2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

When all is said and done, Arizona is going to trade the 15th pick in last years draft, 79th pick, and 152nd pick for a second rounder in the 50+ range.


You couldn't trade Kolton Miller, Rasheem Greene and Dane Cruikshank for a pick in the 50s this year.

Draft picks are just picks. You have to put names and talent to them.
Howard for a 6th possibly a 5th next year? Damn Oakland why didn’t we do this! Would take Howard over Crowell

Chicago why?

Philly stays blessed with good RB's man

except last year (but that was injuries).. but anyways, now just grab montgomery on singletary if they drop to the 3rd (we dont have a 3rd but we have 2 4ths and a couple extra 2019 picks)




Just keep it going at this point... Reshad Jones and Kiko Alonso next.
Call it a day.


Just keep it going at this point... Reshad Jones and Kiko Alonso next.
Call it a day.

We'll give y'all something for drake.. good lord if we could have Howard and drake to split carries

And now assuming Ajayi signs some place we should be getting a 3rd (foles) and two 4ths (Hicks and Tate) in compensatory picks.. maybe a 7th too (Jordan Matthews or ajayi)
All I know is, I'm still upset the NFL passed that rule to allow for challenging PI's or non-PI calls that coaches think are PI's. I mean, wtf? I think the NFL is so ******* dumb and granted, I don't read a ton of articles or watch or listen to a lot of sports talk shows anymore, but the one's I did, the conversation was on the decision itself and nobody has yet to call in to question the lack of training and accountability of the officials that actually make the calls...I'm tellin' ya'll, this will be another big piece of NFL's downfall. It's ******* stupid.
****, I'm not done yet I just decided...Because I was one of the most adamant of non-Saints fans about how much bs that non-call was in the NFCCG, but this "resolution" totally missed the scope of the problem. It's like that idiom you always here about the medical field these days that they only treat the symptoms, but that doesn't do anything to actually address the root cause, which ultimately perpetuates itself into a new self-inflicted symptom that eventually has to be remedied...and on and ******* on. I see the NFL as the same exact way and it's extremely frustrating. It's moving further and further away from what made the game great in the first place. In my opinion, anyway...

That rant felt like one of those ultimate neck cracks where you release all the tension from each one of your cervical vertabrae's.
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