1st LGBT k-12 grade school to open in Atlanta 9/2016

:lol: Yeah ok y'all can think these type of schools are safe til you find out teachers are touching students.

Acting like normal public schools are a problem.Truth be told bullying ain't even as big as y'all like to think. When I was in school people pretty much left the gay dudes alone. The only ones that got so called "bullied" were the loud, bringing attention to themselves type and most of time it was them that caused the problem. Society is so soft and politically correct now. Any time you question something you're looked at as "bashing". We supposed sit back and act like a gay school for little kids is ok? :lol: :smh:

Y'all can't tell me this **** ain't being promoted.

Normal public schools aren't the problem. It's the kids raised by ignorant parents that are the problem.
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Yeah ok y'all can think these type of schools are safe til you find out teachers are touching students.

Acting like normal public schools are a problem.Truth be told bullying ain't even as big as y'all like to think. When I was in school people pretty much left the gay dudes alone. The only ones that got so called "bullied" were the loud, bringing attention to themselves type and most of time it was them that caused the problem. Society is so soft and politically correct now. Any time you question something you're looked at as "bashing". We supposed sit back and act like a gay school for little kids is ok?

Y'all can't tell me this **** ain't being promoted.
Do you know how many gay students kill themselves due to relentless bullying? My highschool was very progressive and the gay guy was well treated and respected, had lots of friends, both male and female.

This is however far from the norm and during my time there I know of 2 gay guys from 2 other schools in the area that committed suicide due to relentless bullying because they were gay. And that's in a small city with a population of 20000 people. I don't even want to know how many gay students commit suicide each year in larger cities.

I didn't personally know either of them but even if they were flamboyant and "loud attention seeking types" as you call it, that's no reason to harass/bully them. To even suggest that is ridiculous and you should be ashamed.

Homosexuality is being "promoted" because people like you still exist and the LGBT community is fighting for equality.
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:lol: Yeah ok y'all can think these type of schools are safe til you find out teachers are touching students.

Acting like normal public schools are a problem.Truth be told bullying ain't even as big as y'all like to think. When I was in school people pretty much left the gay dudes alone. The only ones that got so called "bullied" were the loud, bringing attention to themselves type and most of time it was them that caused the problem. Society is so soft and politically correct now. Any time you question something you're looked at as "bashing". We supposed sit back and act like a gay school for little kids is ok? :lol: :smh:

Y'all can't tell me this **** ain't being promoted.
Do you know how many gay students kill themselves due to relentless bullying? My highschool was very progressive and the gay guy was well treated and respected, had lots of friends, both male and female.
This is however far from the norm and during my time there I know of 2 gay guys from 2 other schools in the area that committed suicide due to relentless bullying because they were gay.
I didn't personally know either of them but even if they were flamboyant and "loud attention ******" as you call it, that's no reason to bully them and regularly beat them up. To even suggest that is ridiculous and you should be ashamed.

Man don't put words in my mouth. I was real clear in what I said. Never did I say that's a reason to beat somebody up.
But a 5 year old with dolls and like doing the split doesn't equate to being gay. That isn't telling me he's attracted to other males at all. I see that and send him to a all gay school? There's no way to tell if a kid that young is gay period, I'm not buying that.
When I was in school nobody even messed with the gay dudes. If anything they were bullied by females because that's who they were around and arguing with all the time. The nerds were bullied, dudes who were playing with pokemon cards.
I think the younger grades may help LBGT family and friends. That 5 year old may not be gay, but he may have 2 dads. I'm betting he's less likely to get made fun of about it at this school compared to another school.

I push for better public education so my only real issue is that it's a private school. May have a more people willing to go that route if it were free.
But a 5 year old with dolls and like doing the split doesn't equate to being gay. That isn't telling me he's attracted to other males at all. I see that and send him to a all gay school? There's no way to tell if a kid that young is gay period, I'm not buying that.
Lol a little boy playing with dolls, wearing heels, and doing splits isn't telling? Aight man yal got it, just keep refusing to believe this is just the way some people are. Nothing wrong with it.
Man be quiet. I don't agree with pushing certain agendas on kids at such a young age and this is one of them. Let kids be kids.

Man they aren't telling the boys at this school how to gobble cock. They're teaching them that there's nothing wrong with gay people.
:lol: Yeah ok y'all can think these type of schools are safe til you find out teachers are touching students.

Acting like normal public schools are a problem.Truth be told bullying ain't even as big as y'all like to think. When I was in school people pretty much left the gay dudes alone. The only ones that got so called "bullied" were the loud, bringing attention to themselves type and most of time it was them that caused the problem. Society is so soft and politically correct now. Any time you question something you're looked at as "bashing". We supposed sit back and act like a gay school for little kids is ok? :lol: :smh:

Y'all can't tell me this **** ain't being promoted.
Do you know how many gay students kill themselves due to relentless bullying? My highschool was very progressive and the gay guy was well treated and respected, had lots of friends, both male and female.
This is however far from the norm and during my time there I know of 2 gay guys from 2 other schools in the area that committed suicide due to relentless bullying because they were gay.
I didn't personally know either of them but even if they were flamboyant and "loud attention ******" as you call it, that's no reason to bully them and regularly beat them up. To even suggest that is ridiculous and you should be ashamed.

Man don't put words in my mouth. I was real clear in what I said. Never did I say that's a reason to beat somebody up.

"When I was in school people pretty much left the gay dudes alone. The only ones that got so called "bullied" were the loud, bringing attention to themselves type and most of time it was them that caused the problem."

They bring that attention to themselves and they usually start it, so them being targeted and bullied isn't really a big deal, right?

Do you even know how you sound right now? You can't seriously be this daft.
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The nerds were bullied, dudes who were playing with pokemon cards.

[quote name="FlyNY"]

Pride School's doors will be open to any student who believes they're not getting the support they need for "being different,"

Sounds like they'll do better here then
Man don't put words in my mouth. I was real clear in what I said. Never did I say that's a reason to beat somebody up.
I edited that part as you were typing a reply. Regardless, you're saying that the gay dudes brought "bullying" (feel free to clarify what you mean by "bullying") onto themselves by being loud and seeking attention.

That's still no reason to harass or bully someone.
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You said it's not as big as you think

Feeling like you have to kill yourself because you can't deal with the bullying is big IMO

I know this ain't the PC thing to say but some times in life you have to actually have thick skin. If it's that bad tell the teachers, principal, your parents. Somebody can put a stop to it. Like I said, in my experience at schools gay dudes are left alone. People didn't bother them.

Man don't put words in my mouth. I was real clear in what I said. Never did I say that's a reason to beat somebody up.
I edited that part as you were typing a reply. Regardless, you're saying that the gay dudes brought "bullying" (feel free to clarify what you mean by "bullying") onto themselves by being loud and seeking attention.
That's still no reason to harass or bully someone.

No. What I'm saying is the only time I've seen people get into with gay dudes is when the gay dude is loud and jumping in somebody's face.
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Lol a little boy playing with dolls, wearing heels, and doing splits isn't telling? Aight man yal got it, just keep refusing to believe this is just the way some people are. Nothing wrong with it.
Still not gay.... Its dudes that dress up in that stuff on ig everyday that aren't gay... That's no reason to send a kid to gay school at 5/6 years old. Mfer can't even tie their shoes but know their gay.
The only thing that sticks out to me is the age range. If it was strictly high school, I'm all for it. If I have children in the future and he or she is gay or bi, I wouldn't subject him or her to a school that caters to them because of sexual preference. They would go to a school where they can interact with their peers that are from all walks of life. Also, I would them to gain strength through adversity that just about everyone faced, at some point, during their school years.
:lol: Yeah ok y'all can think these type of schools are safe til you find out teachers are touching students.

Acting like normal public schools are a problem.Truth be told bullying ain't even as big as y'all like to think. When I was in school people pretty much left the gay dudes alone. The only ones that got so called "bullied" were the loud, bringing attention to themselves type and most of time it was them that caused the problem. Society is so soft and politically correct now. Any time you question something you're looked at as "bashing". We supposed sit back and act like a gay school for little kids is ok? :lol: :smh:

Y'all can't tell me this **** ain't being promoted.

Touching students? Where'd you get that from?

The classic "these are my experiences when I was younger so that clearly applies to everyone else" response. You do realize that you're in the minority here.

And the whole society is soft/PC BS...:lol:. So we wanna give gay kids an outlet for expressing themselves where they probably wouldn't have the same opportunity and we're the bad people. OK.
Idk but I personally don't feel like every child has to go through this tough love stuff. You don't have to throw your kid into the jungle to teach them how to survive. Having to deal with things in your childhood as an adult that you put in the back of your head because you were told it's normal and everybody goes through it can really f a person up.
Why is it hard to believe kids can realize they're gay at a young age? I was in kindergarten when I had my first crush. I'm sure plenty of you dudes knew you liked girls near or around the same age.
Touching students? Where'd you get that from?

The classic "these are my experiences when I was younger so that clearly applies to everyone else" response. You do realize that you're in the minority here.

And the whole society is soft/PC BS...:lol:. So we wanna give gay kids an outlet for expressing themselves where they probably wouldn't have the same opportunity and we're the bad people. OK.

If you think it's ok to send lil kids who don't even know who they are to gay schools yeah it's something wrong with you folks. Basically forcing it on them.
Y'all don't even read and just make farfetched scenarios, it's a regular school with teachers that are more equipped to handle these students, and understand what they may be going through.

Remember the thread about the transgendered girl who was upset because she couldn't use the girl bathroom? I bet she wished she went to a school like this that can properly accommodate.
Y'all don't even read and just make farfetched scenarios, it's a regular school with teachers that are more equipped to handle these students, and understand what they may be going through.

Remember the thread about the transgendered girl who was upset because she couldn't use the girl bathroom? I bet she wished she went to a school like this that can properly accommodate.
So the title was sensationalized as usual. Cool
If you think it's ok to send lil kids who don't even know who they are to gay schools yeah it's something wrong with you folks. Basically forcing it on them.

Y'all don't even read and just make farfetched scenarios, it's a regular school with teachers that are more equipped to handle these students, and understand what they may be going through.

Remember the thread about the transgendered girl who was upset because she couldn't use the girl bathroom? I bet she wished she went to a school like this that can properly accommodate.

There ya go.

Yes, sending kids to a school with tolerance for gays is SUCH an inconvenience.

If you seriously can't see the benefit of this then I can't reason with you.
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