just don't agree with the amount of shots kids these days have to get in the first few years of life.  They definitely serve a good purpose, but I personally believe that the high number of doses is what can potentially lead to issues from vaccines.  And if you look closely at what they're for, a few of them seem to be "just because" vaccines, meaning the odds of contracting the particular disease are basically slim to none in this day and age.    

So my wife and I are going with an alternative schedule of vaccination where they're spaced out a bit more to allow more time between shots.  Call me crazy, but I'm wary of injecting my still developing 11-week old daughter with THAT MANY "watered down diseases" in such a short span of time.  I'm no doctor but apparently there are many out there who agree, just as there are many that disagree.  We're going with the decision that we feel most comfortable with.  
Lol, at me having to get some shots today.

OP, it sounds like you need to read up on all the facts before making blind decisions for your offspring.
if a doctor told me they were against giving their kids immunizations, id probably freak out and find a new doctor.
So those of you with such strong opinions regarding this matter(either for, or against) how many kids do you have?
interesting topic. i am a pediatrician (board certified MD) and yes nowadays kids do get a ton of vaccines that many of us didn't get when we were kids and interestingly most of us have survived our childhood.
The link between mercury and autism has been dubunked. even though there is no longer any of that in the vaccines, the autism rates are increasing. i've read an interesting article postulating that the aluminum content in vaccines which is used as a preservative may have something to do with autism. Anyways, at the 1 year visit, kids regularly get 5 shots , yes 5 separate needles containing a total of 7 vaccines.(pentacel= dtap, ipv, hib: pcv13, mmr, varivax, hep A) i always offer parents the choice to do as many or as few vaccines as they would like. Would i give my own kids 5 shots (7 vaccines) together on the same day? Nope. Prefer to spread them out.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Also the fact that there are people that have lived long healthy lives and have never been vaccinated.

This is the worst reasoning I have ever heard in my life. I think it's common knowledge that the majority of people living in, at the very least, the United States have been vaccinated.
It's not like those that live long healthy lives without being vaccinated have some overwhelming number that actually provides some sort of a comparison.

Yes, these diseases are not widespread (thanks to vaccines...) and the cases of Polio are rare and it's unlikely that today you'll catch it, but do you really want to NOT get a shot (which you'll never remember, being an infant and all) and then catch it later on?

Our bodies develop immunities by learning to fight diseases.

By exposing our young, quickly adaptive bodies to them early on, we learn to fight them.

Not getting a vaccine would be like not teaching your kids about the dangers of unprotected sex because you're afraid they might get curious and try it.

Spoiler [+]
"There are so many people that don't have AIDS that have had unprotected sex! I'm just gonna go %%$% that smelly %@#$!! over there raw because that's all the evidence I need!"    
Originally Posted by DR DAMON

interesting topic. i am a pediatrician (board certified MD) and yes nowadays kids do get a ton of vaccines that many of us didn't get when we were kids and interestingly most of us have survived our childhood.
The link between mercury and autism has been dubunked. even though there is no longer any of that in the vaccines, the autism rates are increasing. i've read an interesting article postulating that the aluminum content in vaccines which is used as a preservative may have something to do with autism. Anyways, at the 1 year visit, kids regularly get 5 shots , yes 5 separate needles containing a total of 7 vaccines.(pentacel= dtap, ipv, hib: pcv13, mmr, varivax, hep A) i always offer parents the choice to do as many or as few vaccines as they would like. Would i give my own kids 5 shots (7 vaccines) together on the same day? Nope. Prefer to spread them out.

This. Will/have my kids receive/received all their shots? Yes. Will/did I follow the vaccine chart? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

I spoke with a doctor not too long ago that's against immunization. She has two kids, one in college and the other on the way, both have never been vaccinated. She stated her reasoning was based off her religious beliefs and her studies. She believes vaccinations lead to health problems that become evident later in life when your immune system has grown weaker.
LOL your doctor uses her religious beliefs as a deciding factor when it comes to something this serious? You need to find a new one, like now.
From what I understand this is helpful. For instance when parents instantly wipe cuts and scrapes clean the child will never have that disease or whatever and wont be able to fight against it later
People don't realize that they ARE vaccinated for some diseases like polio without ever having been vaccinated themselves. Some vaccines (like the polio disease) work by creating immunity in the host, and proliferating within them, and as a side effect infecting and vaccinating people who remain within close proximity with them.

So people who are like "I know people who were never vaccinated and are fine and live long healthy lives" are right, but only because everyone else around them ARE vaccinated.

Small pox and polio are not a joke. Y'all wouldn't be talking this holistic mess in the 1950s.
Seattle Weekly did a good piece a couple months ago in the wake of finding out the Seattle area is leading the nation in opt-out families. It's a long read but it shows the nutcases on the anti-vaccine side, and the problems that can arise if you don't get a child vaccinated.


If you ask me, if you don't want your child vaccinated, then you get to go to a special school for kids with over-protective, freaked-out parents. The school would mainly be comprised of the opt-out kids and kids with peanut allergies (or any other major food allergy that parent forces a school to ban certain food items).
Ya'll REALLY need to take a damn Microbiology course or at least brush up on the history of infectious diseases. Not giving your kids ANY vaccines is FOOLISH.
Even though vaccines are not even remotely reckless... But for those that think it is, I'm willing to beat do far more reckless !#%% with their kids..

Just give them the damn shots.. If your Dr. thinks they need it, it is best to err the side of caution and give them a shot...

All these WebMD's ignoring their doctor, science and countless evidence and just making an irrational decision... To "Fight the Man"
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Personally, Im against it. But, at the same time, I'm afraid I may put my children at risk if I don't have them vaccinated. The idea of injecting a germ, or "watered down version of the disease" as a doctor told me, just baffles me. I believe your immune system is built to automatically fight off infections and disease. Im not sold on injecting your body with some mess so your immune system can know how to fight it off later if you contact it.

Your thoughts NT...........
Do you happen to have any scientific evidence to support your stance on the issue or do you stand against vaccines purely because of your own beliefs?

Purely because of my own beliefs. Only evidence I can provide is the autism controversy which was said to be false. Also the fact that there are people that have lived long healthy lives and have never been vaccinated.
There are people who smoked packs of cigarettes daily who lived long healthy lives and don't get cancer or any other sickness related to cigs.... But doesn't mean that cigarettes don't cause cancer...

Plenty of people have unprotected sex their entire life and don't catch anything... Doesn't mean that if you follow suit you won't end up like Eazy E...

See how this works?
@-Op The concept of vaccinations is to inject a tiny part of the disease so small that your body can easily fight it off. When your body fights it off it automatically builds defenses for that disease specifically if the disease were to come again another time.

--nursing student
As someone who is going to be an MD in less than two years, let me tell you something...

You are an IDIOT if you don't vaccinate your kids. Not only are you putting your child at risk, but you are putting children and adults who aren't able to get immunized at risk. We had a measles outbreak in Charlottesville three months ago because someone who was not immunized traveled overseas, picked it up and brought it back. Where did it spread? To a bunch of private school children who weren't required to get immunizations. You know who scrambled to get their kids vaccinated? The parents of those kids.

Be smart about the health of yourself and your children. Yes, some vaccines are live viruses that can pose a very very miniscule risk of being activated and causing full blown disease. Other vaccines that are killed or subunit vaccines pose no risk whatsoever. The link between vaccinations and autism has never been proven and will never be proven because it's non-existant.
Watch this OP

Exactly how large of an impact vaccines had (vs things like improved sanitation, nutrition etc) is debatable but there's no doubt there are some vaccinations you should give your child. One of my friends had polio as a child which left him permanently disabled. His family didn't have the luxury of debating whether or not to vaccinate him.
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Ya'll REALLY need to take a damn Microbiology course or at least brush up on the history of infectious diseases. Not giving your kids ANY vaccines is FOOLISH.

My girl taught a bacteriology last quarter.  Being an english dude myself (pretty much science illiterate), the stuff I learned was eye-opening to say the least.  
 At people who doubt western medicine.  I understand that big pharm tries to push an unnecessary amount of *!#!+%%+ on us at times, but cmon now fam. 

 Cmon now.
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