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A known loudmouth ******* that is known for comparing black people to terrorists does it again. But let us play devil's advocate for the dude. :rolleyes
Who did that? Who defended him? Implying that he was defended when he wasn't would be an inaccurate, sensationalist interpretation.


See man THIS is what I am not rocking with. It goes here way too fast out of that city.

This is just a very unfunny/stupid way of saying F Kyrie. Not even creative.

I wouldn't get to pressed about it. I doubt the shirt maker literally thinks Kyrie is on par with a dictator or terrorist group :lol:

Only people I see thinking this is funny is barstool frat boy follower types.
Think whatever you want, I honestly don't care
FWIW, I think that Portroy or Portnoy or whatever guy is a POS for making that shirt, and a bigger POS for profiting off of it, which he will. As far as THAT guy is concerned, that's what I think of him. My position earlier wasn't about him; it was about us, our site, what we can control.

no need to be snarky, you made a mistake, I just clarified.
Did you make a mistake when you framed a known line stepper like Portnoy as just a run-of-the-mill sports fans to call people taking issue with the tweet/shirt as " hyperventilating contrarian weirdos"?

And I used what I said, because of Antidope's post...

OKB is here to play Devils Advocate Troll. RIP discourse.

Let's bring this back to Basketball then.

I don't think you can take issue with the tone of my post. Given how you move. Just saying
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I actually like the way Kyrie is handling himself barking back and engaging the crowd instead of trying to convince himself he's Gandhi.

It's more genuine and makes for more of an interesting playoff atmosphere when he gives it back IMO.

The Celtics fans who are still torn up about the Kyrie departure just look like some scorned lovers. They should be thrilled he left. They leveled up without him.
Everything going well for the suns and CP. At this point i’m almost already expecting him to get injured.

Think the Nuggets are getting swept. Dubs are probably the worst match-up they could have faced other than the Suns.

And some people will use it as reason to slander Joker’s MVP. But to me it just shows how good he was to get that team to be a 6th seed in the West.
Did you make a mistake when you framed a known line stepper like Portnoy as just a run-of-the-mill sports fans to call people taking issue with the tweet/shirt " hyperventilating contrarian weirdos"?

what was the mistake?

my point is that some percentage of boston fans behaving badly doesn't mean the rest of the fans need to "get over it"
the fact that dave portnoy made the shirt so?

in fact if Portnoy is such an exceptionally awful person as you seem to imply
if anything it further buttresses the point that he's not a representation of celtics fans in general.

and I did not say that people who take issue with the shirt are contrarian weirdos.
i said racism is bad, inappropriate shirts are bad. but drawing more sweeping conclusions about fan behavior in general from the actions of the extreme is the contrarian part.

literally nothing I said was even close to playing devil's advocate for Dave Portnoy.
you just made a mistake, that's fine.
Honestly it’s not even just Boston. (Huge part of it is)

But the Kyrie hate gets real personal with a lot of people…

And it’s weird….
Yup that’s where i am on it. Boston fans are one thing, I fully expect them to pull out all the stops on Irving. Just like Philly with Simmons

But it’s the non Boston fans who’ve all season bashed and said all sorts of things about Irving that’s the weird energy
what was the mistake?

my point is that some percentage of boston fans behaving badly doesn't mean the rest of the fans need to "get over it"
the fact that dave portnoy made the shirt so?

in fact if Portnoy is such an exceptionally awful person as you seem to imply
if anything it further buttresses the point that he's not a representation of celtics fans in general.

and I did not say that people who take issue with the shirt are contrarian weirdos.
i said racism is bad, inappropriate shirts are bad. but drawing more sweeping conclusions about fan behavior in general from the actions of the extreme is the contrarian part.

literally nothing I said was even close to playing devil's advocate for Dave Portnoy.
you just made a mistake, that's fine.
I am not going to engage with this ****, because I have zero interest in discussing this another second with you

Not trying to spend my morning chasing your arguments around just for me to end up being dragged into a rabbit hole, so I can climb out covered in maple syrup and ********

This supposed mistake you keep bringing up is just a way for you to be condescending. Cool.

Have a little above mediocre day Osh

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