☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by StillAtIt

Originally Posted by abutta13

wade rebounds, blocks shots, gets steals and causes turnovers which result in easy buckets.  its not a coincidence that the heat have been running more this year.  dwight just does what hes supposed too while wade goes above and beyond.  plenty of big men can rebound and block shots.  not many guards can.  what other players in the league are top 15 in both blocks and steals?
Defense is more than blocks, steals, and rebounds. But even if we're just talking stats Dwight's defensive stats blow everyone else's out the water. There's no argument for Wade unless you think a half a steal more per game is that significant.
look man i know it is dwights award i just find what wade has been doing lately to be a little more impressive.  let me ask u this if howard went down tomorrow for the rest of the season who would be your dpoy thus far?
Honestly I have no idea. I haven't put any thought into it since Dwight runs away with the award every year. Knowing the media though it'd probably be Tyson Chandler since the Knicks are actually playing top 10 defense right now. Tyson is gonna get all the credit.
Originally Posted by Freddie Black


Originally Posted by StillAtIt

Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by StillAtIt

Defense is more than blocks, steals, and rebounds. But even if we're just talking stats Dwight's defensive stats blow everyone else's out the water. There's no argument for Wade unless you think a half a steal more per game is that significant.
look man i know it is dwights award i just find what wade has been doing lately to be a little more impressive.  let me ask u this if howard went down tomorrow for the rest of the season who would be your dpoy thus far?
Honestly I have no idea. I haven't put any thought into it since Dwight runs away with the award every year. Knowing the media though it'd probably be Tyson Chandler since the Knicks are actually playing top 10 defense right now. Tyson is gonna get all the credit.
exactly so when u actually start paying attention to defense let me know your candidate not the medias.  also as a knicks fan our defense is not top 10 yet. hopefully soon it will be but im not holding my breath.
Originally Posted by abutta13

Originally Posted by StillAtIt

Originally Posted by abutta13

look man i know it is dwights award i just find what wade has been doing lately to be a little more impressive.  let me ask u this if howard went down tomorrow for the rest of the season who would be your dpoy thus far?
Honestly I have no idea. I haven't put any thought into it since Dwight runs away with the award every year. Knowing the media though it'd probably be Tyson Chandler since the Knicks are actually playing top 10 defense right now. Tyson is gonna get all the credit.
exactly so when u actually start paying attention to defense let me know your candidate not the medias.  also as a knicks fan our defense is not top 10 yet. hopefully soon it will be but im not holding my breath.
Get off your high horse dude. Me saying I don't know who would win DPOY if by some miracle Dwight Howard gets injured does not mean I don't pay attention to defense. Fact is most good defenses don't have one single player you can point to and say he's the reason their defense is so good. Chicago, Philly, Miami, etc. Regardless a perimeter player is not winning DPOY. It's gonna be a big man with high rebound and block numbers just like it has been for the last 10 years outside of Artest.
And the Knicks have the 10th best defense in the league by a tenth of a point as of yesterday.
Lebron was not this bad in the 4th and OT when he played with Cleveland; if he was that team would not of been the best team in the east for 2 years straight or have reached the ECF or Finals. I don't understand how dude took a giant leap backwards in developing into the player everyone thought he would be by now. I remember watching Game 5 of the ECF, when he scored 30 straight against Detroit and thinking we were witnessing one of the greatest to ever play, but now it's a completely different story
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

[font=Tahoma, sans-serif]I'm sorry but Lebron being supposedly more clutch than Bryant is absurd. Of course Kobe's percentage is going to be low because he has taken more than any one of those guys in that list. Stats, numbers don't lie but they are not the only thing that matters. There is no way I trust Lebron, Marion, my man Eddie Jones over Kobe in the closing minutes of a very close game. [/font]

How does this even make sense? Basically your saying despite stat wise someone is better then another person over the course of a entire long lived career, id pick the lesser solely based on images and flashes of highlights. Thats like someone saying even though stat wise steve nash is one, if not the most consistant shooters ever in the nba, but because ive seen dwade play more and have more memories of him, despite he is like 12% lower then nash id still say he is the better shooter.

And also with kobe i cant really say it is all that clutch if you consider the context in which the shots are made. Often times he has to make these heroic shots at the last minute because of  11 minutes of for lack of better words "ball-hogging" and putting the team in a compromising position. Its basically like putting yourself in a harmful situation just so you can pull yourself out. It be like if a police officer creates crimes so he can solve/prevent them to come across as a heroic act.

Im not saying he ALWAYS does this, but the stats show that majority of the nail-bitting clutch moments in kobe career are a direct result for ill advised decisions and poor shot selection and unwillingness to trust teammates, and the majority of those situations he doesnt even come through.

I get that magical moment of the clutch fadeaway or spectacular and 1 shot, but ppl tend to get amnesia over the 11 other minutes of poor play and bad decisions that pinned him in the position to have to take that shot. Ppl love the hail mary living on a prayer unbelievable shot made, but are oblivious to the other 5 or 6 times that shot was taken and was blocked/clanked/airballed.

I get selective memory, what i dont get is choosing favoritism and selective memory over concrete evidence and facts.
HankMoody wrote:
Statis22 wrote:
Wade didn't look to good in overtime either.

LeBron obv choked with his FTs but goddamn Wade played terribly. LeBron at least had 13 boards and 7 assists to make up for some his woes...

How dare you attempt to be rational in unrational times.  Besides his FT's I'm not even upset with his performance.  He was missing, it happens to everybody as we can see from the stat line it HAPPENED TO EVERYONE.  Nobody made anything, Not Bron, Not Bosh, Not Wade who people are quick to say should have the ball.  Boys had a BAD NIGHT but all the focus goes to LeBron.  Comedy.

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Spo still doesn't know what to do with a 2-3 zone.

This is glaring... But in all honesty I have my issues with teams playing zone at this level.  but thats a thread for another day.

Carry On.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

How much money do the Clippers have left? Could they make a play for JR Smith in March?
I think they still have the mini-MLE worth $2.5 million available.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

HankMoody wrote:
Statis22 wrote:
Wade didn't look to good in overtime either.

LeBron obv choked with his FTs but goddamn Wade played terribly. LeBron at least had 13 boards and 7 assists to make up for some his woes...

How dare you attempt to be rational in unrational times.  Besides his FT's I'm not even upset with his performance.  He was missing, it happens to everybody as we can see from the stat line it HAPPENED TO EVERYONE.  Nobody made anything, Not Bron, Not Bosh, Not Wade who people are quick to say should have the ball.  Boys had a BAD NIGHT but all the focus goes to LeBron.  Comedy.

Now be a good time to mention that Wade's ridiculous save is how they even made it to OT?  Or should he have simply let the missed free throw go out of bounds, and really put the game on Bron then?  

But yeah, for 3 quarters Lebron played a great all around game.  Absolutely. 

Originally Posted by JD617

And at the end of the game, what did they do with the "best" player in the league?  Take him out of the game, so teams would stop intentionally fouling him.  He was awesome for 44 minutes, then he had to get out of the way, his free throws were a hindrance.  

But why does this matter if Shaq for 44 minutes was better than every other player in the league for 48?

I caught this last night, but didn't want to attemtpt a reply with my phone. 

This was a God damn joke right?  You one of the smarter dudes on here, so I'm going to say you just jerkin my chain right here with this.  I know you are. 

Man, damn near every single game that matters in the NBA comes down to the final 4 minutes, for EVERYBODY.  Dude, MJ and Scottie had to do work in the final 4 minutes all the time, they wasn't winnin all their games by double figures man.  Every game between 2 good teams comes down to how you execute at the end. 

So give me a @#$%^&* break about Shaq can be dominant for 44 and that's good enough. 
  That is an absolute bold face lie. 
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Sup DeAndre haters. Wasn't that the team the Mavericks played in the Finals?
So now you're back to the DeAndre praise.. funny, I haven't seen you mention Tyson Chandler in the past few games.. probably because he's playing well and the Knicks are winning. But let him have another bad game in a Knicks loss and you'll be back. So predictable
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

HankMoody wrote:

LeBron obv choked with his FTs but goddamn Wade played terribly. LeBron at least had 13 boards and 7 assists to make up for some his woes...

How dare you attempt to be rational in unrational times.  Besides his FT's I'm not even upset with his performance.  He was missing, it happens to everybody as we can see from the stat line it HAPPENED TO EVERYONE.  Nobody made anything, Not Bron, Not Bosh, Not Wade who people are quick to say should have the ball.  Boys had a BAD NIGHT but all the focus goes to LeBron.  Comedy.

Now be a good time to mention that Wade's ridiculous save is how they even made it to OT?  Or should he have simply let the missed free throw go out of bounds, and really put the game on Bron then?  

But yeah, for 3 quarters Lebron played a great all around game.  Absolutely.   

Oh so that save admonishes the rest of his play throughout the game?
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

HankMoody wrote:
Statis22 wrote:
Wade didn't look to good in overtime either.

LeBron obv choked with his FTs but goddamn Wade played terribly. LeBron at least had 13 boards and 7 assists to make up for some his woes...

How dare you attempt to be rational in unrational times.  Besides his FT's I'm not even upset with his performance.  He was missing, it happens to everybody as we can see from the stat line it HAPPENED TO EVERYONE.  Nobody made anything, Not Bron, Not Bosh, Not Wade who people are quick to say should have the ball.  Boys had a BAD NIGHT but all the focus goes to LeBron.  Comedy.

Yep. Saw this thread jumped 15 pages and I knew Lebron had to have struggled or messed up.. nothing but "
Lebron" for pages and pages, saw that coming.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by JD617

And at the end of the game, what did they do with the "best" player in the league?  Take him out of the game, so teams would stop intentionally fouling him.  He was awesome for 44 minutes, then he had to get out of the way, his free throws were a hindrance.  

But why does this matter if Shaq for 44 minutes was better than every other player in the league for 48?

I caught this last night, but didn't want to attemtpt a reply with my phone. 

This was a God damn joke right?  You one of the smarter dudes on here, so I'm going to say you just jerkin my chain right here with this.  I know you are. 

Man, damn near every single game that matters in the NBA comes down to the final 4 minutes, for EVERYBODY.  Dude, MJ and Scottie had to do work in the final 4 minutes all the time, they wasn't winnin all their games by double figures man.  Every game between 2 good teams comes down to how you execute at the end. 

So give me a @#$%^&* break about Shaq can be dominant for 44 and that's good enough. 
  That is an absolute bold face lie. 

<How about last 5 minutes?

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

HankMoody wrote:

LeBron obv choked with his FTs but goddamn Wade played terribly. LeBron at least had 13 boards and 7 assists to make up for some his woes...

How dare you attempt to be rational in unrational times.  Besides his FT's I'm not even upset with his performance.  He was missing, it happens to everybody as we can see from the stat line it HAPPENED TO EVERYONE.  Nobody made anything, Not Bron, Not Bosh, Not Wade who people are quick to say should have the ball.  Boys had a BAD NIGHT but all the focus goes to LeBron.  Comedy.
Yep. Saw this thread jumped 15 pages and I knew Lebron had to have struggled or messed up.. nothing but "
Lebron" for pages and pages, saw that coming.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Essential1

True but that team would win a championship..

If the Heat can get  D12 + Wafer  for Lebum & Joel Anthony or Udonnis
Stop with these fantasy trades, man.

Be quiet.  I was making a point off someone else who brought it up.. Not bringing up the point totally by myself...

The fact remains if Lebron continues to choke under pressure and you want to win a championship then he's not the guy to help do so..  Of course it is crazy to trade one of the best players in the NBA..  BUT it is a smart basketball decision... Because if you want someone to help bring you a championship he definitely isn't the one. And this is not based off just last night. We have dozens of examples.

Stop reading them if they bug you that much. Because not once have I ever created a trade scenario (which this is the only one I have done not involving my team) that hasn't mad sense for both teams, and wasn't entirely possible because 1. That was one of the players preferred destinations. 2. It is the best deal that the team would get...   This trade falls outside of the 2, but it is a SMART basketball decision. Fantasy or not..
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by JD617

But why does this matter if Shaq for 44 minutes was better than every other player in the league for 48?

I caught this last night, but didn't want to attemtpt a reply with my phone. 

This was a God damn joke right?  You one of the smarter dudes on here, so I'm going to say you just jerkin my chain right here with this.  I know you are. 

Man, damn near every single game that matters in the NBA comes down to the final 4 minutes, for EVERYBODY.  Dude, MJ and Scottie had to do work in the final 4 minutes all the time, they wasn't winnin all their games by double figures man.  Every game between 2 good teams comes down to how you execute at the end. 

So give me a @#$%^&* break about Shaq can be dominant for 44 and that's good enough. 
  That is an absolute bold face lie. 

< How about last 5 minutes?

K....what am I lookin at?  What is it you want me to see here, I don't see Shaq's name, so what're we doin? 

Lemme guess, you wanna tell me that Lebron's name is there, so he must be doin big things, that about it?  Ok.  And I can simply turn around and point to SEVERAL games that we have all watched lately, where that's not the case, soooooooooo........

Cake, ain't Wade the one that's hurt?  The whole Plantar facscsicsaitis stuff or however you spell it?  Wade's out there gutting it.  Did he play well?  No.  Did Bron?  No.  But you and the rest will go ahead and choose Wade to pick on, can't POSSIBLY have anything to do with The King.  HOW DARE anyone question, The King.  I know.  I know the drill.  I know how you guys roll.  But I'm not bashing him today.  I wasn't bashing him yesterday either.  I was on twitter last night, merely seeing how he was playing, he was involved, I'm fine with that.  And I said as such.  I'm more so calling out the folks that will find ANYTHING else they can to protect him.  That's all.  That's who I'm calling out these days, not Bron himself.  Long as he plays in plays late, I'm fine.

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

How dare you attempt to be rational in unrational times.  Besides his FT's I'm not even upset with his performance.  He was missing, it happens to everybody as we can see from the stat line it HAPPENED TO EVERYONE.  Nobody made anything, Not Bron, Not Bosh, Not Wade who people are quick to say should have the ball.  Boys had a BAD NIGHT but all the focus goes to LeBron.  Comedy.

Now be a good time to mention that Wade's ridiculous save is how they even made it to OT?  Or should he have simply let the missed free throw go out of bounds, and really put the game on Bron then?  

But yeah, for 3 quarters Lebron played a great all around game.  Absolutely.   

Oh so that save admonishes the rest of his play throughout the game?

If it's Bron's team and he's the superior player on the team..the criticism is beyond justified (& to me he obviously has been and is now to the point it's ludicrous to argue otherwise, so he stunk and the Heat caving in the last 2 nights starts and ends with him..) 

But if this Wade is 'the man' stuff pops up when things go well, which is inevitable..well..like I said..he has by far the best gig in the NBA. Go 1-5 in the last 25 minutes and split a pair of FT line trips yourself? No worries. 

Either he's LeBron's equal like so many say and we hold him to the same standards or it is LeBron's team and judge accordingly -- Which I've been doing. I expect Wade to be inconsistent and 'injured' and LeBron to bring it nightly. He failed carrying his team this week. 
We already know he's the best player in the first 43 minutes. No one can argue this. Now I show you that he's been no lower than 4th in clutch stats in the last 4 years (twice 1st and once 2nd), which measures those oh so important last 5 minutes of close games. Yes he choked in the finals but he was as clutch as one can possibly be against the Bulls and Celtics. Did your purple and gold eyes not catch those games? Or his ridiculous performances in playoff years before that? 35,9, and 7 for an entire playoffs?

What more do you want? You have absolutely no evidence. A few games? That's factored into the stats.
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