2011 another great year for college football

How do u have that offense, get inside the 40 with 3 timeouts and play for a %$#!%#% FG.

CCK's sphincter gets tight in big games.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Setting Mexicans back, man.
You could tell that he didn't want to be there.
What pissed me off was the holder hyping him up before the kick and giving him a hi-five after they got the 5-yard penalty back. Leave the kicker alone!
You'd think after watching what happened to OK State Chip would've been more aggressive.
why they played for field goal last drive still baffles me....they dont have a good kicker or a good defense to depend on winning in overtime....
Damn, wanted Barkley to ball out but wanted Oregon to win..

Do not want to see an LSU/Bama rematch
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Chip Kelly ruined my birthday. I'm going to go cry in the bathroom like a five year old with a scraped knee.

Feels bad man.

Good game, USC. You deserved it.

Damn. Feels hella bad man. Reminds me of the Cal game in 2007. 

USC came to play and they balled out. I was worried about Barkley and his weapons and I was right. Oregon shot themselves in the foot in that first half with turnovers in the redzone. Kudos to SC for doing their thing and executing on defense for the first 45 minutes of the game.

I too am a little baffled with the play calling towards the end there. I've hated our kicking game all year with Rob Beard not being the full-time guy and it game to bite us in the tail.

Couple of positives though:

- Kenjon came to play too. Guy was going ham in the second half (7.9 ypc).

- David Paulson. That catch was unbelievable. Temper-pedic hands.

- Mamba with his second kickoff return for a TD

Got the Civil War next with the Pac-12 north title on the line and a chance to play in the conference title game and go to the Rose Bowl. That's still a lot to play for and I'm happy I can call that a "disappointment" at this point.

As always, I still love my Ducks.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Stanford kicker

That Cal-Oregon game in 07
haha damn you to hell 

kicking me while on the ground 
 shame on you
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