2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Back to respond for John! As usual, I'll skip the design question though.

Question #1.) What are your thoughts on the video?

I was driving the "sneakerheads" don't matter bus for a long time, but I think the tide has turned. (This only applies to corporate though - your local Foot Locker still hates sneakerheads). Basically, what a "sneakerhead" is has gotten so watered down that it's mainstream and everybody is a self-professed sneakerhead now. So, it's a numbers game. A "sneakerhead" is now just like a fan of a sports team. You call yourself a fan because you go to a game twice a year and root openly when your team is winning. I call myself a fan and can recite the starters on my team in 1964. "Sneakerheads" just encompass too wide a group to not matter anymore. The real influence of sneakerheads - real OG sneakerheads is that they birthed this whole culture. Nike doesn't love me anymore - I cop, but not everything, but I'm critical and picky. I notice when they screw up. I don't believe the hype. But, those from my generation are responsible for the culture eventually exploding.

He's right about the sneakerhead media though - it's beyond sad.

Overall, I disagree with the article, but that's mainly because the term he's attempting to define is basically meaningless and lines he's drawing to cut the dollar figures are arbitrary.

That said, sneakerheads do overestimate their relevance. There are a lot of middle aged dudes out there buying Air Monarchs.

Question #2.) What is your fondest memory of camping out/waiting in line for sneakers?

I've only waited on line for sneakers once in a my life, and it was kind of by accident. It sucked. I'm not really sure how one can have fond memories waiting on line to buy sneakers? Do soccer moms talk about their best memories waiting in line for Best Buy to open at 4AM on Black Friday?

Question #3.) How do you feel about the idea that younger "sneaker heads" look at sneakers as a necessity instead of a luxury? If so, where could they have learned that from and is that destructive to the community at all?

I'm not really sure this is even that much worse than it always was. I mean, sneakers are just the kiddy status symbol du jour. Whenever I'm presented with these questions, I always think about it this way - Is the disease really more prevalent, or have there just been major advances in diagnostics? I mean, spoiled kids milked their parents' credit cards for the in thing in my generation too, I'm sure. I didn't have social media to see every kid doing it though. Young teenagers will be easily influenced, manically obsessed and obnoxiously conspicuous about anything though. I lost my virginity in bedroom that was covered all four walls, floor to ceiling in pictures of the New Kids on the Block... if it ain't sneakers, it would be something else.

But, If they are really materially different in their attirudes -
Are those shrink-wrapped? Get them out if so, those things have got to breathe a little.

They're still one of my favorite dunks and have a lot of good time memories attached to them.


What do you guys think ? Paid 220.00

That was from what was basically the first "SB is dead" phase. Those are one of the few pairs that I passed on and regret. Colors are very rockable and the inspiration is executed well in the design IMO.

Family vacation > xmas > european > vegas

And I fking love vegas so thats no slant.

Gotta get my opinion in on this one. I agree with that ranking.
@Mints Yeah, they were shrink wrapped when I got them. I immediately took them out of the wrapping tho.

Anybody else feel scrapping off all the paint on the LM's kinda destroys the point of the shoes?
Yeah, I got a pair of the white, and while I'm not going to go out of my way to keep the white on there, I'm not going to scrape the paint off before I even wear them once. Errybody want to rush things.

Anyways heres a vid about how to remove the paint from your LMs if u dont wanna use any type of paint strippers

Not sure mixing bleach with other chemicals is really any better than paint stripper... plus, there's a lot of red comin' off on to those clorox wipes... pretty sure I'm not down with that.
Repped for your reply BIP. Always love hearing your opinions as they're ways so well thought out and written. A lot of insight comes from your responses.
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Agreed!!! :wink:

Anyways heres a vid about how to remove the paint from your LMs if u dont wanna use any type of paint strippers

Just watched..using the shoe protector then applying the Clorox wipes basically removes the shoe protector..I would use a dry cloth (lightly)..with nothing else
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Repped for your reply BIP. Always love hearing your opinions as they're ways so well and thought out and written. A lot of insight comes from your responses.

Thanks, homie.

BTW, a point of clarification for anybody who read my whole post. That bedroom with all the NKOTB posters and BOP/Tiger Bear pics - not mine. :lol:

no sauce for dis boss.....
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@Mints Yeah, they were shrink wrapped when I got them. I immediately took them out of the wrapping tho.

Anybody else feel scrapping off all the paint on the LM's kinda destroys the point of the shoes?

Not necessarily! That's the concept of the shoe.


All my size but I promised myself I wouldn't purchase over the summer. Someone here has to be looking for these. Pretty fair prices.
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not even kidding. idk why but the shoes are getting scrapped, if you can get your hands on a pair do so. if a shop got their shoes released on time (paying on time) they should have them, if they didn't they wont get the shoes. i saw for myself my stores stock got rejected, after he called the rep he found out there is a copyright issue and all the remaining pairs will be shredded. hope some other source confirms this soon.
not even kidding. idk why but the shoes are getting scrapped, if you can get your hands on a pair do so. if a shop got their shoes released on time (paying on time) they should have them, if they didn't they wont get the shoes. i saw for myself my stores stock got rejected, after he called the rep he found out there is a copyright issue and all the remaining pairs will be shredded. hope some other source confirms this soon.

whoa whoa wait, what are you talking about? context?
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