2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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That Kevin Durant stuff is corny. But it comes with the territory the way the NBA markets and promotes superstar players over the team compared to other leagues.

Outside of maybe elite qb’s in the NFL, star power runs the NBA. Teams make moves years in advance to get cap space when superstars hit free agency. They market their entire organization around superstar players. It’s been like that since the 80’s. But given that, it’s not surprising that elite star talent is going to make power moves. The NBA business model has always been to put superstars on a God like pedestal, so these front offices and owners really can’t get upset when said start talent makes power moves.
KD just realizing the Nets ain’t winning **** anytime soon and using anything to try to get out…In a couple weeks it will be another reason like he hates the jerseys or something :lol: :smh:
“Do something about the rat problem or I still want out!”
We’re about to enter the age of billionaire players. Way too much money flowing to bring everything to a halt with a lockout.

It doesn't have to be a full blown lockout for them to stick it to the players.
They said KD wouldn’t sit out and thus they should force him to just run it back

Now he pulls a move far worse than sitting out and publically told ownership to fire their coach and GM.

Running it back has a 0 chance of happening now. Talk about toxic

Genius move by KD

I have been saying that the longer teams wait: the less leverage they get. Now they’ll be lucky to get Grant Williams and a 2nd rounder for him 😂
Joe Tsai gotta blow this **** up.

At what point do you just say **** this dude and just take what he can get for both irving and durant and start over. It’s just a bad look with durant trying to be chairman mao in this ****.
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The way they caved so quickly to Myrie, I wouldn't put it past them to fire Marks and Nash only for KD to still want out.
KDs legacy becoming the guy that went to team's that beat him and then thrived would be something. Whenever team loyalty is discussed you could always counter with Bron and maybe KD soon enough.
Yeah KD jumped the shark but I’m still not seeing how owners going to combat this when they can move guys at any point in their contract because “it’s best for the organization”
I think you’ll start seeing more no trade clauses or can’t be traded for 2-3 seasons etc
What does getting rid of Marks and Nash even do for you? Goofy fall guy stuff.

Ben Simmons is who he should actually be directing his anger at for choosing not to play.
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