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  1. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    would Stern (or other nba crooks) do such a thing...what are your thoughts? (lebron/cavs related)...

    Just a thought...we all saw the NBA 'screw' over the mavs in the finals a few years back...up 2-0, it was obvious the refs helped the heat win a ring..I really think we could see something like that happen again.. Anyways...since everyone knows that Lebron in a market like NY would be like...
  2. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    Jesse James cheats on Sandra Bullock with Michelle (Bombshell) McGee vol...PICS PICS PICS

    Might be late...but did a search and did not find anything...anyways Jesse went from this: THOUGHTS?? To this...
  3. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    Is the bodybuilding forum really that active? who visits it on the regular?

    Hey, So whenever I go to the BB forum, as soon as something is posted, 2-3 minutes later it is like on the 5th page. Why is that forum so active? and do people on here visit it, b/c i see A LOT of similar posts etc.... I tried using it, but it just seems to be a little too fast for my liking...
  4. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    "Kobe Bryant the KING..says Golden State Warriors" vol...truth hurts dont it boys....

    Kobe Bryant's the king, say Golden State Warriors Warriors guard Raja Bell is perhaps most known for his rivalry with Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant. During his days with the Phoenix Suns, Bell was Bryant's personal defender in multiple playoff series. The heated matchup included verbal...
  5. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    Question from a Canadian...vol. US Health Care

    SOOOOO.... Can someone give me a breakdown on the US Healthcare system? More specifically, why there is no free healthcare? I know here in Canada we have it and all, but its hard to compare a country with 32 or so million, to one with over 300 million...(plus, from what I hear, if you get...
  6. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    Why do the Cavs always choke in the playoffs since Bron arrived? (Serious Question)

    really though? Last year they had a BEST record by far and everyone including their mom was saying Cavs will win a thing you know...they choke again. Is it experience? Are they too excited and not focused enough? This year seems to be the exact same story. They will maybe sweep...
  7. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    Laptop Suggestions

    macbook pro..thank me later
  8. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    why was my previous thread locked?vol...waaa??

    not 100% sure on the NT rules yet...can someone chime in?
  9. lakers242007.losttheunoffica...

    Lurking since 2007 ---finally coming out!! vol. my gift to NT...I call it "beach"...

    Hey guys....been on here since my university days in my name approved then...but never here to stay now!
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