2010 Poetry Thread: Post Poems You've Written and Your Favorites!

Originally Posted by Layla

I like your poems
Thanks for sharing them with us.
Thanks for reading
If some of y'all are planning on publishing these it might not be a good idea to post these. I know I'm gonna steal a few of these for class
an oldie but goodie

I seen her strut pass me with the hollowest look
hips swinging, lips missing out the collogen look
cover girl dreaming, but her perceptions tainted
the perfect canvas, but she wants it repainted..
skin too thick to see beyond the flesh.....
no longer feels whats beyond her chest.....
but her heart aint the reason..
society is...
perfection isnt beauty
variety is...
not polygamy,... differences.
she only see's the dividends
richer when shes pretty is her cause and effect
and all the pressures of the city seem to cause her neglect
abandoned herself tryna get an upgrade
now she gets nautious at the thought of a cupcake
only skinny, gorgeous women are popular she feels
so she breaks every mirror and throws up her meals
loves the winter season, cuz she covers her flaws
a pain killer addiction seems to shut out her calls...
it aint ya face or ya body...
its ya faith and your hobbys
your brains and your will
your dreams and your skill
opinions and affection
beginings and the ending
love is all she needs but she cant seem to recieve
cuz her soul is asleep and she hates your help
how can i love her if she doesnt love herself?
Losing Battle

I'm constantly fighting a losing battle
At home, at work, at church
I'm tired of waving the white flag
I wish someone would realize my worth
Even if it means losing my life as I know it
A radical purification of all the violations I've been towing
The personal struggles I have to deal with, nobody knows them
I'm done giving them ammo for their arsenal
Partial to everyone, my feelings, I refuse to show them
Even if from the pen they spill
The ink would be invisible
The muzzle impenetrable
The bayonet forgivable
Refusing to strike and finally win
Depending on the wind to calm the wave of emotions
And not become turbulent
I don't want that hurricane to strike without warning
Love and Redemption


How the $$*! the heart want what the mind don't need?
We all have nightmares, mine don't cease...
"Please don't go baby, Ryan don't leave.."
Maybe I be trippin.. slippin..

Waking up... cold sweat dripping.. trying....
...............Crying, sleeping...
Peeping the depression creeping on me like a lion
I lie in bed thinking... inside dying

Bedside prayers make my insides iron
I ain't Tony Stark tho... I ain't got money
At least I got a heart tho.. that's NOT funny
Cuz life is not a comic.....You can be the star,
I'd rather be a comet..

meet me where the sun can't go
But I'ma need space.. soooooo...

Catch me on the flip side, and if we "dip slide ride out"
...... Don't let the love Leak this time out..

...And so I dream.......
.......I love it when I dream as I dream, yup, but there's a thing
As soon as I arise, I feel comotion deep inside
Call it "pride".... it's mad at the feelings that I hide

When awake, there are rules to which I must abide
Man laws aside I was happy...

Every time napping.. but every waking moment
I'm jealous and I'm cracking.. my "sweet dreams" left
And I don't want em back, see.....

Now I hate what I love... as if I feel love will attack me

My lil mama loves me, I can't love her back...
Cuz love don't back me.. she don't deserve that
I never been an athlete, I just love tracks..
I only feel the love when I'm lonely if I rap
Music is my solice, I'm a solitary act..
So whatever's in my cards, I can deal with it Jack
I'm that of all trades, but I'd pass it to the right
Cuz weed numbs the pain that the talent can't write
And every single night I prepare to lose a fight
My past whoops *@@ like my future ain't bright
My future don't lean, my future don't duck
My future just is...and it don't give a $$*!

My past keeps changing.. it beat ya boy up
..It eats ya boy up... Did I ever love her?

What about TRUST?

Did she ever love me, were we even US?
Maybe I was wrong.. maybe it was lust..

Maybe every song that I sing about sucks..
If I can't make her listen,
If Red don't get it..should I give it up?

Or should I deal with it?

I wanna make her tough, so when she let me hit it
I used to beat it up... now I'm never in it..
It ain't like it was good... but I was happy to get it
It was the connection.. we should have been adding
Why we do division?

Now I'm on a mission
I'm better than before, but I'm a lot different
I've seen what it is and if love is a scrimmage
And this is just a game, I'm the best player in it..
Some won't get it..

Kelly gotta feel me..
I never been perfect but it's real if I spit it-- I'm giving you the REAL me

All of my dimensions
Every last angle, thirst, not image
So when I lay it down and my bed is my prison
I dream about bars that derive from the visions
Then I live in it..

I wake up, and still feel in it, I can't believe how fast we move

The illustrations of my world ain't finished
The picture ain't painted, get it?

Though I hate it, I love it when she visits
I make her say the words that she didn't
I take away the pain that was given
Re-image the meanings.. change all the words and the digits

Life is what you make it, I like it in my prison..
I'd rather die in it.. but I made parole..

And even though I get it, the irony is old
So I write "Brooks was here" and choose to die alone..

The highest fulfillment of man
Is to become food for the crawling things
That burrow and slither in human flesh
Unceasing in mindless hunger
Remorseless undefiled by reason
The worms of the tomb they are pure

Their purity elevates them
Above the putrefying pride of our race

The destiny of man is
Merely to be
The nourishment of the worm
Yet their excrement bestows higher wisdom

From decay arises new life
Fill myself with that which rots
And I shall be reborn

By writhing upon my belly like a mindless worm
I shall rise up in awareness of truth
I gnaw upon my own decaying flesh
And my mind is forever purged
Of the corruption of faith

Believe in nothingness
There is no purpose in birth
No blessedness after death
Only oblivion

Eat of the dead
For I am like as one who is already dead
Eat of the dead
Lest I be consumed by the emptiness

Annf feth
Tema fentu

Eat of the dead
i used to write poems as a kid used to help me get by. think i might have to start posting some of my old work
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Nick... I get it, but damn dude.. you possess one painfully deep soul, if there is such a thing.

Meh, it is easy to dismiss those words as pessimistic and fraught with sorrow. It takes a special human being to see the BEAUTY in viewing existence in this manner. The comfort of immortality is not exclusive to those with theistic beliefs.
Nah G, I REALLY get it.. I do.. but it is dark as hell. Not that I think truth is suppossed to be all bright and lovely though.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

that @#%! was bugged out, anton

completely blew my high.

My bad, here's something more "positive"

Celebration of Life

I can’t take my eyes off you
Your life is bigger than mine
When my face is riddled with wrinkles
Beckoning the approach of the end
Your starry eyes and piercing supernova cries
Herald the start of a new age.

Dear me I love you
Even if I will leave you
You are from me
And I will come from you
Hush now and I will abide
An immortal of the tribulations
Your blood will be as red as mine
Rising above expectation
Of just resisting to give up
When everyone thought it is the end.

Don’t you forget about me
I’ll be alone
Dancing you know baby
I’ll put us back together at heart!
I celebrate you
The sun rises with you
Your weakness is my strength
I will watch you grow
To be the best life can be!
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

^I read the title.. figured you were being sarcastic, laughed, and left without reading the poem...
I wasn't being sarcastic, it's a good poem. Yes, I celebrate and place a great deal of value on THIS LIFE and wake up every morning and thank goodness I am me and no one else.
I usually don't contribute to these but...

GOD given
Talent challenged the average odd living
Scrounging to even odds tryna satisfy a feeling
If I ain't willing to overcome obsticles when presented
Then the status quo I'm filling is appropriate and fitting

GOD willing
I escape the confines of this prison
Let my mind shape terrain and redefine my existence
Witness beyond dimensions of our physical descriptions
Guiding my third eye to envision my intentions...

There's more, but that's enough.
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