The Real Question:
Air Tech Challenges - 2 vs 3 vs 4

My vote 3.

3's are THE Agassi's shoe and one of the most iconic kicks of the 90's tbh, I was born in 1980 and these and the Jordan 6's are what got me into sneakers back then.
Posted in the Sept OT, but just in case:

Agassi air flares, white/purple/green Wimbledon, fsr. $50 minus 30%, El Paso outlet.
The Real Question:
Air Tech Challenges - 2 vs 3 vs 4

My vote 3.
Tough call...

2's were like "Oh what's this?  Neon pink!  This is not tennis... This is not the country club... I've never seen this before... I love this!"  It was what kick-started it all.  

3's were like the evolution... when people were starting to expect Agassi to bring out more boldness to wake up the country clubs... 

4's continued the evolution of the colors... but not as loud... more on the patterns and whatnot.  

I'd probably go with 3 cuz he arguably had the most "success" in them... 2 slam finals and a DC. 

 Kinda relevant. 

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“Before I designed my shoes, that was my favorite!”, he said. Some athletes wouldn’t be able to tell you much about a shoe they wore five years ago—Andre was wearing the Trainer 1 when he was still a teenager. Remarking that his signature shoes are “A bit like your kids, you can separate which one you like the most.” in the public Q&A (he did name the "Hot Lava" Tech Challenge II as his favorite, however), his deep involvement in the Tech Challenge line was further revealed as soon as our interview began."
 Murray interview...

Q. A bunch of players have been battling sickness at this tournament, you among them. What do you do to prevent that, if anything, or is it just luck?

A. Hand sanitizer — a lot of hand sanitizer. And when players are sick, it sounds stupid, but I try not to shake loads of people’s hands. I just give them the fist bump instead of shaking hands. And it’s important to not spend so much time here in the locker room.

Q. So is it awkward when you see someone coughing and you have to move away?

A. (Laughs) I’m not that bad with the germs and stuff, like Brad Gilbert and Andre Agassi. I don’t know if you’ve heard this story: When I went for dinner with Agassi and Gilbert once in Vegas, Agassi went to open the door, and literally, I swear to God, bent down and grabbed the bottom corner of the door. I went, ‘What’s he doing?’ And then Agassi goes ‘No one touches the door down there!’ Um, O.K. (Laughs). But those two are big germaphobes, and I’m not that.
I usually go for the bottom of the door handle. Whatever the farthest distance away from where I think everyone else opens the door. Lol
Haha, not gonna lie, I try to look for the least-touched parts of the door too... 
  Not as bad as AA though. 
Midwest has the safari oscillates in some sizes if anyone's interested
OG as well
TW has them as well with full assortment of sizes.
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