2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Any NYers actually play at Rucker Park? Never been there I assume it’s always packed or maybe reserved
The more I think about it, I think Warriors leaked the vid so they don’t have to pay Draymond
If there was any legitimacy to the Haynes report about it stemming from contract related tensions I definitely wouldnt expect Curry & the rest of the guys to confirm that allegation in a presser. So I can definitely see why some folks are skeptical bout it all. All in all we will never know what was really said or the truth of it all, just hope this **** gets buried by another dumb NBA story line next week…
That was late-state capitalism Clippers Bev, Timberwolves Bev was different.
If there was any legitimacy to the Haynes report about it stemming from contract related tensions I definitely wouldnt expect Curry & the rest of the guys to confirm that allegation in a presser. So I can definitely see why some folks are skeptical bout it all. All in all we will never know what was really said or the truth of it all, just hope this **** gets buried by another dumb NBA story line next week…

This doesn't read as their dispute being over contract related tensions. This reads as "teammates say Jordan Poole been feeling himself all camp because he's about to get paid".

Draymond PD tried to control the narrative by slandering the victim at first, then the video drops and investigated himself internally and decided some paid time off was the appropriate punishment.

Poole gotta get his bag then demand a trade. Nobody even flinched to come to his rescue or aid.

I’m remembering that next time youre open Kuminga and I could maybe pass to you or not. I was about to get packt out and you just stood there so just stand there now and watch me not pass you the rock
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Steve Kerr got all this smoke for other players around the league when something happens to his players but Dray broke every single code possible on his own team and he more worried about the leak than the actual act. I guess they're really mad that it's been exposed how little respect Dray got for them.
Redeem team was cookie cutter .it's pretty much the same footage they've been using for the past 14 years..I'll give it a solid 6.5/10
Why is it such a big deal the video got leaked? Maybe Draymond should have more self control and not attack teammates over a few jokes smh
Steve Kerr got all this smoke for other players around the league when something happens to his players but Dray broke every single code possible on his own team and he more worried about the leak than the actual act. I guess they're really mad that it's been exposed how little respect Dray got for them.

Draymond PD tried to control the narrative by slandering the victim at first, theb the video drops and investigated himself internally and decided some paid time off was the appropriate punishment.

Poole gotta get his bag then demand a trade. Nobody even flinched to come to his rescue or aid.

I’m remembering that next time youre open Kuminga and I could maybe pass to you or not. I was about to get packt out and you just stops there so just stand there and watch me not pass you the rock

The fear, speculation and projection is off the charts


When the Warriors win (again)….the overcame adversity narrative is going to make y’all head explode :lol:

Get it all it now.
This doesn't read as their dispute being over contract related tensions. This reads as "teammates say Jordan Poole been feeling himself all camp because he's about to get paid".

My bad. More so what Im saying is I wouldnt expect Curry + Teammates to confirm that about Poole at a presser if it was even true..even if that was the case, Id expect him to give the same type of answer he did.
Hilarious to see the dubs scrambling and Dray being all remorseful and introspective considering they weren't gonna do a mother****ing thing about it until the vid came out. That's funny as hell.

They madder at the leaker for making them do something than they are at Dray for knocking a ***** out :lol:
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