2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

Gunna, what's your opinion on Terry Joseph? Sounds like he'll be the next DB Coach at TAMU. Looks like a great coach on paper.
hopefully he brings a safety recruit with him after Sumner-Gardener yanked his commitment. 
If Golden indeed does leave there's no one I trust in more to pick up the pieces than Butch Davis.

I wonder if Mixon's commit sticks. I don't dislike OU and wouldn't mind him staying, but it's definitely a miss for UCLA.
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I wonder if Mixon's commit sticks. I don't dislike OU and wouldn't mind him staying, but it's definitely a miss for UCLA.
It sticks. OU coming off a monster upset against Bama. Knight showing flashes of brilliance as a redshirt freshman. Damien Williams was kicked off the team and Clay graduates.

I always felt UCLA was chasing in third behind OU and Wisconsin's monstrous offensive line.
That win against Bama really had nothing to do with it, he's been all OU ever since we stopped recruiting him hard and was all OU even before then. We just had a legit shot, but OU was the team to beat from the jump.
Watkins and Bryant in.
Shazier in.

Brax and Hundley out.

Joe Mixon :smokin

Dude is already recruiting tons of players :smile:
Told you, brotha. Had the feeling months ago.

Vic Beasley too.

Bashaud Breeland, a solid CB who really should stick around because I don't see how he's done enough to warrant declaring is gone along with Stephone Anthony, a really good LB who showed a lot but could also use another year.

So that's 5 from Clemson plus losing Tajh and our two best OL. :x Could be a looooooong 2014.
Vic Beasley too.

Bashaud Breeland, a solid CB who really should stick around because I don't see how he's done enough to warrant declaring is gone along with Stephone Anthony, a really good LB who showed a lot but could also use another year.

So that's 5 from Clemson plus losing Tajh and our two best OL. :x Could be a looooooong 2014.
Artavis Scott licking his chops. Reps will be plentiful. Kitt as well. Milan Richard.

Korie Rogers is undersized. Don't think he's ready to contribute right away.
Hoppin a jet tomorrow....


Looks like a scratch-off. Pretty Cool
Bryant, Anthony & Breeland declaring? Why? Grades or $ concerns ?
Scars and I discussed Bryant earlier. He said grades and having a kid to pay for.

Word is Breeland had a kid this fall too. Haven't heard any reasons for Anthony, no sure it needs to be known if it's personal but there's always rumors.

You never know what could've been, I'm not one of those types that doesn't want a kid to do what's best for himself or hope they fail because they didn't pick or benefit my school but you kinda wonder whether it's the best decision long-term. I mean, there's a HUGE difference between being a 2nd & 4th rounder for example. Yeah, you start getting that money a year earlier a year earlier and there's no more risk of getting injured in college but with how short these NFL careers are and the lack of guaranteed contracts, how relatively small rookie contracts are, etc it can be a bad decision. But if an agent says I'll give you a $XX,XXX advance and get you a car or whatever it is, that's tough.

Like I said, I just hope they can have long careers for their sake and be comfortable....if they're smart with their money too.

Oh yeah, I missed Bryant but I'm pretty sure that's right and Bryant had one in HS or prep and another last year. :smh:
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