2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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ESPN is a 24hr a day business on 6 different channels.
When thy get a story, they run with it, You and I would do the same if that was out job.

Put the small things in perspective sometimes,
I'm mostly talking to the under 27 years of age guys.
That life NUT still hasn't been busted.
Just honest
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Feel bad for PG man.  Playing in an exhibition game for his country and that happens 
yall know me better than Kyrie knows George. would you cry if i broke my fingers and couldnt post?

thats wth i thought
There's a difference between knowing you and liking you as a person as far as caring if your fingers broke or w/e reason you couldn't post on NT.

Estimated 9-12 month recovery period.
It shouldn't even take that long. Kevin Ware's injury looked a lot worse, and he was back on the court after 6-7 months. Anderson Silva was back training after 4 months.

Of course they'll probably hold him out for the season to be safe, but bone heals pretty fast. Paul's leg will be even stronger than it was before
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ESPN milking the hell out of this ...

They're desperately waiting for a Kevin Ware tweet and a Derrick Rose reaction
They already interviewed Ware about this live :smh:

I was so ready to turn off the tv if they had showed Ware's injury after PG's injury or side by side.

And the way they zoomed in on Derrick Rose when the team gathered around :smh:

I know man.. That was ****** up.
The expression they caught on his face though :smh:
This wasn't a NBA arena though, has this happened anywhere else?

Yea I know it wasn't at an NBA arena, just pointing out the fact that the NBA needs to do something about the photographers. I've seen too many games where players are landing and slipping over the photographers and their equipment. Even though this is a 1 in a million type injury I think the NBA should learn something from it and do something about pushing those photographers back.

What's wrong with Kyrie crying though? Don't see anything wrong with that.
yall know me better than Kyrie knows George. would you cry if i broke my fingers and couldnt post?

thats wth i thought
There's a difference between knowing you and liking you as a person as far as caring if your fingers broke or w/e reason you couldn't post on NT.


am i not a nice guy?
I'm just saying in general. I don't feel one way about you either way. Thought you were a troll in general but you're a pretty competent poster in S&T but I've noticed for many they still think of you as a troll and you know how ppl are treated around here when they get that label :lol: Word to some of the other replied you got to that post.
Did anybody else feel PG shouldn't have contested that lay up?

Even before I saw the leg I thought "why is he sprinting to contest that?"
This could happen in the driveway shooting with the homies.
Can't blame the scrimmages and whatnot.
Otherwise you'd just skip anything but games all together.
People die in cars, you don't stop driving eh?
Yeah that was the same thing I was thinking.
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