2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

Hard to tell when someone on here is serious or not anymore...but I'm hoping this one wasn't serious

very serious. Jimmer is real life nice. He just never produces when he is called up. Isiah took his starting spot in Sac. What about my post did some seem serious? He has the skill. Hes fast, can shoot, can finish at the rack, and has a pretty average handle. His vision could be better but hes too under sized for the 2 so he has to run point. Hes better than J. Lin, Rubio, george hill, pat bev, and exum in my opinion. Again this is my opinion.

then he's not that nice. Pretty simple really. If you're nice, you show up. If you are not nice, you do not show up.
I honestly don't think it would be a struggle for who's #1 in GS, I don't think that they care, as long as the wins stack up. Dray is the voice of the team, but I don't think that anyone cares who is #1.

I think ultimately KD is going to be the feature guy but it's going totake Steph pulling a Wade after 2011 Finals and relinquishing his position as that guy. But there team is so loaded that it may not actually happen and KD just nukes the league.
I think ultimately KD is going to be the feature guy but it's going totake Steph pulling a Wade after 2011 Finals and relinquishing his position as that guy. But there team is so loaded that it may not actually happen and KD just nukes the league.

I think Steph would, according to what was reported that he told KD during his pitch. Plus, Steph has won everything there is to win and he had/still has his moments to shine, I think he'd take a back seat to KD being the feature.
very serious. Jimmer is real life nice. He just never produces when he is called up. Isiah took his starting spot in Sac. What about my post did some seem serious? He has the skill. Hes fast, can shoot, can finish at the rack, and has a pretty average handle. His vision could be better but hes too under sized for the 2 so he has to run point. Hes better than J. Lin, Rubio, george hill, pat bev, and exum in my opinion. Again this is my opinion.

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 Hes better than J. Lin, Rubio, george hill, pat bev, and exum in my opinion. Again this is my opinion.
Hard to tell when someone on here is serious or not anymore...but I'm hoping this one wasn't serious

very serious. Jimmer is real life nice. He just never produces when he is called up. Isiah took his starting spot in Sac. What about my post did some seem serious? He has the skill. Hes fast, can shoot, can finish at the rack, and has a pretty average handle. His vision could be better but hes too under sized for the 2 so he has to run point. Hes better than J. Lin, Rubio, george hill, pat bev, and exum in my opinion. Again this is my opinion.

then he's not that nice. Pretty simple really. If you're nice, you show up. If you are not nice, you do not show up.

:lol: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :lol: at Jimmer being better than any of those guys listed. I'm not that familiar with Exum's game, but Jimmer doesn't have the explosiveness of Lin and ability to attack like Lin, have the 3 and D capabilities as Hill and Bev, nor have the D and court vision of Rubio. He's basically point guard Chase Budinger
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Jimmer doesn't want to play defense so Jimmer can't play in the league.

If he was even semi committed to defense he would play, but he isn't so he can't.
:lol: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :lol: at Jimmer being better than any of those guys listed. I'm not that familiar with Exum's game, but Jimmer doesn't have the explosiveness of Lin and ability to attack like Lin, have the 3 and D capabilities as Hill and Bev, nor have the D and court vision of Rubio. He's basically point guard Chase Budinger

everyone ive listed Ive actually watched their games. Not highlights on youtube. Like actually watched their games and in my opinion I think that kid is more skilled than them. Although I will give you the defense part on Hill and Beverly as far as rubio nah I would call them both a match on that. Not saying Jimmer will be a superstar never said nothing that like, but those other guys are or once were starters and I feel his game is better than that. Imma say this one more time tho I feel. As in me as in yung16 feels. As in myself.
Jimmer probably has a spot in this league cause of his shooting but you need to be able to do other things okay enough to stay on the floor. Defense is half the game. He needs to be able to run an offense and set guys up. He's just not an NBA defender and he's not a good enough finisher or Ball handler to be a volume scorer.
man i dont get it. Jimmer can murder in the DL and kill in the SL why cant my man steadily do it at NBA level. I know hes better than a lot of other starting PGs in the league.

Hard to tell when someone on here is serious or not anymore...but I'm hoping this one wasn't serious

This can't be, when dudes in here were hyping him up, I watched a game where he subbed in as the SHOOTING GUARD at the 5:47 mark of the first qtr and subbed out at the 9:00 mark of the second qtr. Not once did he touch the ball. A tipped pass, inbounding after a made basket, giving the ref the ball on a dead ball, NOTHING. How that can happen at the highest level and how Jeremy Lin can't go left at the highest level are two things I still can't understand.
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So many what ifs that could've changed the entire course of the league. Pippen getting traded for T-Mac in 97 but MJ killing the deal, Duncan really close to joining Grant and T-Mac in Orlando, Kidd close to joining him in SA but the megamind kid convincing him not to, crazy stuff brehs.

Whoa, never knew about that Scottie/Tmac trade possibility. Tmac my guy, but MJ smart for not wanting to make that move.

I'm glad Duncan didn't go to Orlando cause he had an amazing career but man that would've been a league changer if that had happened. Grant would still be injured but an Orlando Tmac/Duncan combo would've been fun to watch especially vs Kobe/Shaq
Russ is a favorite. Dude hasn't gotten slandered in years.

All you hear about is his triple doubles, him being supposedly as good, if not better than KD, him being "Alpha, and him "playing hard".

Meanwhile, he's a stat ***** that plays 0 defense while having all the tools. But he dunks hard and scowls. So he plays hard :lol:
agreed on everything except having the tools. Defense takes awareness / Iq. Being a great defender can't be taught. It's more to defense then effort and other then having crazy athleticism, what makes him have these defensive tools you speak of. Lot of athletic dudes that can't play d.
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Or when Tony Allen was giving him hell when OKC played the grizz in the playoffs twice.

He would literally give him hell. Underappreciated because it didn't get enough attention.

I love TA, but sometimes he used to get away with murder on KD. Got away with a TON of **** that other players with a lesser rep wouldn't have. :lol: :lol: @Big J 33
knows what's up too, I know it really stood out to us after some game.

TA is skilled at that **** in general. The stuff in that one game was out of control though. :lol:

Show footage of that TA performance on KD to a hardcore 90's Knicks fan and they'll squirt in their boxers before the tape ends.

Yep, he'd get away with straight up murder sometimes. I'm all for physical play, but he'd get away with alot.
Never cared for Tim Duncan or watching him since he's not my type of player style wise but I'm going to miss him like that homeless vagabond outside of the corner store who smiles and says god bless you every time you go in to buy chips and you give him change on your way out.

Then one day you go to the corner store and you haven't seen him for a week after he's been there for 10 years straight since you were a kid and you think "damn, he was a good dude, I hope he's alright...man, time passes for us all 
all this Jimmer talk and no dancing gifs??

dude was ill with the dance moves :pimp:
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