2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Kawhi still looks great man. Mean first step to a split on the double team, came down backed down Ant into a turn around next possession and it all looked super easy.
Interesting lineup the Clippers are running out there

How do you consistently score on this after a season worth of reps and continuity? Cause this is their best lineup to me and they're gonna use it a lot I would hope
Yup! I posted about him a while back. He like one of the best lacrosse players ever :lol:. He went to Boys Latin, which is like C conference for basketball, but went crazy there. In college, he was dumb nice. Made the move to NW to hoop, and immediately started ballin.

I think he was with the Wizards last year during preseason. Which was already crazy enough. Crazy story. He be hooping with the brothers, down Brunson.

Boys Latin.

Maryland runs the Lacrosse game.
how can RustyShackleford RustyShackleford not want an invite to the Poole party

Y'all can send the invite, but Imma keep this energy at the function...
It really isnt that hard to see it with him. Its the Jamal Crawford/Lou Will thing, but will deliver in moments of importance.

His ceiling kinda crazy. 3rd quarter he just had was a clinic. And it wasn’t even about the shots that were made or missed. It’s the precision on the cuts, the timing, THE CREATIVITY, and the understanding of the offense and space. Shorty really understands how to play in that way. That’s tough for young guards.
clips have the luxury of being able to sit pg and Kawhi without losing too much ground. They did well last well, but they got the depth this year. Last year they relied on Reggie as their scoring option with the stars out. Should be a top 4 team this yr.

if Mann can hit his open threes that will keep him on the floor
His ceiling kinda crazy. 3rd quarter he just had was a clinic. And it wasn’t even about the shots that were made or missed. It’s the precision on the cuts, the timing, THE CREATIVITY, and the understanding of the offense and space. Shorty really understands how to play in that way. That’s tough for young guards.
I def. trust him more than the Crawford and Lou Wills of the world :lol:
The makings of a good team is there in Minnesota man. KAT is my biggest question mark, they should have beat the Grizzlies and I really look at him as the reason why they lost.

You can’t have that again. Or anything close to it. You have Gobert to play the 5 now and defend 5s and do all the rolling to the basket that you refuse to do. You have everything you need to play the way you want to play and you gotta deliver.
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