2012 VOL: we're not gonna die! LOLZ

The Mayans are dumb. One of the wackiest civilization in human history. They cut off their neighbor heads and toss them around for celebration. I'm glad they got raped by the Spaniard and went extinct
Originally Posted by rpjgator

Quick question. Why are people so afraid of a one world government? As long as its done right, what is so wrong with the idea?
Time is MAN MADE

Man created time, it is impossible to know what time the world will end.

Only GOD knows.

So to set a date for the end of the world is rediculous.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Quick question. Why are people so afraid of a one world government? As long as its done right, what is so wrong with the idea?

u just answered ur own question
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

There is a conspiracy theory out there that says this whole 2012 hoopla is just a ploy used to mask the most deceptive agenda by the Global Elite which will achieve their goal in creating the one world government by 2012. Supposedly 2012 holds a lot of symbolism for the Illuminati.

Project Enoch.

Here is a link that gives a good explanation: http://innertech.com/blog...och-2012-and-the-occult/

“Project Enoch
I don't think the world will end in Dec.21 2012

I think the reason that archeologists have tagged this on the Mayan calendar as the end of the world is because the Mayan couldn't continue creating calendars. Spanish explorations and other explorers terminated the civilizations, conquering wiping out the civilization, through wars and disease.

I bet you if they were to continue, they would contribute more to their calendars. I also bet you if we dug more into unmanned territories of the jungles we would find more to the calendar.

There are other cultures that believe in this phenomenon but it's all relatively scattered among different years that we cannot get a keen sense of when the wrath will come.

Scientifically though a known meteor (named Apophis) that has been revolving our universe is scheduled to barley miss Earth in 2029 by hundreds of thousands of miles. But come 2036 when that same meteor makes it's full revolution, it's it scheduled to make impact. They can't estimate how much of a catastrophe, if not any, could this be. The atmosphere might help but they are saying the meteor is about 310 meters long = 1,017ft =1/4 mile.

The world can't end by 2012 there are too many things I want to see in 2013 like the World Trade Center to be finished or Analogue Tv in Australia to be over, or see Obama get reelected, ride the new Airbus.

To conclude I don't believe it, it's another Y2K scare. But if it happens I hope it happens fast enough not to feel any pain or suffering. I want it to be instant and quick out of no where, I don't want to be warned and have to see the end.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

The Mayans are dumb. One of the wackiest civilization in human history. They cut off their neighbor heads and toss them around for celebration. I'm glad they got raped by the Spaniard and went extinct


You're glad people got raped and pillaged for their land? There have been many different tribes/nations all through out world history who had "wacky" cultural traditions.  You might as well praise European Imperialism for all the "great" stuff they've done like slavery and taking over land that isn't theirs, because after all they are only raping "wacky" civilizations. 

And they aren't extinct, the indigenous population can still be found in Guatemala.  
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Quick question. Why are people so afraid of a one world government? As long as its done right, what is so wrong with the idea?

A one world/borderless government would be a catastrophe. Every culture is different and thinks differently. If you instantly change culture that has been operating the same way for thousands of years, people will revolt. I know I would. It will never be done right. We can't even get it right in our own country. One person in charge, Hell even multiple people in charge for a single operation is a call for backstabbing and corruption. Consider it an invasion to people's rights and culture.

Let's say that the main dictator of the world was N.Korea and we agreed upon their style of life, obviously that wouldn't be a good thing. This form of thinking is probably how indigenous people would/ have feel about strangers invading their land.

There are multiple reason to this but I think these are most important:

- Currency is a big part of it not working. There is a reason why currency is different among countries(high/low). It's because the lifestyle/goods/trades/valuables that, that country has to offer is of less/better quality or is/not demanded.

-Beliefs/Religion/nationality is another. People in Jerusalem don't think/care much about Buddhism, so on an so forth. That means we probably would abolish the thought of religion in our government. It would work here in the states but for other countries where religion has a major roll, they would be upset about that. Some people of the world (even our generation) revolve their every spec of life around their beliefs, would be outraged that their religion no longer controls government.

-The world is too big and heavily populated for this to work well. By the time this happens the world will probably be 9 billion strong. Imagine having to police that many people.

I think I would ultimately rather have different nations govern themselves. It keeps the focus strong on what is currently happening in our neck of the woods. We wouldn't have to worry about what goes on in their culture or country. I don't want to have my tax dollars go into something that I will never be involved/care about  somewhere half way across the planet.

I would say people would never ever get used to it. That would be the ultimate demise of the world.
Thread is misleading, thought you had some extra info

But nah I don't think it'll happen
Originally Posted by 6demonbag

The mayans are extinct. Why would I put any faith or belief into their nonsence.

The mayan calendar, nostradamus and all the chicken littles of the world past, present and future can suck it.

This. I don't buy much into that prophecy bs. Just facts and or educated theories. Science is the only answer. People eat this crap up. Don't take it too literaly.
I say hell naw. I think we might experience severe inclimate weather at best. But the ENTIRE world finishing? Can't fade it. Y2K was based on nothing more than that it was the beginning of a new millenium. This has a little more legs due to the fact that it's based on science. I can't bring myself to believing it tho.
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