2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

Quincy is a Safety at the next level.

Scarlett is good, he's no Jacques Patrick.

Treon could either be Chris Rix or Daymeyune Craig.

He played at safety last night and looked horrible. Had his ankles broken and too many plays like this last night...

Probably gonna outgrow safety too
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Was out there earlier.. Way too cold for me.. I have to save my toes for the game.. Oklahoma cold is way different then Texas cold.. Go Pokes..
haven't too heavily involved in the winston situation but clearly a lot of questions need to be asked...

why was this girl quiet for so long and now that FSU is a top team in the country and winston should the heisman is she coming out in full force?

why didn't she get a rape kit the day after?

most people are talking about if this is true winston won't win the heisman and won't be on the team, but this dude is gonna end up in jail for a long time.

sad to say but the police report says the guy was 5'9-5'11 and winston is 6'4, probably a deciding factor in the case and although the dna matches winston on the girls underwear that could only show that it was consensual as well. unless this girl has pictures of bruising or forced trauma then there isn't so much evidence. then again im not a lawyer or police officer.

rape is a horrible thing and no person male or female should be raped but, these days too many people cry foul on rape bc of embarrassment. look at the duke lax players case and how these peoples lives were ruined and they got kicked out of school etc. yet they were innocent, same thing with the high school football player who went to jail for 5 years only to have the girl admit she made it up. tough situation all around but the facts need to be the facts and no one can jump to any conclusion.

would hate to see winston get off clean if he really did rape her bc he already ruined this girls life but would also hate to see him go to jail and ruin his life if this girl is making false claims.

either way one of these peoples lifes will be ruined unless the facts add up.
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I believe the underwear was put in an evidence bag from the first report way back

One thing I'm confused on is that it seems like they knew each other so why not give out Winston's name when she first reported it
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Has anyone asked themselves the simple question that this broad hasn't washed her underwear in 11 months? #NotClean

LOL nope. I always thought the police had it but with the case being 'closed' i guess not.

or it was held in evidence, but your scenario of she doesn't wash her underwear seems much more plausible.

DNA evidence isn't really damning. he's already admitted to consensual sex.
or it was held in evidence, but your scenario of she doesn't wash her underwear seems much more plausible.

DNA evidence isn't really damning. he's already admitted to consensual sex.

that's the thing without evidence of physical trauma (bruising etc.) the case will be dismissed or he will be found innocent, obviously bc people know it's a football town things make it more interesting if he gets off bc of lack of evidence.
if i'm not mistaken, i heard that the girl's roommate and someone else both had affadavits confirming it was consensual. it even happened at HER place, not his.

also heard that she was the sidechick and got upset when he told her to chill for the weekend and lay low because his real girl was coming into town. so many rumors :smh:
Has anyone asked themselves the simple question that this broad hasn't washed her underwear in 11 months? #NotClean

I said the samething damn thing. But u guess DNA will always be there. In other news Stacy coley is gonna be incredible this year. Thank god I didn't go to the game this morning its raining again lol
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Beginning of the second and UVA has already rushed for me then there season average against us. We can't move the ball at all and there just gonna run it down our throat some more.
Drew Brown and Quin Blanding reaffirmed their commitment to UVA and Coach London.

I wish Urban could away one or both to Columbus.

Turn Drew into Hankins and Quin into Doss/Whitner.
I realize both aren't leaving the state though.

LSU should win in Baton Rouge by controlling tempo and possession with Hill. I think he feasts with an early Thanksgiving. 100+ rushing yards and 2 TD's. Yet I'm picking Money Manziel somehow, more on intuition. 38-35. Evans nabs a TD. Landry for 6/73.

I'm confident OK State will beat the spread/line in Stillwater. I'll go even further to pick the upset. Chelf has gotten better. Baylor on the road. Briles' team looked a little vulnerable early on against OU before turning it on in a major way. 41-38 OK State.
Looking like Winston is going to get off

I think everybody knew this from the get go

Its the after math that will be interesting

will the media and women protest or speak out on Winston just getting off cause he is FSUs golden boy right now?

Its gonna be bad either way UNLESS he can win a ring and maybe the Heisman

when you start winning MOST people seem to forget
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